Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- List of Junos OS Processes
- Additional Information
- Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router Solutions Page
show system processes
List of Syntax
SyntaxSyntax (EX Series Switches)
Syntax (MX Series Routers)
Syntax (QFX Series)
Syntax (TX Matrix Routers)
Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Router)
Syntax (EX Series Switches)
Syntax (MX Series Routers)
Syntax (QFX Series)
Syntax (TX Matrix Routers)
Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Router)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Option sfc introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router in Junos OS Release 9.6.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.
Display information about software processes that are running on the router or switch and that have controlling terminals.
none | — | Display standard information about system processes. |
brief | detail | extensive | summary | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of detail. |
adaptive-services | — | (Optional) Display the configuration management process that manages the configuration for stateful firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT), intrusion detection services (IDS), and IP Security (IPsec) services on the Adaptive Services PIC. |
alarm-control | — | (Optional) Display the process to configure the system alarm. |
all-chassis | — | (TX Matrix routers and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Display standard system process information about all the T640 routers (in a routing matrix based on the TX Matrix router) or all the T1600 or T4000 routers (in a routing matrix based on the TX Matrix Plus router) in the chassis. |
all-lcc | — | (TX Matrix routers and TX Matrix Plus router only) (Optional) Display standard system process information for all T640 routers (or line-card chassis) connected to the TX Matrix router. Display standard system process information for all connected T1600 or T4000 LCCs. |
all-members | — | (EX4200 switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display standard system process information for all members of the Virtual Chassis configuration. |
ancpd-service | — | Display the Access Node Control Protocol (ANCP) process, which works with a special Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) session to collect outgoing interface mapping events in a scalable manner. |
application-identification | — | Display the process that identifies an application using intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) to allow or deny traffic based on applications running on standard or nonstandard ports. |
audit-process | — | (Optional) Display the RADIUS accounting process. |
auto-configuration | — | Display the Interface Auto-Configuration process. |
bootp | — | Display the process that enables a router, switch, or interface to act as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) relay agent. DHCP relaying is disabled. |
captive-portal-content-delivery | — | Display the HTTP redirect service by specifying the location to which a subscriber's initial Web browser session is redirected, enabling initial provisioning and service selection for the subscriber. |
ce-l2tp-service | — | (Optional) (M10, M10i, M7i, and MX Series routers only) Display the Universal Edge Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) process, which establishes L2TP tunnels and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) sessions through L2TP tunnels. |
cfm | — | Display Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) connectivity fault management (CFM) process, which can be used to monitor the physical link between two switches. |
chassis-control | — | (Optional) Display the chassis management process. |
class-of-service | — | (Optional) Display the class-of-service (CoS) process, which controls the router's or switch’s CoS configuration. |
clksyncd-service | — | Display the external clock synchronization process, which uses synchronous Ethernet (SyncE). |
craft-control | — | Display the process for the I/O of the craft interface. |
database-replication | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the database replication process. |
datapath-trace-service | — | Display the packet path tracing process. |
dhcp-service | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol process, which enables a DHCP server to allocate network IP addresses and deliver configuration settings to client hosts without user intervention. |
diameter-service | — | (Optional) Display the diameter process. |
disk-monitoring | — | (Optional) Display the disk monitoring process, which checks the health of the hard disk drive on the Routing Engine. |
dynamic-flow-capture | — | (Optional) Display the dynamic flow capture (DFC) process, which controls DFC configurations on Monitoring Services III PICs. |
ecc-error-logging | — | (Optional) Display the error checking and correction (ECC) process, which logs ECC parity errors in memory on the Routing Engine. |
ethernet-connectivity-fault-management | — | Display the process that provides IEEE 802.1ag OAM connectivity fault management (CFM) database information for CFM maintenance association end points (MEPs) in a CFM session. |
ethernet-link-fault-management | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the process that provides the OAM link fault management (LFM) information for Ethernet interfaces. |
event-processing | — | (Optional) Display the event process (eventd). |
firewall | — | (Optional) Display the firewall management process, which manages the firewall configuration and enables accepting or rejecting packets that are transiting an interface on a router or switch. |
general-authentication-service | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the general authentication process. |
health (pid process-identifer | process-name process-name) | — | (Optional) Display process health information, either by process id (PID) or by process name. |
iccp-service | — | Display the Inter-Chassis Communication Protocol (ICCP) process. |
idp-policy | — | Display the intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) protocol process. |
ilmi | — | Display the Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) protocol process, which provides bidirectional exchange of management information between two ATM interfaces across a physical connection. |
inet-process | — | Display the IP multicast family process. |
init | — | Display the process that initializes the USB modem. |
interface-control | — | (Optional) Display the interface process, which controls the router's or switch’s physical interface devices and logical interfaces. |
kernel-replication | — | (Optional) Display the kernel replication process, which replicates the state of the backup Routing Engine when graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) is configured. |
l2-learning | — | (Optional) Display the Layer 2 address flooding and learning process. |
l2cpd-service | — | Display the Layer 2 Control Protocol process, which enables features such as Layer 2 protocol tunneling and nonstop bridging. |
lacp | — | (Optional) Display the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)process. LACP provides a standardized means for exchanging information between partner systems on a link to allow their link aggregation control instances to reach agreement on the identity of the LAG to which the link belongs, and then to move the link to that LAG, and to enable the transmission and reception processes for the link to function in an orderly manner. |
lcc number | — | (TX Matrix routers and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) On a TX Matrix router, display standard system process information for a specific T640 router that is connected to the TX Matrix router. On a TX Matrix Plus router, display standard system process information for a specific router that is connected to the TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with the following values depending on the LCC configuration:
