show pim statistics
Syntax (EX Series Switch and the QFX Series)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
inet6 and instance options introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0 for EX Series switches.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.3 for the QFX Series.
Support for bidirectional PIM added in Junos OS Release 12.1.
Display Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) statistics.
none | — | Display PIM statistics. |
inet | inet6 | — | (Optional) Display IPv4 or IPv6 PIM statistics, respectively. |
instance instance-name | — | (Optional) Display statistics for a specific routing instance enabled by Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). |
interface interface-name | — | (Optional) Display statistics about the specified interface. |
logical-system (all | logical-system-name) | — | (Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show pim statisticsshow pim statistics inet interface <interface-name>
show pim statistics inet6 interface <interface-name>
show pim statistics instance <instance-name>
show pim statistics interface <interface-name>
Output Fields
Table 1 describes the output fields for the show pim statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show pim statistics Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description |
Instance | Name of the routing instance. This field only appears if you specify an interface, for example:
Family | Output is for IPv4 or IPv6 PIM statistics. INET indicates IPv4 statistics, and INET6 indicates IPv6 statistics. This field only appears if you specify an interface, for example:
PIM statistics | PIM statistics for all interfaces or for the specified interface. |
PIM message type | Message type for which statistics are displayed. |
Received | Number of received statistics. |
Sent | Number of messages sent of a certain type. |
Rx errors | Number of received packets that contained errors. |
V2 Hello | PIM version 2 hello packets. |
V2 Register | PIM version 2 register packets. |
V2 Register Stop | PIM version 2 register stop packets. |
V2 Join Prune | PIM version 2 join and prune packets. |
V2 Bootstrap | PIM version 2 bootstrap packets. |
V2 Assert | PIM version 2 assert packets. |
V2 Graft | PIM version 2 graft packets. |
V2 Graft Ack | PIM version 2 graft acknowledgment packets. |
V2 Candidate RP | PIM version 2 candidate RP packets. |
V2 State Refresh | PIM version 2 control messages related to PIM dense mode (PIM-DM) state refresh. State refresh is an extension to PIM-DM. It not supported in Junos OS. |
V2 DF Election | PIM version 2 send and receive messages associated with bidirectional PIM designated forwarder election. |
V1 Query | PIM version 1 query packets. |
V1 Register | PIM version 1 register packets. |
V1 Register Stop | PIM version 1 register stop packets. |
V1 Join Prune | PIM version 1 join and prune packets. |
V1 RP Reachability | PIM version 1 RP reachability packets. |
V1 Assert | PIM version 1 assert packets. |
V1 Graft | PIM version 1 graft packets. |
V1 Graft Ack | PIM version 1 graft acknowledgment packets. |
AutoRP Announce | Auto-RP announce packets. |
AutoRP Mapping | Auto-RP mapping packets. |
AutoRP Unknown type | Auto-RP packets with an unknown type. |
Anycast Register | Auto-RP announce packets. |
Anycast Register Stop | Auto-RP announce packets. |
Global Statistics | Summary of PIM statistics for all interfaces. |
Hello dropped on neighbor policy | Number of hello packets dropped because of a configured neighbor policy. |
Unknown type | Number of PIM control packets received with an unknown type. |
V1 Unknown type | Number of PIM version 1 control packets received with an unknown type. |
Unknown Version | Number of PIM control packets received with an unknown version. The version is not version 1 or version 2. |
Neighbor unknown | Number of PIM control packets received (excluding PIM hello) without first receiving the hello packet. |
Bad Length | Number of PIM control packets received for which the packet size does not match the PIM length field in the packet. |
Bad Checksum | Number of PIM control packets received for which the calculated checksum does not match the checksum field in the packet. |
Bad Receive If | Number of PIM control packets received on an interface that does not have PIM configured. |
Rx Bad Data | Number of PIM control packets received that contain data for TCP Bad register packets. |
Rx Intf disabled | Number of PIM control packets received on an interface that has PIM disabled. |
Rx V1 Require V2 | Number of PIM version 1 control packets received on an interface configured for PIM version 2. |
Rx V2 Require V1 | Number of PIM version 2 control packets received on an interface configured for PIM version 1. |
