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show route advertising-protocol


show route advertising-protocol protocol neighbor-address<brief | detail | extensive | terse><logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Display the routing information as it has been prepared for advertisement to a particular neighbor of a particular dynamic routing protocol.


brief | detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system.


Address of the neighboring router to which the route entry is being transmitted.


Protocol transmitting the route:

  • bgp—Border Gateway Protocol
  • dvmrp—Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
  • msdp—Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
  • pim—Protocol Independent Multicast
  • rip—Routing Information Protocol
  • ripng—Routing Information Protocol next generation

Additional Information

Routes displayed are routes that the routing table has exported into the routing protocol and that have been filtered by the associated protocol's export routing policy statements.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show route advertising-protocol bgp (Layer 3 VPN)
show route advertising-protocol bgp detail
show route advertising-protocol bgp detail (Layer 2 VPN)
show route advertising-protocol bgp detail (Layer 3 VPN)
show route advertising-protocol bgp extensive all (Next Hop Self with RIB-out IP Address)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show route advertising-protocol command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show route advertising-protocol Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the routing table—for example, inet.0.

All levels

number destinations

Number of destinations for which there are routes in the routing table.

All levels

number routes

Number of routes in the routing table and total number of routes in the following states:

  • active (routes that are active)
  • holddown (routes that are in the pending state before being declared inactive)
  • hidden (routes that are not used because of a routing policy)

All levels


Destination prefix.

brief none

destination-prefix (entry , announced)

Destination prefix. The entry value is the number of routes for this destination, and the announced value is the number of routes being announced for this destination.

detail extensive

BGP group and type

BGP group name and type (Internal or External).

detail extensive

Route Distinguisher

Unique 64-bit prefix augmenting each IP subnet.

detail extensive

Advertised Label

Incoming label advertised by the LDP. When an IP packet enters a label-switched path (LSP), the ingress router examines the packet and assigns it a label based on its destination, placing the label in the packet's header. The label transforms the packet from one that is forwarded based on its IP routing information to one that is forwarded based on information associated with the label.

detail extensive

Label-Base, range

First label in a block of labels and label block size. A remote PE router uses this first label when sending traffic toward the advertising PE router.

detail extensive

VPN Label

Virtual private network (VPN) label. Packets are sent between CE and PE routers by advertising VPN labels. VPN labels transit over either an RSVP or an LDP LSP tunnel.

detail extensive


Next hop to the destination. An angle bracket (>) indicates that the route is the selected route.

If the next-hop advertisement to the peer is Self, and the RIB-out next hop is a specific IP address, the RIB-out IP address is included in the extensive output. See show route advertising-protocol bgp extensive all (Next Hop Self with RIB-out IP Address).

All levels


Multiple exit discriminator value included in the route.


Lclpref or Localpref

Local preference value included in the route.

All levels

AS path

AS path through which the route was learned. The letters at the end of the AS path indicate the path origin, providing an indication of the state of the route at the point at which the AS path originated:

  • I—IGP.
  • E—EGP.
  • ?—Incomplete; typically, the AS path was aggregated.

    When AS path numbers are included in the route, the format is as follows:

  • [ ]—Brackets enclose the local AS number associated with the AS path if configured on the router, or if AS path prepending is configured.
  • { }—Braces enclose AS sets, which are groups of AS numbers in which the order does not matter. A set commonly results from route aggregation. The numbers in each AS set are displayed in ascending order.
  • ( )—Parentheses enclose a confederation.
  • ( [ ] )—Parentheses and brackets enclose a confederation set.

Note: In Junos OS Release 10.3 and later, the AS path field displays an unrecognized attribute and associated hexadecimal value if BGP receives attribute 128 (attribute set) and you have not configured an independent domain in any routing instance.

All levels


Community path attribute for the route. See the output field table for the show route detail command for all possible values for this field.

detail extensive


Accumulated interior gateway protocol (AIGP) BGP attribute.

detail extensive

Attrset AS

Number, local preference, and path of the autonomous system (AS) that originated the route. These values are stored in the Attrset attribute at the originating router.

detail extensive

Layer2-info: encaps

Layer 2 encapsulation (for example, VPLS).

detail extensive

control flags

Control flags: none or Site Down.

detail extensive


Maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the Layer 2 circuit.

detail extensive

Sample Output

show route advertising-protocol bgp (Layer 3 VPN)

user@host> show route advertising-protocol bgp
      VPN-A.inet.0: 6 destinations, 6 routes (6 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) 
      Prefix             Nexthop                MED    Lclpref AS path   Self                     1        100 I 
      VPN-B.inet.0: 6 destinations, 6 routes (6 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) 
      Prefix             Nexthop                MED    Lclpref AS path   Self                     2        100 I 

show route advertising-protocol bgp detail

user@host> show route advertising-protocol bgp detail
bgp20.inet.0: 4 destinations, 4 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) (1 entry, 1 announced)
 BGP group pe-pe type Internal
     Route Distinguisher:
     Advertised Label: 100000
     next hop: Self
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: 2 I
     Communities: target:69:20
     AIGP 210 (1 entry, 1 announced)
 BGP group pe-pe type Internal
     Route Distinguisher:
     Advertised Label: 100000
     Next hop: Self
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: 2 I
     Communities: target:69:20
     AIGP 210

show route advertising-protocol bgp detail (Layer 2 VPN)

user@host> show route advertising-protocol bgp detail
vpn-a.l2vpn.0: 3 destinations, 3 routes (3 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) (1 entry, 1 announced)
 BGP group int type Internal
     Route Distinguisher:
     Label-base : 32768, range : 3
     Nexthop: Self
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:65412:100 
     AIGP 210
     Layer2-info: encaps:VLAN, control flags:, mtu:

show route advertising-protocol bgp detail (Layer 3 VPN)

user@host> show route advertising-protocol bgp detail
vpna.inet.0: 5 destinations, 5 routes (5 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
* (1 entry, 1 announced)
 BGP group ibgp type Internal
     Route Distinguisher:
     VPN Label: 101264
     Nexthop: Self
     Localpref: 100
     AS path: I
     Communities: target:200:100
     AIGP 210
     AttrSet AS: 100
         Localpref: 100
         AS path: I

show route advertising-protocol bgp extensive all (Next Hop Self with RIB-out IP Address)

user@host> show route advertising-protocol bgp extensive all
inet.0: 13 destinations, 19 routes (13 active, 0 holddown, 6 hidden) (2 entries, 1 announced)
 BGP group eBGP-INTEROP type External
     Nexthop: Self (rib-out
     AS path: [4713] 200 I

Published: 2013-03-14