local | — | (EX4200 switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display standard system process information for the local Virtual Chassis member. |
local-policy-decision-function | — | Display the process for the Local Policy Decision Function, which regulates collection of statistics related to applications and application groups and tracking of information about dynamic subscribers and static interfaces. |
logical-system-mux | — | Display the logical router multiplexer process (lrmuxd), which manages the multiple instances of the routing protocols process (rpd) on a machine running logical routers. |
mac-validation | — | Display the MAC validation process, which configures MAC address validation for subscriber interfaces created on demux interfaces in dynamic profiles on MX Series routers. |
member member-id | — | (EX4200 switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display standard system process information for the specified member of the Virtual Chassis configuration. For EX4200 switches, replace member-id with a value from 0 through 9. For an MX Series Virtual Chassis, replace member-id with a value of 0 or 1. |
mib-process | — | (Optional) Display the MIB II process, which provides the router's MIB II agent. |
mobile-ip | — | (Optional) Display the Mobile IP process, which configures Junos OS Mobile IP features. |
mountd-service | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the service for NFS mounts requests. |
mpls-traceroute | — | (Optional) Display the MPLS Periodic Traceroute process. |
mspd | — | (Optional) Display the Multiservice process. |
multicast-snooping | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the multicast snooping process, which makes Layer 2 devices such as VLAN switches aware of Layer 3 information, such as the media access control (MAC) addresses of members of a multicast group. |
named-service | — | (Optional) Display the DNS Server process, which is used by a router or a switch to resolve hostnames into addresses. |
neighbor-liveness | — | Display the process, which specifies the maximum length of time that the router waits for its neighbor to re-establish an LDP session. |
nfsd-service | — | (Optional) Display the Remote NFS Server process, which provides remote file access for applications that need NFS-based transport. |
ntp | — | Display the Network Time Protocol (NTP) process, which provides the mechanisms to synchronize time and coordinate time distribution in a large, diverse network. |
packet-triggered-subscribers | — | Display the packet-triggered subcribers and policy control (PTSP) process, which allows the application of policies to dynamic subscribers that are controlled by a subscriber termination device. |
peer-selection-service | — | (Optional) Display the Peer Selection Service process. |
periodic-packet-services | — | Display the Periodic packet management process, which is responsible for processing a variety of time-sensitive periodic tasks so that other processes can more optimally direct their resources. |
pfe | — | Display the Packet Forwarding Engine management process. |
pgcp-service | — | (Optional) Display the pgcpd service process running on the Routing Engine. |
pgm | — | Display the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) protocol process, which enables a reliable transport layer for multicast applications. |
pic-services-logging | — | (Optional) Display the logging process for some PICs. With this process, also known as fsad (the file system access daemon), PICs send special logging information to the Routing Engine for archiving on the hard disk. |
ppp | — | (Optional) Display the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) process, which is the encapsulation protocol process for transporting IP traffic across point-to-point links. |
ppp-service | — | Display the Universal edge PPP process, which is the encapsulation protocol process for transporting IP traffic across universal edge routers. |
pppoe | — | (Optional) Display the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) process, which combines PPP that typically runs over broadband connections with the Ethernet link-layer protocol that allows users to connect to a network of hosts over a bridge or access concentrator. |
process-monitor | — | Display the process health monitor process (pmond). |
providers | — | (Optional) Display provider processes. |
redundancy-interface-process | — | (Optional) Display the ASP redundancy process. |
remote-operations | — | (Optional) Display the remote operations process, which provides the ping and traceroute MIBs. |
resource-cleanup | — | Display the resource cleanup process. |
resource-limits (brief | detail) process-name | — | (Optional) Display process resource limits. |
routing | — | (Optional) Display the routing protocol process. |
sampling | — | (Optional) Display the sampling process, which performs packet sampling based on particular input interfaces and various fields in the packet header. |
sbc-configuration-process | — | Display the session border controller (SBC) process of the border signaling gateway (BSG). |
scc | — | (TX Matrix routers only) (Optional) Display standard system process information for the TX Matrix router (or switch-card chassis). |
sdk-service | — | Display the SDK Service process, which runs on the Routing Engine and is responsible for communications between the SDK application and Junos OS. Although the SDK Service process is present on the router, it is turned off by default. |
secure-neighbor-discovery | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) process, which provides support for protecting NDP messages. |
send | — | (Optional) Display the Secure Neighbor Discovery Protocol (SEND) process, which provides support for protecting Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) messages. |
service-deployment | — | (Optional) Display the service deployment process, which enables Junos OS to work with the Session and Resource Control (SRC) software. |
sfc number | — | (TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Display system process information for the TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with 0. |
snmp | — | Display the SNMP process, which enables the monitoring of network devices from a central location and provides the router's or switch’s SNMP master agent. |
sonet-aps | — | Display the SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) process, which monitors any SONET interface that participates in APS. |
static-subscribers | — | (Optional) Display the Static subscribers process, which associates subscribers with statically configured interfaces and provides dynamic service activation and activation for these subscribers. |
tunnel-oamd | — | (Optional) Display the Tunnel OAM process, which enables the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance of Layer 2 tunneled networks. Layer 2 protocol tunneling (L2PT) allows service providers to send Layer 2 protocol data units (PDUs) across the provider’s cloud and deliver them to Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches that are not part of the local broadcast domain. |
vrrp | — | (EX Series switches and MX Series routers only) (Optional) Display the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) process, which enables hosts on a LAN to make use of redundant routing platforms on that LAN without requiring more than the static configuration of a single default route on the hosts. |
watchdog | — | Display the watchdog timer process, which enables the watchdog timer when Junos OS encounters a problem. |
wide | — | (Optional) Display process information that might be wider than 80 columns. |
Additional Information
By default, when you issue the show system processes command on the master Routing Engine of a TX Matrix router or a TX Matrix Plus router, the command is broadcast to all the master Routing Engines of the LCCs connected to it in the routing matrix. Likewise, if you issue the same command on the backup Routing Engine of a TX Matrix or a TX Matrix Plus router, the command is broadcast to all backup Routing Engines of the LCCs that are connected to it in the routing matrix.
