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show pppoe underlying-interfaces


show pppoe underlying-interfaces<brief | detail | extensive><lockout><logical-interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.0.

lockout option added in Junos OS Release 11.4.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) Display information about PPPoE underlying interfaces.


brief | detail | extensive

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display summary information about the lockout condition and the lockout grace period for PPPoE clients on the PPPoE underlying interface.


(Optional) Name of a PPPoE underlying logical interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show pppoe underlying-interfaces brief
show pppoe underlying-interfaces detail
show pppoe underlying-interfaces extensive
show pppoe underlying-interfaces extensive (PPPoE client in lockout condition)
show pppoe underlying-interfaces lockout
show pppoe underlying-interfaces detail (Autosensing Configured for ACI-based Dynamic VLANs)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pppoe underlying-interfaces command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pppoe underlying-interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Underlying Interface

Name of the PPPoE underlying logical interface.

All levels

Service Name Table

Name of the service name table.

All levels

Dynamic Profile

Name of the dynamic profile that was used to create this interface. If the interface was statically created, then the value is none.

All levels


Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence.

detail extensive


Origin of the logical interface: Static or Dynamic. Indicates whether the interface was statically or dynamically created.

detail extensive

Operational States

Fields in this block are actual operational values rather than simply the configured values. The operational values can be the result of RADIUS-initiated changes.

detail extensive

Max Sessions

Maximum number of PPPoE logical interfaces that can be activated on the underlying interface. When this number of logical interfaces has been established, all subsequent PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) packets are dropped and all subsequent PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR) packets trigger PPPoE Active Discovery Session (PADS) error responses.

detail extensive

Max Sessions VSA Ignore

Whether the router is configured to ignore (clear) the PPPoE maximum session value returned by RADIUS in the Max-Clients-Per-Interface Juniper Networks VSA [26-143] and restore the PPPoE maximum session value on the underlying interface to the value configure with the max-sessions statement: Off (default) or On.

detail extensive none

Active Sessions

Number of active PPPoE sessions on the underlying interface. If a dynamic profile is listed, then it is the number of active PPPoE sessions on the underlying interface that are using this profile. The Active Sessions value must not exceed the Max Sessions value.

detail extensive

Agent Circuit Identifier

Whether the underlying interface is configured to enable creation of (autosense) dynamic VLAN subscriber interfaces based on agent circuit identifier (ACI) information. Autosensing indicates that creation of ACI-based dynamic VLAN interfaces is enabled on the underlying interface. If creation of ACI-based dynamic VLANs is not configured on the underlying interface, this field does not appear.

detail extensive none

Duplicate Protection

State of PPPoE duplicate protection: On or Off. When duplicate protection is configured for the underlying interface, a dynamic PPPoE logical interface cannot be activated when an existing active logical interface is present for the same PPPoE client. The uniqueness of the PPPoE client is determined by the client's MAC address.

detail extensive

Short Cycle Protection

State of PPPoE short cycle protection: On or Off. Enabling short cycle protection, also known as PPPoE lockout, on the PPPoE underlying interface temporarily prevents (locks out) a failed or short-lived (short-cycle) PPPoE subscriber session from reconnecting to the router for a default or configurable period of time. PPPoE client sessions are identified by their unique media access control (MAC) source address.

detail extensive

AC Name

Name of the access concentrator.

detail extensive


Number of packets sent and received during the PPPoE session, categorized by packet type and packet errors:

  • PADI—PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation packets.
  • PADO—PPPoE Active Discovery Offer packets.
  • PADR—PPPoE Active Discovery Request packets.
  • PADS—PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation packets.
  • PADT—PPPoE Active Discovery Termination packets.
  • Service name error—Packets for which the Service-Name request could not be honored.
  • AC system error—Packets for which the access concentrator experienced an error in performing the host request. For example, the host had insufficient resources to create a virtual circuit.
  • Generic error—Packets that indicate an unrecoverable error occurred.
  • Malformed packets—Malformed or short packets that caused the packet handler to discard the frame as unreadable.
  • Unknown packets—Unrecognized packets.


Lockout Time (sec)

The PPPoE lockout time range, the number of PPPoE clients in lockout condition, and the number of PPPoE clients in a lockout grace period if Short Cycle Protection is enabled (On):

  • Min—Minimum lockout time, in seconds, configured on the PPPoE underlying interface.
  • Max—Maximum lockout time, in seconds, configured on the PPPoE underlying interface.
  • Total clients in lockout—Number of PPPoE clients currently undergoing lockout.
  • Total clients in lockout grace period—Number of PPPoE clients currently in a lockout grace period. A lockout grace period occurs when the time between lockout events is greater than either 15 minutes or the maximum lockout time.