Rx Register not RP | Number of PIM register packets received when the router is not the RP for the group. |
Rx Register no route | Number of PIM register packets received when the RP does not have a unicast route back to the source. |
Rx Register no decap if | Number of PIM register packets received when the RP does not have a de-encapsulation interface. |
Null Register Timeout | Number of NULL register timeout packets. |
RP Filtered Source | Number of PIM packets received when the router has a source address filter configured for the RP. |
Rx Unknown Reg Stop | Number of register stop messages received with an unknown type. |
Rx Join/Prune no state | Number of join and prune messages received for which the router has no state. |
Rx Join/Prune on upstream if | Number of join and prune messages received on the interface used to reach the upstream router, toward the RP. |
Rx Join/Prune for invalid group | Number of join or prune messages received for invalid multicast group addresses. |
Rx Join/Prune messages dropped | Number of join and prune messages received and dropped. |
Rx sparse join for dense group | Number of PIM sparse mode join messages received for a group that is configured for dense mode. |
Rx Graft/Graft Ack no state | Number of graft and graft acknowledgment messages received for which the router or switch has no state. |
Rx Graft on upstream if | Number of graft messages received on the interface used to reach the upstream router, toward the RP. |
Rx CRP not BSR | Number of BSR messages received in which the PIM message type is Candidate-RP-Advertisement, not Bootstrap. |
Rx BSR when BSR | Number of BSR messages received in which the PIM message type is Bootstrap. |
Rx BSR not RPF if | Number of BSR messages received on an interface that is not the RPF interface. |
Rx unknown hello opt | Number of PIM hello packets received with options that Junos OS does not support. |
Rx data no state | Number of PIM control packets received for which the router has no state for the data type. |
Rx RP no state | Number of PIM control packets received for which the router has no state for the RP. |
Rx aggregate | Number of PIM aggregate MDT packets received. |
Rx malformed packet | Number of PIM control packets received with a malformed IP unicast or multicast address family. |
No RP | Number of PIM control packets received with no RP address. |
No register encap if | Number of PIM register packets received when the first-hop router does not have an encapsulation interface. |
No route upstream | Number of PIM control packets received when the router does not have a unicast route to the the interface used to reach the upstream router, toward the RP. |
Nexthop Unusable | Number of PIM control packets with an unusable nexthop. A path can be unusable if the route is hidden or the link is down. |
RP mismatch | Number of PIM control packets received for which the router has an RP mismatch. |
RP mode mismatch | RP mode (sparse or bidirectional) mismatches encountered when processing join and prune messages. |
RPF neighbor unknown | Number of PIM control packets received for which the router has an unknown RPF neighbor for the source. |
Rx Joins/Prunes filtered | The number of join and prune messages filtered because of configured route filters and source address filters. |
Tx Joins/Prunes filtered | The number of join and prune messages filtered because of configured route filters and source address filters. |
Embedded-RP invalid addr | Number of packets received with an invalid embedded RP address in PIM join messages and other types of messages sent between routing domains. |
Embedded-RP limit exceed | Number of times the limit configured with the maximum-rps statement is exceeded. The maximum-rps statement limits the number of embedded RPs created in a specific routing instance. The range is from 1 through 500. The default is 100. |
Embedded-RP added | Number of packets in which the embedded RP for IPv6 is added. The following receive events trigger extraction of an IPv6 embedded RP address on the router:
An embedded RP node discovered through these receive events is added if it does not already exist on the routing platform. |
Embedded-RP removed | Number of packets in which the embedded RP for IPv6 is removed. The embedded RP is removed whenever all PIM join states using this RP are removed or the configuration changes to remove the embedded RP feature. |
Rx Register msgs filtering drop | Number of received register messages dropped because of a filter configured for PIM register messages. |
Tx Register msgs filtering drop | Number of register messages dropped because of a filter configured for PIM register messages. |
Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-Bidir if | Error counter for join and prune messages received on non-bidirectional PIM interfaces. |
Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-DF if | Error counter for join and prune messages received on non-designated forwarder interfaces. |
V4 (S,G) Maximum | Maximum number of (S,G) IPv4 multicast routes accepted for the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) routing instance. If this number is met, additional (S,G) entries are not accepted. |
V4 (S,G) Accepted | Number of accepted (S,G) IPv4 multicast routes. |
V4 (S,G) Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of (S,G) IPv4 multicast routes accepted by the device). |
V4 (S,G) Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
V6 (S,G) Maximum | Maximum number of (S,G) IPv6 multicast routes accepted for the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) routing instance. If this number is met, additional (S,G) entries are not accepted. |
V6 (S,G) Accepted | Number of accepted (S,G) IPv6 multicast routes. |
V6 (S,G) Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of (S,G) IPv6 multicast routes accepted by the device). |
V6 (S,G) Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Maximum | Maximum number of group-to-rendezvous point (RP) IPv4 multicast mappings accepted for the VRF routing instance. If this number is met, additional mappings are not accepted. |
V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Accepted | Number of accepted group-to-RP IPv4 multicast mappings. |
V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of group-to-RP IPv4 multicast mappings accepted by the device). |
V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Maximum | Maximum number of group-to RP IPv6 multicast mappings accepted for the VRF routing instance. If this number is met, additional mappings are not accepted. |
V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Accepted | Number of accepted group-to-RP IPv6 multicast mappings. |
V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of group-to-RP IPv6 multicast mappings accepted by the device). |
V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
V4 Register Maximum | Maximum number of IPv4 PIM registers accepted for the VRF routing instance. If this number is met, additional PIM registers are not accepted. You configure the register limits on the RP. |
V4 Register Accepted | Number of accepted IPv4 PIM registers. |
V4 Register Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of IPv4 PIM registers accepted by the device). |
V4 Register Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
V6 Register Maximum | Maximum number of IPv6 PIM registers accepted for the VRF routing instance. If this number is met, additional PIM registers are not accepted. You configure the register limits on the RP. |
V6 Register Accepted | Number of accepted IPv6 PIM registers. |
V6 Register Threshold | Threshold at which a warning message is logged (percentage of the maximum number of IPv6 PIM registers accepted by the device). |
V6 Register Log Interval | Time (in seconds) between consecutive log messages. |
Sample Output
show pim statistics
user@host> show pim statistics
PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 15 32 0 V2 Register 0 362 0 V2 Register Stop 483 0 0 V2 Join Prune 18 518 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 V2 State Refresh 0 0 0 V2 DF Election 0 0 0 V1 Query 0 0 0 V1 Register 0 0 0 V1 Register Stop 0 0 0 V1 Join Prune 0 0 0 V1 RP Reachability 0 0 0 V1 Assert 0 0 0 V1 Graft 0 0 0 V1 Graft Ack 0 0 0 AutoRP Announce 0 0 0 AutoRP Mapping 0 0 0 AutoRP Unknown type 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0 Global Statistics Hello dropped on neighbor policy 0 Unknown type 0 V1 Unknown type 0 Unknown Version 0 Neighbor unknown 0 Bad Length 0 Bad Checksum 0 Bad Receive If 0 Rx Bad Data 0 Rx Intf disabled 0 Rx V1 Require V2 0 Rx V2 Require V1 0 Rx Register not RP 0 Rx Register no route 0 Rx Register no decap if 0 Null Register Timeout 0 RP Filtered Source 0 Rx Unknown Reg Stop 0 Rx Join/Prune no state 0 Rx Join/Prune on upstream if 0 Rx Join/Prune for invalid group 5 Rx Join/Prune messages dropped 0 Rx sparse join for dense group 0 Rx Graft/Graft Ack no state 0 Rx Graft on upstream if 0 Rx CRP not BSR 0 Rx BSR when BSR 0 Rx BSR not RPF if 0 Rx unknown hello opt 0 Rx data no state 0 Rx RP no state 0 Rx aggregate 0 Rx malformed packet 0 Rx illegal TTL 0 Rx illegal destination address 0 No RP 0 No register encap if 0 No route upstream 0 Nexthop Unusable 0 RP mismatch 0 RP mode mismatch 0 RPF neighbor unknown 0 Rx Joins/Prunes filtered 0 Tx Joins/Prunes filtered 0 Embedded-RP invalid addr 0 Embedded-RP limit exceed 0 Embedded-RP added 0 Embedded-RP removed 0 Rx Register msgs filtering drop 0 Tx Register msgs filtering drop 0 Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-Bidir if 0 Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-DF if 0