Required Privilege Level
Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- List of Junos OS Processes
- Additional Information
- Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router Solutions Page
List of Sample Output
show system processesshow system processes brief
show system processes detail
show system processes extensive
show system processes lcc wide (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)
show system processes summary
show system processes (TX Matrix Plus Router)
show system processes sfc (TX Matrix Plus Router)
show system processes lcc wide (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)
show system processes (QFX Series)
Output Fields
Table 1 describes the output fields for the show system processes command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show system processes Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Level of Output | ||||||
last pid | Last process identifier assigned to the process. | brief extensive summary | ||||||
load averages | Three load averages followed by the current time. | brief extensive summary | ||||||
processes | Number of existing processes and the number of processes in each state (sleeping, running, starting, zombies, and stopped). | brief extensive summary | ||||||
Mem | Information about physical and virtual memory allocation. | brief extensive summary | ||||||
Swap | Information about physical and virtual memory allocation. | brief extensive summary | ||||||
PID | Process identifier. | detail extensive summary | ||||||
TT | Control terminal name. | none detail | ||||||
STAT | Symbolic process state. The state is given by a sequence of letters. The first letter indicates the run state of the process:
| none detail | ||||||
UID | User identifier. | detail | ||||||
USERNAME | Process owner. | extensive summary | ||||||
PPID | Parent process identifier. | detail | ||||||
| detail extensive summary | ||||||
RSS | Resident set size. | detail | ||||||
WCHAN | Symbolic name of the wait channel. | detail | ||||||
STARTED | Local time when the process started running. | detail | ||||||
PRI | Current priority of the process. A lower number indicates a higher priority. | detail extensive summary | ||||||
NI or NICE | UNIX "niceness" value. A lower number indicates a higher priority. | detail extensive summary | ||||||
SIZE | Total size of the process (text, data, and stack), in kilobytes. | extensive summary | ||||||
RES | Current amount of resident memory, in kilobytes. | extensive summary | ||||||
STATE | Current state of the process (for example, sleep, wait, run, idle, zombie, or stop). | extensive summary | ||||||
| detail extensive summary | ||||||
WCPU | Weighted CPU usage. | extensive summary | ||||||
COMMAND | Command that is currently running. | detail extensive summary |
Sample Output
show system processes
user@host> show system processes
PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? DLs 0:00.70 (swapper) 1 ?? Is 0:00.35 /sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.00 (pagedaemon) 3 ?? DL 0:00.00 (vmdaemon) 4 ?? DL 0:42.37 (update) 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 (if_jnx) 80 ?? Ss 0:14.66 syslogd -s 96 ?? Is 0:00.01 portmap 128 ?? Is 0:02.70 cron 173 ?? Is 0:02.24 /usr/local/sbin/sshd (sshd1) 189 ?? S 0:03.80 /sbin/watchdog -t180 190 ?? I 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 191 ?? S 2:24.76 /sbin/ifd -N 192 ?? S< 0:55.44 /usr/sbin/xntpd -N 195 ?? S 0:53.11 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 196 ?? S 1:15.73 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 198 ?? I 0:00.75 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 2677 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 2712 ?? Ss 0:00.24 rlogind 2735 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1985 p0- S 0:07.41 ./rpd -N 2713 p0 Is 0:00.24 -tcsh (tcsh) 2726 p0 S+ 0:00.07 cli
show system processes brief
user@host> show system processes brief
last pid: 543; load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 18:29:47 37 processes: 1 running, 36 sleeping Mem: 25M Active, 3976K Inact, 19M Wired, 8346K Buf, 202M Free Swap: 528M Total, 64K Used, 528M Free
show system processes detail
user@host> show system processes detail
PID UID PPID CPU PRI NI RSS WCHAN STARTED TT STAT TIME COMMAND 3151 1049 3129 2 28 0 672 - 1:13PM p0 R+ 0:00.00 ps -ax -r 1 0 0 0 10 0 376 wait 1:51PM ?? Is 0:00.29 /sbin/ini 2 0 0 0 -18 0 12 psleep 1:51PM ?? DL 0:00.00 (pagedae 3 0 0 0 28 0 12 psleep 1:51PM ?? DL 0:00.00 (vmdaemo 4 0 0 0 28 0 12 update 1:51PM ?? DL 0:07.15 (update) 5 0 0 0 2 0 12 pfesel 1:51PM ?? IL 0:02.90 (if_pfe) 27 0 1 0 10 0 17936 mfsidl 1:51PM ?? Is 0:00.46 mfs /dev/ 81 0 1 0 2 0 496 select 1:52PM ?? Ss 0:31.21 syslogd - 119 1 1 0 2 0 492 select 1:52PM ?? Is 0:00.00 portmap 134 0 1 0 2 0 580 select 1:52PM ?? S 0:02.95 amd -p -a 151 0 1 0 18 0 532 pause 1:52PM ?? Is 0:00.34 cron 183 0 1 0 2 0 420 select 1:52PM ?? Ss 0:00.07 /usr/loca 206 0 1 0 18 0 72 pause 1:52PM ?? S 0:00.51 /sbin/wat 207 0 1 0 2 0 520 select 1:52PM ?? I 0:00.16 /usr/sbin 208 0 1 0 2 0 536 select 1:52PM ?? S 0:08.21 /sbin/dcd 210 0 1 255 2 -12 740 select 1:52PM ?? S< 0:05.83 /usr/sbin 211 0 1 0 2 0 376 select 1:52PM ?? S 0:00.03 /usr/sbin 215 0 1 0 2 0 548 select 1:52PM ?? I 0:00.50 /usr/sbin 219 0 1 0 3 0 540 ttyin 1:52PM v0 Is+ 0:00.02 /usr/libe 220 0 1 0 3 0 540 ttyin 1:52PM v1 Is+ 0:00.01 /usr/libe 221 0 1 0 3 0 540 ttyin 1:52PM v2 Is+ 0:00.01 /usr/libe 222 0 1 0 3 0 540 ttyin 1:52PM v3 Is+ 0:00.01 /usr/libe 735 0 1 0 2 0 468 select 2:47PM ?? S 0:19.14 /usr/sbin 736 0 1 0 2 0 212 select 2:47PM ?? S 0:14.13 /usr/sbin 1380 0 1 0 3 0 888 ttyin 7:32PM d0 Is+ 0:00.46 bash 3019 0 207 0 2 0 636 select 10:49AM ?? Ss 0:02.93 tnp.chass 3122 0 1380 0 2 0 1764 select 12:33PM d0 S 0:00.77 ./rpd -N 3128 0 215 0 2 0 580 select 12:45PM ?? Ss 0:00.12 rlogind 3129 1049 3128 0 18 0 944 pause 12:45PM p0 Ss 0:00.14 -tcsh (tc 0 0 0 0 -18 0 0 sched 1:51PM ?? DLs 0:00.10 (swapper
show system processes extensive
user@host> show system processes extensive
last pid: 544; load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 18:30:33 37 processes: 1 running, 36 sleeping Mem: 25M Active, 3968K Inact, 19M Wired, 8346K Buf, 202M Free Swap: 528M Total, 64K Used, 528M Free PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 544 root 30 0 604K 768K RUN 0:00 0.00% 0.00% top 3 root 28 0 0K 12K psleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% vmdaemon 4 root 28 0 0K 12K update 0:03 0.00% 0.00% update 528 aviva 18 0 660K 948K pause 0:00 0.00% 0.00% tcsh 204 root 18 0 300K 544K pause 0:00 0.00% 0.00% csh 131 root 18 0 332K 532K pause 0:00 0.00% 0.00% cron 186 root 18 0 196K 68K pause 0:00 0.00% 0.00% watchdog 27 root 10 0 512M 16288K mfsidl 0:00 0.00% 0.00% mount_mfs 1 root 10 0 620K 344K wait 0:00 0.00% 0.00% init 304 root 3 0 884K 900K ttyin 0:00 0.00% 0.00% bash 200 root 3 0 180K 540K ttyin 0:00 0.00% 0.00% getty 203 root 3 0 180K 540K ttyin 0:00 0.00% 0.00% getty 202 root 3 0 180K 540K ttyin 0:00 0.00% 0.00% getty 201 root 3 0 180K 540K ttyin 0:00 0.00% 0.00% getty 194 root 2 0 2248K 1640K select 0:11 0.00% 0.00% rpd 205 root 2 0 964K 800K select 0:12 0.00% 0.00% tnp.chassisd 189 root 2 -12 352K 740K select 0:03 0.00% 0.00% xntpd 114 root 2 0 296K 612K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% amd 188 root 2 0 780K 600K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% dcd 527 root 2 0 176K 580K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% rlogind 195 root 2 0 212K 552K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% inetd 187 root 2 0 192K 532K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% tnetd 83 root 2 0 188K 520K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% syslogd 538 root 2 0 1324K 516K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% mgd 99 daemon 2 0 176K 492K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% portmap 163 root 2 0 572K 420K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% nsrexecd 192 root 2 0 560K 400K select 0:10 0.00% 0.00% snmpd 191 root 2 0 1284K 376K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% mgd 537 aviva 2 0 636K 364K select 0:00 0.00% 0.00% cli 193 root 2 0 312K 204K select 0:07 0.00% 0.00% mib2d 5 root 2 0 0K 12K pfesel 0:00 0.00% 0.00% if_pfe 2 root -18 0 0K 12K psleep 0:00 0.00% 0.00% pagedaemon 0 root -18 0 0K 0K sched 0:00 0.00% 0.00% swapper
