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Supported Platforms

show system services dhcp binding


show system services dhcp binding<detail><address>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.


(J Series routers only) Display Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server client binding information.



Display brief information about all active client bindings.


(Optional) Display detailed information about all active client bindings.


(Optional) Display detailed client binding information for the specified IP address only.

Required Privilege Level

view and system

List of Sample Output

show system services dhcp binding
show system services dhcp binding address
show system services dhcp binding address detail

Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show system services dhcp binding command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system services dhcp binding Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Allocated address

List of IP addresses the DHCP server has assigned to clients.

All levels

MAC address

Corresponding media access control (MAC) hardware address of the client.

All levels

Client identifier

(address option only) Client's unique identifier (represented by an ASCII string or hexadecimal digits). This identifier is used by the DHCP server to index its database of address bindings.

All levels

Binding Type

Type of binding assigned to the client. DHCP servers can assign a dynamic binding from a pool of IP addresses or a static binding to one or more specific IP addresses.

All levels

Lease Expires at

Time the lease expires or never for leases that do not expire.

All levels

Lease Obtained at

(address option only) Time the client obtained the lease from the DHCP server.



Status of the binding. Bindings can be active or expired.



Address pool that contains the IP address assigned to the client.


Request received on

Interface on which the DHCP message exchange occurs. The IP address pool is configured based on the interface's IP address. If a relay agent is used, its IP address is also displayed.


DHCP options

User-defined options created for the DHCP server. If no options have been defined, this field is blank.


Sample Output

show system services dhcp binding

user@host> show system services dhcp binding
Allocated address   MAC address        Binding Type   Lease expires at         00:a0:12:00:12:ab  static         never         00:a0:12:00:13:02  dynamic        2004-05-03 13:01:42 PDT

show system services dhcp binding address

user@host> show system services dhcp binding
DHCP binding information:
Allocated address:
Mac address: 00:a0:12:00:12:ab
Client identifier
61 63 65 64 2d 30 30 3a 61 30 3a 31 32 3a 30 30aced-00:a0:12:00 
3a 31 33 3a 30 32:13:02 

Lease information:
    Binding Type dynamic
    Obtained at 2004-05-02 13:01:42 PDT
    Expires at 2004-05-03 13:01:42 PDT

show system services dhcp binding address detail

user@host> show system services dhcp binding detail
DHCP binding information:
Allocated address
MAC address  00:a0:12:00:12:ab
Request received on fe-0/0/0, relayed by

Lease information:
    Type              DHCP
    Obtained at       2004-05-02 13:01:42 PDT
    Expires at        2004-05-03 13:01:42 PDT
State active

DHCP options:
    Name: name-server, Value: {, }
    Name: domain-name, Value: mydomain.tld
    Code: 19, Type: flag, Value: off
    Code: 40, Type: string, Value: domain.tld
    Code: 32, Type: ip-address, Value:

Published: 2013-03-14

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-03-14