Supported Platforms
show pfe statistics ip6
Syntax (TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus Routers)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Display Packet Forwarding Engine IPv6 statistics.
none | — | Display all Packet Forwarding Engine IPv6 statistics. |
fpc slot | — | (TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus router only) (Optional) Display statistics for a Flexible PIC Concentrator slot. On a TX Matrix router, if you specify the number of a T640 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31. Likewise, on a TX Matrix Plus router, if you specify the number of a T1600 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 7. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31. On a TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs, if you specify the number of a T4000 router by using the lcc number option (the recommended method), replace slot with a value from 0 through 63. Otherwise, replace slot with a value from 0 through 31. For example, the following commands have the same result: user@host> show pfe statistics ip6 fpc 1 lcc 1 user@host> show pfe statistics ip6 fpc 9 |
icmp | — | (Optional) Display Packet Forwarding Engine IP ICMP statistics. |
lcc number | — | (TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus router only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display statistics for a specific T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display statistics for a specified router (line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with the following values depending on the LCC configuration:
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show pfe statistics ip6 icmpshow pfe statistics ip6 lcc
Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pfe statistics ip6 command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show pfe statistics ip6 Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description |
ICMP6 Statistics | ICMP6 statistics, including the following:
ICMP6 errors | ICMP6 errors, including the following:
ICMP6 Discards | ICMP6 discard statistics, including the following:
Sample Output
show pfe statistics ip6 icmp
user@host> show pfe statistics ip6 icmp
ICMP6 Statistics: 0 requests 0 network unreachables 0 ttl expired 0 ttl captured 0 redirects 0 mtu exceeded 0 icmp/option handoffs ICMP6 Errors: 0 unknown unreachables 0 unsupported ICMP type 0 unprocessed redirects 0 invalid ICMP type 0 invalid protocol 0 bad input interface 0 throttled icmps 0 runts ICMP6 Discards: 0 multicasts 0 bad source addresses 0 bad dest addresses 0 IP fragments 0 ICMP errors
show pfe statistics ip6 lcc
user@host> show pfe statistics ip6 lcc 0 fpc
sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICMP Statistics: 0 requests 0 network unreachables 0 ttl expired 0 ttl captured 0 redirects 0 mtu exceeded 0 icmp/option handoffs ICMP Errors: 0 unknown unreachables 0 unsupported ICMP type 0 unprocessed redirects 0 invalid ICMP type 0 invalid protocol 0 bad input interface 0 throttled icmps 0 runts ICMP Discards: 0 multicasts 0 bad source addresses 0 bad dest addresses 0 IP fragments 0 ICMP errors