show system processes lcc wide (TX Matrix Routing Matrix)
user@host> show system processes lcc 2 wide
lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? DLs 0:00.00 (swapper) 1 ?? ILs 0:00.10 /sbin/preinit -- (init) 2 ?? DL 0:00.00 (pagedaemon) 3 ?? DL 0:00.00 (vmdaemon) 4 ?? DL 0:00.00 (bufdaemon) 5 ?? DL 0:00.04 (syncer) 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 (netdaemon) 7 ?? IL 0:00.00 (if_pic_listen) 8 ?? IL 0:00.00 (scs_housekeeping) 9 ?? IL 0:00.00 (if_pfe_listen) 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 (vmuncachedaemon) 11 ?? SL 0:00.02 (cb_poll) 172 ?? ILs 0:00.21 mfs -o noauto /dev/ad1s1b /tmp (newfs) 2909 ?? Is 0:00.00 pccardd 2932 ?? Ss 0:00.07 syslogd -r -s 3039 ?? Is 0:00.00 cron 3217 ?? I 0:00.00 /sbin/watchdog -d 3218 ?? I 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 3221 ?? S 0:00.11 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 3222 ?? S 0:00.85 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 3223 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 3224 ?? I 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 3225 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 3226 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpc -N 3228 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 3231 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/eccd -N 3425 ?? S 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 3426 ?? S 0:00.19 /sbin/dcd -N 3427 ?? I 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 3430 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/ksyncd -N 3482 ?? S 1:53.63 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 4285 ?? SL 0:00.01 (peer proxy) 4286 ?? SL 0:00.00 (peer proxy) 4303 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 4304 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax -ww 3270 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0
show system processes summary
user@host> show system processes summary
last pid: 543; load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 18:29:47 37 processes: 1 running, 36 sleeping Mem: 25M Active, 3976K Inact, 19M Wired, 8346K Buf, 202M Free Swap: 528M Total, 64K Used, 528M Free PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 527 root 2 0 176K 580K select 0:00 0.04% 0.04% rlogind 543 root 30 0 604K 768K RUN 0:00 0.00% 0.00% top
show system processes (TX Matrix Plus Router)
user@host> show system processes
sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 [swapper] 1 ?? ILs 0:00.18 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.20 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.39 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.32 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.09 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.01 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:06.63 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 310:52.98 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:11.03 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:27.58 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:03.02 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:11.41 [irq16: uhci0 uhci*] 21 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 23 ?? WL 0:39.51 [irq17: uhci1 uhci*] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq18: uhci2 uhci*] 26 ?? DL 0:00.83 [usb2] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 29 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 30 ?? DL 0:00.73 [usb6] 31 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq11: isab0] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 38 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 39 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 40 ?? DL 0:00.02 [bufdaemon] 41 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vnlru] 42 ?? DL 0:00.39 [syncer] 43 ?? DL 0:00.05 [softdepflush] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 45 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vmuncachedaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 47 ?? DL 0:00.35 [vmkmemdaemon] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [cb_poll] 49 ?? DL 0:00.06 [if_pfe_listen] 50 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 54 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 55 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 56 ?? DL 0:00.37 [schedcpu] 57 ?? DL 0:00.56 [md0] 79 ?? DL 0:02.58 [md1] 100 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md2] 118 ?? DL 0:00.01 [md3] 139 ?? DL 0:00.95 [md4] 160 ?? DL 0:00.12 [md5] 181 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 217 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md7] 227 ?? DL 0:00.05 [md8] 1341 ?? SL 0:01.34 [bcmTX] 1342 ?? SL 0:01.68 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1343 ?? SL 0:41.40 [bcmLINK.0] 1345 ?? SL 0:33.83 [bcmLINK.1] 1350 ?? Is 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/cron 1502 ?? S 0:00.01 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1503 ?? S 0:00.86 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1504 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1507 ?? S 0:01.32 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1508 ?? S 0:14.54 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1509 ?? S 0:01.19 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1512 ?? I 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1513 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1517 ?? S 0:00.11 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1525 ?? S 0:01.10 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1526 ?? S 0:01.43 /usr/sbin/license-check -U -M -p 10 -i 10 1527 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 1616 ?? DL 0:00.30 [peer proxy] 1617 ?? DL 0:00.32 [peer proxy] 1618 ?? DL 0:00.34 [peer proxy] 1619 ?? DL 0:00.30 [peer proxy] 2391 ?? Is 0:00.01 telnetd 7331 ?? Ss 0:00.03 telnetd 9538 ?? DL 0:01.16 [jsr_kkcm] 9613 ?? DL 0:00.18 [peer proxy] 23781 ?? Ss 0:00.01 telnetd 23926 ?? Ss 0:00.01 mgd: (mgd) (user)/dev/ttyp2 (mgd) 36867 ?? S 0:03.14 /usr/sbin/rpd -N 36874 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/lmpd 36876 ?? S 0:00.17 /usr/sbin/lacpd -N 36877 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/bfdd -N 36878 ?? S 0:05.05 /usr/sbin/ppmd -N 36907 ?? S 0:25.07 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 37775 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/bdbrepd -N 45727 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/xntpd -j -N -g (ntpd) 45729 ?? S 0:00.38 /usr/sbin/l2ald -N 45730 ?? S< 0:00.12 /usr/sbin/apsd -N 45731 ?? SN 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/sampled -N 45732 ?? S 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/ilmid -N 45733 ?? S 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/rmopd -N 45734 ?? S 0:00.30 /usr/sbin/cosd 45735 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/rtspd -N 45736 ?? S 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/fsad -N 45737 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/rdd -N 45738 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/pppd -N 45739 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/dfcd -N 45740 ?? S 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/lfmd -N 45741 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mplsoamd -N 45742 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sendd -N 45743 