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show pfe next-hop


show pfe next-hop <interface interface-name>

Syntax (TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus Routers)

show pfe next-hop <fpc slot> <interface interface-name><lcc number>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Display Packet Forwarding Engine next-hop information.



Display all Packet Forwarding Engine next-hop information.

fpc slot

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Show the next hops for a Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) slot.

  • On a TX Matrix router, if you specify the number of a T640 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31.
  • On a TX Matrix Plus router, if you specify the number of a T1600 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31.
  • On a TX Matrix Plus router in the TXP-T1600-3D, TXP-T4000-3D, or TXP-Mixed-LCC-3D configuration, if you specify the number of a T1600 or T4000 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 63.

For example, the following commands have the same result:

user@host> show pfe next-hop fpc 1 lcc 1user@host> show pfe next-hop fpc 9
interface interface-name

(Optional) Display the Packet Forwarding Engine next-hop interface.

lcc number

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display Packet Forwarding Engine next-hop interface for a specific T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to a TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display Packet Forwarding Engine next-hop interface for the router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to a TX Matrix Plus router.

Replace number with the following values depending on the LCC configuration:

  • 0 through 3, when T640 routers are connected to a TX Matrix router in a routing matrix.
  • 0 through 3, when T1600 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router in a routing matrix.
  • 0 through 7, when T1600 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs in a routing matrix.
  • 0, 2, 4, or 6, when T4000 routers are connected to a TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs in a routing matrix.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show pfe next-hop
show pfe next-hop fpc (TX Matrix Router)
show pfe next-hop fpc (TX Matrix Plus Router)

Sample Output

show pfe next-hop

user@host> show pfe next-hop
Nexthop Info:
   ID      Type      Interface   Protocol         Encap  Next Hop Addr    MTU
-----  --------  -------------  ---------  ------------  ---------------  -----
    4     Mcast  -                   IPv4             -              0
    5     Bcast  -                   IPv4             -  -                    0
    7   Discard  -                   IPv4             -  -                    0
    8  MDiscard  -                   IPv4             -  -                    0
    9    Reject  -                   IPv4             -  -                    0
   13     Local  -                   IPv4             -         0
   14   Resolve  fxp0.0              IPv4   Unspecified  -                    0
   17     Local  -                   IPv4             -            0
   18   Unicast  fxp0.0              IPv4   Unspecified        0
   21     Local  -                   IPv4             -             0
   22   Unicast  at-0/1/0.0          IPv4      ATM SNAP          4482

show pfe next-hop fpc (TX Matrix Router)

user@host> show pfe next-hop fpc 1
Slot 1
Nexthop Info:
   ID      Type      Interface    Next Hop Addr    Protocol       Encap     MTU
-----  --------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ----
    5     Mcast  -              default                IPv4             -     0
    6     Bcast  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
    8   Discard  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
    9  MDiscard  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
   13     Mcast  -              default                IPV6             -     0
   17  MDiscard  -              -                      IPV6             -     0
   18    Reject  -              -                      IPV6             -     0
   24   Discard  -              -                      None             -     0
   68     Local  -             IPv4             -     0
   69   Resolve  fxp0.0         -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
   70   Unicast  fxp0.0         IPv4   Unspecified     0
  256     Local  -                 IPv4             -     0
  257     Local  -                  IPv4             -     0
  258     Mcast.local..1      default                IPv4   Unspecified     0
  259     Bcast.local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  261   Discard.local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  262  MDiscard.local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  269     Mcast.local..1      default                IPV6   Unspecified     0
  271   Discard.local..1      -                      IPV6   Unspecified     0

show pfe next-hop fpc (TX Matrix Plus Router)

