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show subscribers summary


show subscribers summary< detail | extensive | terse><count>physical-interface physical-interface-name<all | logical-system logical-system pic | port | routing-instance routing-instance |slot>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.2.


Display summary information for subscribers.


detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display the count of total subscribers and active subscribers for any specified option.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose logical system matches the specified logical system.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display a count of subscribers whose physical interface matches the specified physical interface, by subscriber state, client type and LS:RI.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display a count of subscribers by PIC number and the total number of subscribers.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display a count of subscribers by port number and the total number of subscribers.


(Optional) Display subscribers whose routing instance matches the specified routing instance.


(M120, M320, and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display a count of subscribers by FPC slot number and the total number of subscribers.

Note: Due to display limitations, logical system and routing instance output values are truncated when necessary.

Required Privilege Level



Related Documentation


List of Sample Output

show subscribers summary
show subscribers summary all
show subscribers summary physical-interface
show subscribers summary physical-interface pic
show subscribers summary physical-interface port
show subscribers summary physical-interface slot
show subscribers summary pic
show subscribers summary pic (Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces)
show subscribers summary port
show subscribers summary slot
show subscribers summary terse

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show subscribers command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show subscribers Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Subscribers by State

Number of subscribers summarized by state. The summary information includes the following:

  • Init—Number of subscriber currently in the initialization state.
  • Configured—Number of configured subscribers.
  • Active—Number of active subscribers.
  • Terminating—Number of subscribers currently terminating.
  • Terminated—Number of terminated subscribers.
  • Total—Total number of subscribers for all states.

Subscribers by Client Type

Number of subscribers summarized by client type. Client types can include DHCP, L2TP, PPP, PPPOE, STATIC-INTERFACE, and VLAN. Also displays the total number of subscribers for all client types (Total).

Subscribers by LS:RI

Number of subscribers summarized by logical system:routing instance (LS:RI) combination. Also displays the total number of subscribers for all LS:RI combinations (Total).


Interface associated with the subscriber. The router or switch displays subscribers whose interface matches or begins with the specified interface.

The * character indicates a continuation of addresses for the same session.

For aggregated Ethernet interfaces, the output of the summary (pic | port | slot) options prefixes the interface name with ae0:.


Count of subscribers displayed for each PIC, port, or slot when those options are specified with the summary option. For an aggregated Ethernet configuration, the total subscriber count does not equal the sum of the individual PIC, port, or slot counts, because each subscriber can be in more than one aggregated Ethernet link.

Total Subscribers

Total number of subscribers for all physical interfaces, all PICS, all ports, or all LS:RI slots.

IP Address/VLAN ID

Subscriber IP address or VLAN ID associated with the subscriber in the form tpid.vlan-id

User Name

Name of subscriber.


Logical system and routing instance associated with the subscriber.

Sample Output

show subscribers summary

user@host> show subscribers summary
Subscribers by State
	Init				  3
	Configured		  2
	Active			183
	Terminating		  2
	Terminated		  1

	TOTAL       	191

Subscribers by Client Type
	DHCP			 	107
	PPP		   	 76
	VLAN	 	   	  8

	TOTAL       	191

show subscribers summary all

user@host> show subscribers summary all
Subscribers by State
	Init		   		  3
	Configured	   	  2
	Active 			 	183
	Terminating   		  2
	Terminated	   	  1

	TOTAL   		    	191

Subscribers by Client Type
	DHCP		 			107
	PPP	   	 	 	 76
	VLAN	 	   		  8

	TOTAL       		191

Subscribers by LS:RI
	default:default	  1
	default:ri1		 	 28
	default:ri2		 	 16
	ls1:default			 22
	ls1:riA				 38
	ls1:riB				 44
	logsysX:routinstY	 42

	TOTAL					191

show subscribers summary physical-interface

user@host> show subscribers summary physical-interface ge-1/0/0
Subscribers by State
   Active: 3998
   Total: 3998

Subscribers by Client Type
   DHCP: 3998
   Total: 3998

Subscribers by LS:RI
   default:default: 3998
   Total: 3998

show subscribers summary physical-interface pic

user@host> show subscribers summary physical-interface ge-0/2/0 pic
Subscribers by State
   Active: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by Client Type
   DHCP: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by LS:RI
   default:default: 4825
   Total: 4825

show subscribers summary physical-interface port

user@host> show subscribers summary physical-interface ge-0/3/0 port
Subscribers by State
   Active: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by Client Type
   DHCP: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by LS:RI
   default:default: 4825
   Total: 4825

show subscribers summary physical-interface slot

user@host> show subscribers summary physical-interface ge-2/0/0 slot
Subscribers by State
   Active: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by Client Type
   DHCP: 4825
   Total: 4825

Subscribers by LS:RI
   default:default: 4825
   Total: 4825

show subscribers summary pic

user@host> show subscribers summary pic
Interface           Count
ge-1/0              1000
ge-1/3              1000

Total Subscribers: 2000

show subscribers summary pic (Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces)

user@host> show subscribers summary pic
Interface           Count
ae0: ge-1/0         801
ae0: ge-1/3         801

Total Subscribers: 801

show subscribers summary port

user@host> show subscribers summary port
Interface           Count
ge-1                2000

Total Subscribers: 2000

show subscribers summary slot

user@host> show subscribers summary slot
Interface           Count
ge-1                2000

Total Subscribers: 2000

show subscribers summary terse

user@host> show subscribers summary terse
Interface       				IP Address/VLAN ID   User Name         LS:RI
ge-1/3/0.1073741824 		100                                    default:default
demux0.1073741824           WHOLESALER-CLIENT default:default
demux0.1073741825            RETAILER1-CLIENT  test1:retailer1
demux0.1073741826            RETAILER2-CLIENT  test1:retailer2

Published: 2013-03-14


Related Documentation


Published: 2013-03-14