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/appidd -N 45744 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/mspd -N 45745 ?? S 0:00.25 /usr/sbin/jdiameterd -N 45746 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 45747 ?? S 0:00.19 /usr/sbin/lpdfd -N 45748 ?? S 0:00.63 /sbin/dcd -N 45750 ?? S 0:00.45 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 45751 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 45752 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 45764 ?? S 0:20.59 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 56479 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 56480 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1142 d0- I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1160 d0- S 0:29.17 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 6527 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 2392 p1 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 2393 p1 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 2394 p1 I 0:00.00 su - 2395 p1 I+ 0:00.01 -su (csh) 23782 p2 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 23881 p2 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 23925 p2 S+ 0:00.03 cli 7332 p3 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 7333 p3 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 23780 p3 S+ 0:00.02 telnet aj lcc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 [swapper] 1 ?? ILs 0:00.16 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.01 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.16 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.11 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.00 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:01.77 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 17:22.31 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:00.32 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:01.21 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:00.10 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:02.73 [irq10: bcm0 uhci1*] 21 ?? WL 0:00.02 [irq11: cb0 uhci0+*] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 23 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? DL 0:00.05 [usb2] 26 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 29 ?? DL 0:00.04 [usb6] 30 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 31 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 38 ?? DL 0:00.00 [bufdaemon] 39 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vnlru] 40 ?? DL 0:00.01 [syncer] 41 ?? DL 0:00.00 [softdepflush] 42 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 43 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmuncachedaemon] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 45 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vmkmemdaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.01 [cb_poll] 47 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pfe_listen] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 49 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 50 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 54 ?? DL 0:00.01 [schedcpu] 55 ?? DL 0:00.73 [md0] 77 ?? DL 0:03.54 [md1] 98 ?? DL 0:00.37 [md2] 116 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md3] 137 ?? DL 0:00.56 [md4] 158 ?? DL 0:00.15 [md5] 179 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 215 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md7] 225 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md8] 1078 ?? DL 0:00.00 [jsr_kkcm] 1363 ?? SL 0:00.09 [bcmTX] 1364 ?? SL 0:00.10 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1365 ?? SL 0:03.08 [bcmLINK.0] 1370 ?? Is 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron 1522 ?? S 0:00.00 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1523 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1524 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1526 ?? S 0:04.98 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 1527 ?? S 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1528 ?? I 0:00.40 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1529 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1532 ?? I 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1533 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1534 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpc -N 1536 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1540 ?? I 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/jcsd -N 1541 ?? S 0:00.11 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1542 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 2089 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2090 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2091 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2657 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 2658 ?? S 0:00.02 /sbin/dcd -N 2659 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 2660 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 2661 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 2662 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 2667 ?? S 0:00.13 /usr/sbin/ksyncd -N 2690 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 2691 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1164 d0- S 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1182 d0- S 0:00.34 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 1543 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 lcc1-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 [swapper] 1 ?? ILs 0:00.17 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.01 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.16 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.11 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.00 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:01.77 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 17:22.83 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:00.35 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:01.20 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:00.10 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:02.87 [irq10: bcm0 uhci1*] 21 ?? WL 0:00.02 [irq11: cb0 uhci0+*] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 23 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? DL 0:00.05 [usb2] 26 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 29 ?? DL 0:00.04 [usb6] 30 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 31 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 38 ?? DL 0:00.00 [bufdaemon] 39 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vnlru] 40 ?? DL 0:00.01 [syncer] 41 ?? DL 0:00.00 [softdepflush] 42 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 43 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmuncachedaemon] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 45 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vmkmemdaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.01 [cb_poll] 47 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pfe_listen] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 49 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 50 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 54 ?? DL 0:00.02 [schedcpu] 55 ?? DL 0:00.75 [md0] 77 ?? DL 0:03.40 [md1] 98 ?? DL 0:00.37 [md2] 116 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md3] 137 ?? DL 0:00.56 [md4] 158 ?? DL 0:00.15 [md5] 179 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 215 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md7] 225 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md8] 1052 ?? DL 0:00.00 [jsr_kkcm] 1337 ?? SL 0:00.09 [bcmTX] 1338 ?? SL 0:00.10 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1339 ?? SL 0:03.10 [bcmLINK.0] 1344 ?? Is 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron 1496 ?? S 0:00.00 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1497 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1498 