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show services service-sets summary


show services service-sets summary<interface interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Display service set summary information.



Display service set summary information for all adaptive services interfaces.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display service set summary information for a particular interface. On M Series and T Series routers, interface-name can be ms-fpc/pic/port, sp-fpc/pic/port, or rspnumber. On J Series routers, interface-name is sp-pim/0/port.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show services service-sets summary
show services service-sets summary interface

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services service-sets summary command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services service-sets summary Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of an adaptive services interface

Service type

Type of adaptive service, such as stateful firewall (SFW), Network Address Translation (NAT), intrusion detection service (IDS), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (CRTP), or IP Security (IPsec)

Service sets configured

Total number of service sets configured on the PIC that use internal service set IDs and do not consume external service sets, including CRTP and L2TP

Bytes used

Bytes used by a particular service or all services

Policy bytes used

Policy bytes used by a particular service or all services

CPU utilization

Percentage of the CPU resources being used

Sample Output

show services service-sets summary

user@host> show services service-sets summary
     Service sets                                             CPU
Interface    configured             Bytes used    Policy bytes used  utilization
ms-4/0/0                1   14821556 ( 4.53 %)     855124 ( 0.40 %)        N/A
 ms-4/1/0               1   14691700 ( 4.49 %)     855068 ( 0.40 %)        N/A

show services service-sets summary interface

user@host> show services service-sets summary interface sp-1/3/0
Interface: sp-1/3/0
                  Service sets                          CPU
  Service type    configured               Bytes used   utilization
  SFW/NAT/IDS                1           54 ( 0.00 %)        N/A
  L2TP                       1           58 ( 0.00 %)        N/A
  CRTP                       1           58 ( 0.00 %)        N/A
  System                     0       920831 ( 0.44 %)        N/A
  Idle                       0            0 ( 0.00 %)        N/A
  Total                      3       921001 ( 0.44 %)        N/A

Published: 2013-03-14

Published: 2013-03-14