Sample Output
show pim statistics inet interface <interface-name>
user@host> show pim statistics inet interface
Instance: PIM.master Family: INET PIM Interface statistics for ge-0/3/0.0 PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 0 4 0 V2 Register 0 0 0 V2 Register Stop 0 0 0 V2 Join Prune 0 0 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 V1 Query 0 0 0 V1 Register 0 0 0 V1 Register Stop 0 0 0 V1 Join Prune 0 0 0 V1 RP Reachability 0 0 0 V1 Assert 0 0 0 V1 Graft 0 0 0 V1 Graft Ack 0 0 0 AutoRP Announce 0 0 0 AutoRP Mapping 0 0 0 AutoRP Unknown type 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0
Sample Output
show pim statistics inet6 interface <interface-name>
user@host> show pim statistics inet6 interface
Instance: PIM.master Family: INET6 PIM Interface statistics for ge-0/3/0.0 PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 0 4 0 V2 Register 0 0 0 V2 Register Stop 0 0 0 V2 Join Prune 0 0 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0
show pim statistics instance <instance-name>
user@host> show pim statistics instance VPN-A
PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 31 37 0 V2 Register 0 0 0 V2 Register Stop 0 0 0 V2 Join Prune 0 16 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 V2 State Refresh 0 0 0 V2 DF Election 0 0 0 V1 Query 0 0 0 V1 Register 0 0 0 V1 Register Stop 0 0 0 V1 Join Prune 0 0 0 V1 RP Reachability 0 0 0 V1 Assert 0 0 0 V1 Graft 0 0 0 V1 Graft Ack 0 0 0 AutoRP Announce 0 0 0 AutoRP Mapping 0 0 0 AutoRP Unknown type 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0 Global Statistics Hello dropped on neighbor policy 0 Unknown type 0 V1 Unknown type 0 Unknown Version 0 Neighbor unknown 0 Bad Length 0 Bad Checksum 0 Bad Receive If 0 Rx Bad Data 0 Rx Intf disabled 0 Rx V1 Require V2 0 Rx V2 Require V1 0 Rx Register not RP 0 Rx Register no route 0 Rx Register no decap if 0 Null Register Timeout 0 RP Filtered Source 0 Rx Unknown Reg Stop 0 Rx Join/Prune no state 0 Rx Join/Prune on upstream if 0 Rx Join/Prune for invalid group 0 Rx Join/Prune messages dropped 0 Rx sparse join for dense group 0 Rx Graft/Graft Ack no state 0 Rx Graft on upstream if 0 Rx CRP not BSR 0 Rx BSR when BSR 0 Rx BSR not RPF if 0 Rx unknown hello opt 0 Rx data no state 0 Rx RP no state 0 Rx aggregate 0 Rx malformed packet 0 Rx illegal TTL 0 Rx illegal destination address 0 No RP 0 No register encap if 0 No route upstream 28 Nexthop Unusable 0 RP mismatch 0 RP mode mismatch 0 RPF neighbor unknown 0 Rx Joins/Prunes filtered 0 Tx Joins/Prunes filtered 0 Embedded-RP invalid addr 0 Embedded-RP limit exceed 0 Embedded-RP added 0 Embedded-RP removed 0 Rx Register msgs filtering drop 0 Tx Register msgs filtering drop 0 Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-Bidir if 0 Rx Bidir Join/Prune on non-DF if 0 V4 (S,G) Maximum 10 V4 (S,G) Accepted 9 V4 (S,G) Threshold 80 V4 (S,G) Log Interval 80 V6 (S,G) Maximum 8 V6 (S,G) Accepted 8 V6 (S,G) Threshold 50 V6 (S,G) Log Interval 100 V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Maximum 100 V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Accepted 5 V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Threshold 80 V4 (grp-prefix, RP) Log Interval 10 V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Maximum 20 V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Accepted 0 V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Threshold 90 V6 (grp-prefix, RP) Log Interval 20 V4 Register Maximum 100 V4 Register Accepted 10 V4 Register Threshold 80 V4 Register Log Interval 10 V6 Register Maximum 20 V6 Register Accepted 0 V6 Register Threshold 90 V6 Register Log Interval 20
Sample Output
show pim statistics interface <interface-name>
user@host> show pim statistics interface ge-0/3/0.0
Instance: PIM.master Family: INET PIM Interface statistics for ge-0/3/0.0 PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 0 3 0 V2 Register 0 0 0 V2 Register Stop 0 0 0 V2 Join Prune 0 0 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 V1 Query 0 0 0 V1 Register 0 0 0 V1 Register Stop 0 0 0 V1 Join Prune 0 0 0 V1 RP Reachability 0 0 0 V1 Assert 0 0 0 V1 Graft 0 0 0 V1 Graft Ack 0 0 0 AutoRP Announce 0 0 0 AutoRP Mapping 0 0 0 AutoRP Unknown type 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0 Instance: PIM.master Family: INET6 PIM Interface statistics for ge-0/3/0.0 PIM Message type Received Sent Rx errors V2 Hello 0 3 0 V2 Register 0 0 0 V2 Register Stop 0 0 0 V2 Join Prune 0 0 0 V2 Bootstrap 0 0 0 V2 Assert 0 0 0 V2 Graft 0 0 0 V2 Graft Ack 0 0 0 V2 Candidate RP 0 0 0 Anycast Register 0 0 0 Anycast Register Stop 0 0 0