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1500 ?? S 0:04.97 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 1501 ?? S 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1502 ?? I 0:00.40 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1503 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1506 ?? I 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1507 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1508 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpc -N 1510 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1514 ?? I 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/jcsd -N 1515 ?? S 0:00.18 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1516 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 2068 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2069 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2070 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2666 ?? S 0:00.02 /sbin/dcd -N 2667 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 2668 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 2669 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 2670 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 2671 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 2675 ?? S 0:00.13 /usr/sbin/ksyncd -N 2699 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 2700 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1138 d0- S 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1156 d0- S 0:00.37 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 1517 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 [swapper] 1 ?? ILs 0:00.18 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.01 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.17 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.12 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.00 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:01.77 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 17:19.13 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:00.36 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:01.20 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:00.13 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:03.03 [irq10: bcm0 uhci1*] 21 ?? WL 0:00.02 [irq11: cb0 uhci0+*] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 23 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? DL 0:00.05 [usb2] 26 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 29 ?? DL 0:00.04 [usb6] 30 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 31 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 38 ?? DL 0:00.00 [bufdaemon] 39 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vnlru] 40 ?? DL 0:00.01 [syncer] 41 ?? DL 0:00.00 [softdepflush] 42 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 43 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmuncachedaemon] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 45 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vmkmemdaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.01 [cb_poll] 47 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pfe_listen] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 49 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 50 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 54 ?? DL 0:00.02 [schedcpu] 55 ?? DL 0:00.75 [md0] 77 ?? DL 0:03.48 [md1] 98 ?? DL 0:00.59 [md2] 116 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md3] 137 ?? DL 0:00.56 [md4] 158 ?? DL 0:00.15 [md5] 179 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 215 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md7] 225 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md8] 1052 ?? DL 0:00.00 [jsr_kkcm] 1337 ?? SL 0:00.09 [bcmTX] 1338 ?? SL 0:00.10 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1339 ?? SL 0:03.22 [bcmLINK.0] 1344 ?? Is 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron 1496 ?? S 0:00.00 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1497 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1498 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1500 ?? R 0:05.17 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 1501 ?? S 0:00.04 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1502 ?? I 0:00.39 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1503 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1506 ?? I 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1507 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1508 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpc -N 1510 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1514 ?? I 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/jcsd -N 1515 ?? S 0:00.17 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1516 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 2591 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2592 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2593 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2597 ?? DL 0:00.00 [peer proxy] 3192 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 3193 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 3194 ?? S 0:00.02 /sbin/dcd -N 3195 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 3196 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 3197 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 3198 ?? S 0:00.13 /usr/sbin/ksyncd -N 3228 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 3229 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1138 d0- S 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1156 d0- S 0:00.42 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 1517 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 ...
show system processes sfc (TX Matrix Plus Router)
user@host> show system processes sfc 0
sfc0-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 [swapper] 1 ?? SLs 0:00.18 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.20 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.39 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.32 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.09 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.01 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:06.63 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 312:09.00 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:11.07 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:27.70 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:03.03 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:11.46 [irq16: uhci0 uhci*] 21 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 23 ?? WL 0:39.63 [irq17: uhci1 uhci*] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq18: uhci2 uhci*] 26 ?? DL 0:00.84 [usb2] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 29 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 30 ?? DL 0:00.73 [usb6] 31 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq11: isab0] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 38 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 39 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 40 ?? DL 0:00.02 [bufdaemon] 41 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vnlru] 42 ?? DL 0:00.39 [syncer] 43 ?? DL 0:00.05 [softdepflush] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 45 ?? DL 0:00.02 [vmuncachedaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 47 ?? DL 0:00.35 [vmkmemdaemon] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [cb_poll] 49 ?? DL 0:00.06 [if_pfe_listen] 50 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 54 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 55 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 56 ?? DL 0:00.37 [schedcpu] 57 ?? DL 0:00.56 [md0] 79 ?? DL 0:02.58 [md1] 100 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md2] 118 ?? DL 0:00.01 [md3] 139 ?? DL 0:00.95 [md4] 160 ?? DL 0:00.12 [md5] 181 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 217 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md7] 227 ?? DL 0:00.05 [md8] 1341 ?? SL 0:01.35 [bcmTX] 1342 ?? SL 0:01.69 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1343 ?? SL 0:41.57 [bcmLINK.0] 1345 ?? SL 0:33.97 [bcmLINK.1] 1350 ?? Is 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/cron 1502 ?? S 0:00.01 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1503 ?? S 0:00.86 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1504 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1507 ?? S 0:01.32 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1508 ?? S 0:14.54 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1509 ?? S 0:01.20 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1512 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1513 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1517 ?? S 0:00.11 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1525 ?? S 0:01.11 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1526 ?? S 0:01.43 /usr/sbin/license-check -U -M -p 10 -i 10 1527 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 1616 ?? DL 0:00.30 [peer proxy] 1617 ?? DL 0:00.32 [peer proxy] 1618 ?? DL 0:00.34 [peer proxy] 1619 ?? DL 0:00.30 [peer proxy] 2391 ?? Is 0:00.01 telnetd 7331 ?? Ss 0:00.03 telnetd 9538 ?? DL 0:01.16 [jsr_kkcm] 9613 ?? DL 0:00.18 [peer proxy] 23781 ?? Ss 0:00.01 telnetd 23926 ?? Ss 0:00.03 mgd: (mgd) (user)/dev/ttyp2 (mgd) 36867 ?? S 0:03.14 /usr/sbin/rpd -N 36874 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/lmpd 36876 ?? S 0:00.17 /usr/sbin/lacpd -N 36877 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/bfdd -N 36878 ?? S 0:05.05 /usr/sbin/ppmd -N 36907 ?? S 0:26.63 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 37775 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/bdbrepd -N 45727 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/xntpd -j -N -g (ntpd) 45729 ?? S 0:00.40 /usr/sbin/l2ald -N 45730 ?? S< 0:00.13 /usr/sbin/apsd -N 45731 ?? SN 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/sampled -N 45732 ?? S 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/ilmid -N 45733 ?? S 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/rmopd -N 45734 ?? S 0:00.31 /usr/sbin/cosd 45735 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/rtspd -N 45736 ?? S 0:00.06 /usr/sbin/fsad -N 45737 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/rdd -N 45738 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/pppd -N 45739 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/dfcd -N 45740 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/lfmd -N 45741 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/mplsoamd -N 45742 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sendd -N 45743 ?? S 0:00.08 /usr/sbin/appidd -N 45744 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/mspd -N 45745 ?? S 0:00.27 /usr/sbin/jdiameterd -N 45746 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 45747 ?? S 0:00.19 /usr/sbin/lpdfd -N 45748 ?? S 0:00.64 /sbin/dcd -N 45750 ?? S 0:00.46 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 45751 ?? S 0:00.16 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 45752 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 45764 ?? S 0:20.60 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 56481 ?? Ss 0:00.02 telnetd 56548 ?? Rs 0:00.19 mgd: (mgd) (user)/dev/ttyp0 (mgd) 56577 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 56578 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax 1142 d0- S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1160 d0- S 0:29.71 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 6527 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 56482 p0 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 56483 p0 S 0:00.01 -csh (csh) 56547 p0 S+ 0:00.02 cli 2392 p1 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 2393 p1 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 2394 p1 I 0:00.00 su - 2395 p1 I+ 0:00.01 -su (csh) 23782 p2 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 23881 p2 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 23925 p2 S+ 0:00.03 cli 7332 p3 Is 0:00.00 login [pam] (login) 7333 p3 I 0:00.00 -csh (csh) 23780 p3 S+ 0:00.02 telnet aj
show system processes lcc wide (TX Matrix Plus Routing Matrix)
user@host> show system processes lcc 2 wide
lcc2-re0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID TT STAT TIME PROVIDER COMMAND 0 ?? WLs 0:00.00 (null) [swapper] 1 ?? ILs 0:00.19 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 0:00.02 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 0:00.19 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 0:00.13 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 [kqueue taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:00.00 [pagedaemon] 8 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmdaemon] 9 ?? DL 0:01.77 [pagezero] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 20:33.81 [idle] 12 ?? WL 0:00.38 [swi2: net] 13 ?? WL 0:01.43 [swi7: clock sio] 14 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 15 ?? DL 0:00.14 [yarrow] 16 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 17 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 18 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi5: cambio] 19 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 20 ?? WL 0:03.18 [irq10: bcm0 uhci1*] 21 ?? WL 0:00.03 [irq11: cb0 uhci0+*] 22 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb0] 23 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 24 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb1] 25 ?? DL 0:00.06 [usb2] 26 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb3] 27 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb4] 28 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb5] 29 ?? DL 0:00.05 [usb6] 30 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usb7] 31 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq14: ata0] 32 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq15: ata1] 33 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq1: atkbd0] 34 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 35 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 36 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 37 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 38 ?? DL 0:00.00 [bufdaemon] 39 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vnlru] 40 ?? DL 0:00.02 [syncer] 41 ?? DL 0:00.01 [softdepflush] 42 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 43 ?? DL 0:00.00 [vmuncachedaemon] 44 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen] 45 ?? DL 0:00.03 [vmkmemdaemon] 46 ?? DL 0:00.01 [cb_poll] 47 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pfe_listen] 48 ?? DL 0:00.00 [scs_housekeeping] 49 ?? IL 0:00.00 [kern_dump_proc] 50 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 51 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 52 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 53 ?? IL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 54 ?? DL 0:00.02 [schedcpu] 55 ?? DL 0:00.75 [md0] 77 ?? DL 0:03.84 [md1] 98 ?? DL 0:00.59 [md2] 116 ?? DL 0:00.02 [md3] 137 ?? DL 0:00.72 [md4] 158 ?? DL 0:00.15 [md5] 179 ?? DL 0:00.00 [md6] 215 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md7] 225 ?? DL 0:00.03 [md8] 1052 ?? DL 0:00.00 [jsr_kkcm] 1337 ?? SL 0:00.11 [bcmTX] 1338 ?? SL 0:00.12 [bcmXGS3AsyncTX] 1339 ?? SL 0:03.82 [bcmLINK.0] 1344 ?? Is 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/cron 1496 ?? I 0:00.00 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 1497 ?? S 0:00.06 /usr/libexec/bslockd -mp -N 1498 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 1500 ?? S 0:09.93 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 1501 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 1502 ?? I 