Client Address

MAC source address of the PPPoE client.



Current lockout time, in seconds; displays 0 (zero) if the PPPoE client is not undergoing lockout.



Time elapsed into the lockout period, in seconds; displays 0 (zero) if the PPPoE client is not undergoing lockout



Lockout time, in seconds, that the router uses for the next lockout event; displays a nonzero value if the PPPoE client is currently in a lockout grace period.


Sample Output

show pppoe underlying-interfaces brief

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces brief
Underlying Interface    Service Name Table    Dynamic Profile
ge-4/0/3.1              Premium               None
ge-4/0/3.2              None                  PppoeProfile

show pppoe underlying-interfaces detail

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces detail
ge-4/0/3.1 Index 73
  Operational States:
  State: Static, Dynamic Profile: None,
  Max Sessions: 4000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off, 
  Active Sessions: 0,
  Service Name Table: Premium, 
  AC Name: velorum, Duplicate Protection: Off,
  Short Cycle Protection: On

ge-4/0/3.2 Index 78
  Operational States:
  State: Dynamic, Dynamic Profile: PppoeProfile,
  Max Sessions: 500, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off, 
  Active Sessions: 3,
  Service Name Table: None, 
  AC Name: velorum, Duplicate Protection: On,
  Short Cycle Protection: On

show pppoe underlying-interfaces extensive

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces extensive
ge-4/0/3.1 Index 73
  Operational States:
  State: Static, Dynamic Profile: None,
  Max Sessions: 4000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore Off, 
  Active Sessions: 0,
  Service Name Table: None, 
  AC Name: velorum, Duplicate Protection: Off,
  Short Cycle Protection: Off

  PacketType                       Sent         Received

    PADI                              0                0
    PADO                              0                0
    PADR                              0                0
    PADS                              0                0
    PADT                              0                0
    Service name error                0                0
    AC system error                   0                0
    Generic error                     0                0
    Malformed packets                 0                0
    Unknown packets                   0                0

ge-4/0/3.2 Index 78
  Operational States:
  State: Dynamic, Dynamic Profile: PppoeProfile,
  Max Sessions: 4000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off
  Active Sessions: 3,
  Service Name Table: None, 
  AC Name: velorum, Duplicate Protection: Off,
  Short Cycle Protection: Off

  PacketType                       Sent         Received
    PADI                              0                5
    PADO                              5                0
    PADR                              0                5
    PADS                              4                0
    PADT                              0                1
    Service name error                0                0
    AC system error                   0                0
    Generic error                     0                0
    Malformed packets                 0                0
    Unknown packets                   0                0

show pppoe underlying-interfaces extensive (PPPoE client in lockout condition)

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces ge-1/0/0/.0 extensive
ge-1/0/0.0 Index 71
  State: Static, Dynamic Profile: None,
  Max Sessions: 32000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off,
  Active Sessions: 0,
  Service Name Table: None,
  AC name: winona, Duplicate Protection: On, 
  Short Cycle Protection: On

  PacketType                       Sent         Received
    PADI                              0                7
    PADO                              3                0
    PADR                              0                3
    PADS                              3                0
    PADT                              2                1
    Service name error                0                0
    AC system error                   0                0
    Generic error                     0                0
    Malformed packets                 0                0
    Unknown packets                   0                0

  Lockout Time (sec):  Min: 1, Max: 30
    Total clients in lockout: 1
    Total clients in lockout grace period: 0

  Client Address             Current     Elapsed    Next
    00:10:94:00:00:01              4           3       8       

show pppoe underlying-interfaces lockout

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces ge-1/0/0.0 lockout
ge-1/0/0.0 Index 71
  Short Cycle Protection: On, 
  Lockout Time (sec):  Min: 10, Max: 60
    Total clients in lockout: 0
    Total clients in lockout grace period: 0

show pppoe underlying-interfaces detail (Autosensing Configured for ACI-based Dynamic VLANs)

user@host> show pppoe underlying-interfaces demux0.1073741826 detail
demux0.1073741826 Index 345
  State: Dynamic, Dynamic Profile: aci-vlan-pppoe-profile,
  Max Sessions: 32000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off,
  Active Sessions: 1,
  Agent Circuit Identifier: Autosensing,
  Service Name Table: None,
  Duplicate Protection: On, Short Cycle Protection: Off,
  AC Name: nbc,

Published: 2013-03-14