user@host> show pfe next-hop fpc 0
Slot 0

   ID      Type      Interface    Next Hop Addr    Protocol       Encap     MTU
-----  --------  -------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------  ----
   31     Mcast  -              default                IPv4             -     0
   32     Bcast  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
   34   Discard  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
   35  MDiscard  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
   36    Reject  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
   39     Mcast  -              default                IPv6             -     0
   42   Discard  -              -                      IPv6             -     0
   43  MDiscard  -              -                      IPv6             -     0
   44    Reject  -              -                      IPv6             -     0
   49   Receive  -              -                      MPLS             -     0
   50   Discard  -              -                      MPLS             -     0
  111     Mcast  .local..1      default                IPv4   Unspecified     0
  112     Bcast  .local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  114   Discard  .local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  115  MDiscard  .local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  116    Reject  .local..1      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  119     Mcast  .local..1      default                IPv6   Unspecified     0
  122   Discard  .local..1      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  123  MDiscard  .local..1      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  124    Reject  .local..1      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  191     Mcast  .local..2      default                IPv4   Unspecified     0
  192     Bcast  .local..2      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  194   Discard  .local..2      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  195  MDiscard  .local..2      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  196    Reject  .local..2      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  322     Local  -                   IPv4             -     0
  323   Resolve  bcm0.0         -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  326     Local  -                  IPv4             -     0
  327   Resolve  bcm0.0         -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  328     Local  -              fe80::201:ff:fe01:5
                                                       IPv6             -     0
  329   Receive  bcm0.0         ff02::1:ff01:5         IPv6   Unspecified     0
  330   Receive  bcm0.0         fe80::                 IPv6   Unspecified     0
  331   Resolve  bcm0.0         -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  332     Local  -              fec0::a:1:0:5          IPv6             -     0
  333   Receive  bcm0.0         ff02::1:ff00:5         IPv6   Unspecified     0
  334   Receive  bcm0.0         fec0::                 IPv6   Unspecified     0
  335   Resolve  bcm0.0         -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  348     Local  -              IPv4             -     0
  349   Resolve  em0.0          -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  350   Unicast  em0.0        IPv4   Unspecified     0
  357     Local  -              fe80::201:1ff:fe01:5
                                                       IPv6             -     0
  512     Local  -              IPv4             -     0
  513     Local  -                  IPv4             -     0
  515     Local  -              abcd::10:255:178:11
                                                       IPv6             -     0
  516     Local  -              fe80::200:ff:fe00:0
                                                       IPv6             -     0
  517     Local  -                  IPv4             -     0
  518     Mcast  .local..3      default                IPv4   Unspecified     0
  519     Bcast  .local..3      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  521   Discard  .local..3      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  522  MDiscard  .local..3      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  523    Reject  .local..3      -                      IPv4   Unspecified     0
  531     Mcast  .local..3      default                IPv6   Unspecified     0
  533   Discard  .local..3      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  534  MDiscard  .local..3      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  535    Reject  .local..3      -                      IPv6   Unspecified     0
  539    Mgroup  -              -                      IPv4             -     0
  540     Bcast  ge-15/0/3.0    -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  541   Receive  ge-15/0/3.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  542     Local  -                   IPv4             -     0
  543   Resolve  ge-15/0/3.0    -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  544     Bcast  ge-31/0/4.0    -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  545   Receive  ge-31/0/4.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  546     Local  -                   IPv4             -     0
  547   Resolve  ge-31/0/4.0    -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  548   Unicast  ge-31/0/4.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  549   Unicast  ge-15/0/3.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  550     Bcast  ae1.0          -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  551   Receive  ae1.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  552     Local  -                   IPv4             -     0
  553   Resolve  ae1.0          -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  554   Aggreg.  ae1.0          -                      IPv4      Ethernet     0
  555   Unicast  ge-23/0/8.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  556   Unicast  ge-7/0/9.0               IPv4      Ethernet     0
  557   Aggreg.  ae1.0          -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0
  558   Unicast  ge-23/0/8.0    -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0
  559   Unicast  ge-7/0/9.0     -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0
  560   Aggreg.  ae1.0          -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0
  561   Unicast  ge-23/0/8.0    -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0
  562   Unicast  ge-7/0/9.0     -                      MPLS      Ethernet     0

Published: 2013-08-15