0:00.39 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 1503 ?? S 0:00.09 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 1506 ?? I 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 1507 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 1508 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpc -N 1510 ?? S 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/smartd -N 1514 ?? I 0:00.07 /usr/sbin/jcsd -N 1515 ?? S 0:00.17 /usr/sbin/idpd -N 1516 ?? I 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0 2591 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2592 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2593 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 2597 ?? DL 0:00.01 [peer proxy] 3192 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/irsd -N 3193 ?? S 0:00.05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N 3194 ?? S 0:00.04 /sbin/dcd -N 3195 ?? I 0:00.01 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 3196 ?? S 0:00.02 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 3197 ?? I 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 3198 ?? S 0:00.15 /usr/sbin/ksyncd -N 3559 ?? Ss 0:00.00 mgd: (mgd) (root) (mgd) 3560 ?? R 0:00.00 /bin/ps -ax -Jpww 1138 d0- S 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/usbd -N 1156 d0- S 0:00.50 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 1517 d0 Is+ 0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0
show system processes (QFX Series)
user@switch> show system processes
PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 0 ?? WLs -2341043:-31.01 [swapper] 1 ?? SLs 0:01.34 /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/init -- 2 ?? DL 2:48.31 [g_event] 3 ?? DL 1:47.44 [g_up] 4 ?? DL 1:37.82 [g_down] 5 ?? DL 0:00.00 [kdm_tcp_poller] 6 ?? DL 0:00.00 [thread taskq] 7 ?? DL 0:04.86 [kqueue taskq] 9 ?? DL 0:03.94 [pagedaemon] 10 ?? DL 0:00.00 [ktrace] 11 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu31] 12 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu30] 13 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu29] 14 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu28] 15 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu27] 16 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu26] 17 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu25] 18 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu24] 19 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu23] 20 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu22] 21 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu21] 22 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu20] 23 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu19] 24 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu18] 25 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu17] 26 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu16] 27 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu15] 28 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu14] 29 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu13] 30 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu12] 31 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu11] 32 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu10] 33 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu9] 34 ?? RL 18184:07.25 [idle: cpu8] 35 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu7] 36 ?? RL 17862:11.31 [idle: cpu6] 37 ?? RL 19343:45.16 [idle: cpu5] 38 ?? RL 5192:38.30 [idle: cpu4] 39 ?? RL 0:00.00 [idle: cpu3] 40 ?? RL 19278:02.24 [idle: cpu2] 41 ?? RL 19291:00.72 [idle: cpu1] 42 ?? RL 18910:31.21 [idle: cpu0] 43 ?? WL 19:03.74 [swi2: net] 44 ?? WL 261:43.82 [swi7: clock sio] 45 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi6: vm] 46 ?? DL 2:18.57 [yarrow] 47 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: +] 48 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi8: +] 49 ?? WL 0:12.36 [swi5: cambio] 50 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi9: task queue] 51 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi0: sio] 52 ?? WL 0:32.40 [irq39: ehci0] 53 ?? DL 0:00.21 [usb0] 54 ?? DL 0:00.00 [usbtask] 55 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq22: xlr_lbus0] 56 ?? WL 0:00.00 [irq38: xlr_lbus0] 57 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi3: ip6opt ipopt] 58 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi4: ip6mismatch+] 59 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi1: ipfwd] 60 ?? DL 0:18.65 [pagezero] 61 ?? DL 0:18.59 [bufdaemon] 62 ?? DL 1:10.44 [vnlru_mem] 63 ?? DL 1:51.66 [syncer] 64 ?? DL 0:20.22 [vnlru] 65 ?? DL 0:40.48 [softdepflush] 66 ?? DL 0:00.00 [netdaemon] 67 ?? DL 20:47.67 [vmkmemdaemon] 68 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pfe_listen] 69 ?? SL 0:02.80 [kdm_checkkcore] 70 ?? SL 0:03.34 [kdm_savekcore] 71 ?? SL 0:04.31 [kdm_livekcore] 72 ?? SL 0:06.14 [kdm_logger] 73 ?? SL 0:04.31 [kdm_kdb] 74 ?? SL 0:00.02 [devrt_kernel_thread] 75 ?? DL 0:21.54 [vmuncachedaemon] 76 ?? DL 0:00.00 [if_pic_listen0] 77 ?? SL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 0] 78 ?? SL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 1] 79 ?? SL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 2] 80 ?? SL 0:00.00 [nfsiod 3] 81 ?? WL 5:59.98 [irq13: +] 82 ?? RL 105:06.81 [pkt_sender: cpu0] 83 ?? DL 0:03.62 [md0] 95 ?? DL 0:37.04 [md1] 115 ?? DL 0:06.01 [md2] 135 ?? DL 0:00.75 [md3] 155 ?? DL 0:21.17 [md4] 175 ?? DL 0:01.90 [md5] 195 ?? DL 0:06.26 [md6] 231 ?? DL 0:00.01 [md7] 755 ?? Ss 0:04.17 /usr/sbin/cron 847 ?? S 0:00.10 /usr/sbin/tnetd -N 849 ?? S 0:06.82 /usr/sbin/mgd -N 850 ?? S 0:00.32 /usr/sbin/inetd -N 852 ?? S 1:05.34 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -N 853 ?? S 0:00.18 /usr/sbin/inetd -p /var/run/ -N -JU __juni 855 ?? L 1181:02.21 /usr/sbin/dc-pfe -N (pafxpc) 857 ?? S 17:55.86 /usr/sbin/vccpd -N 896 ?? S 93:43.45 /usr/sbin/chassism -N 953 ?? S 0:02.89 /sbin/watchdog -t-1 954 ?? S 3:34.00 /sbin/dcd -N 955 ?? S 10:30.13 /usr/sbin/chassisd -N 956 ?? DL 0:00.21 [peer proxy] 957 ?? S 4:07.43 /usr/sbin/alarmd -N 958 ?? S 0:31.69 /usr/sbin/craftd -N 959 ?? S 0:55.16 /usr/sbin/mib2d -N 960 ?? S 3:40.64 /usr/sbin/rpd -N 961 ?? S 0:00.03 /usr/sbin/tnp.sntpd -N 962 ?? S 0:51.94 /usr/sbin/pfed -N 963 ?? S 0:47.31 /usr/sbin/rmopd -N 964 ?? S 0:33.65 /usr/sbin/cosd 965 ?? S 1:48.41 /usr/sbin/ppmd -N 966 ?? S 0:07.18 /usr/sbin/dfwd -N 967 ?? S 1:02.56 /usr/sbin/bfdd -N 968 ?? S 0:00.63 /usr/sbin/rdd -N 969 ?? S 0:40.61 /usr/sbin/dfcd -N 971 ?? S 0:07.81 /usr/sbin/bdbrepd -N 972 ?? S 0:00.28 /usr/sbin/sendd -N 973 ?? S 1:37.69 /usr/sbin/xntpd -j -N -g -JU __example_process4__ (nt 974 ?? S 5:56.28 /usr/sbin/snmpd -N -JU __example_process4__ 975 ?? S 16:46.82 /usr/sbin/jdiameterd -N 976 ?? S 2:34.13 /usr/sbin/eswd -N 977 ?? S 1:03.05 /usr/sbin/sflowd -N 978 ?? S 0:22.30 /usr/sbin/fcd -N 979 ?? S 1:07.01 /usr/sbin/vccpdf -N 982 ?? S 0:25.25 /usr/sbin/mcsnoopd -N 983 ?? S 3:45.68 /usr/sbin/rpdf -N 1043 ?? S 0:37.87 /usr/sbin/lacpd -N 1048 ?? DL 0:01.29 [peer proxy] 1111 ?? WL 0:00.00 [swi2: FMNITHRD+] 1112 ?? DL 0:00.03 [peer proxy] 12816 ?? S 15:35.32 /usr/sbin/sfid -N 30893 ?? Ss 0:00.65 sshd: tlewis@ttyp0 (sshd) 30897 ?? Ss 0:00.15 mgd: (mgd) (tlewis)/dev/ttyp0 (mgd) 30905 ?? Ss 0:00.64 sshd: tlewis@ttyp1 (sshd) 30909 ?? Ss 0:00.15 mgd: (mgd) (tlewis)/dev/ttyp1 (mgd) 30910 ?? Ss 0:01.26 sshd: tcheng@ttyp2 (sshd) 30914 ?? Ss 0:00.80 mgd: (mgd) (tcheng)/dev/ttyp2 (mgd) 30937 ?? R 0:00.03 /bin/ps -ax 661 d0- S 0:21.24 /usr/sbin/eventd -N -r -s -A 860 d0 Ss+ 0:00.07 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyd0 30896 p0 Ss+ 0:00.55 -cli (cli) 30908 p1 Ss+ 0:00.50 -cli (cli) 30913 p2 Ss+ 0:00.85 -cli (cli)
Modified: 2016-06-10
Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- List of Junos OS Processes
- Additional Information
- Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router Solutions Page