show task memory
Syntax (EX Series Switches)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Display memory utilization for routing protocol tasks on the Routing Engine.
none | — | Display standard information about memory utilization for routing protocol tasks on the Routing Engine on all logical systems. |
brief | detail | history | summary | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. Use the history option to display a history of memory utilization information. |
logical-system (all | logical-system-name) | — | (Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show task memoryshow task memory detail
Output Fields
Table 1 describes the output fields for the show task memory command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show task memory Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Level of Output |
Memory Currently In Use | Memory currently in use. | All levels |
Memory Maximum Ever Used | Maximum memory ever used. | none specified, brief, history |
Memory Available | Memory currently available. | none specified, brief |
Size (kB) | Memory capacity in 1000-byte kilobytes. | none specified, brief, history, summary |
Percentage | Percentage of memory currently available. | none specified, brief |
When | Timestamp. | none specified, brief, history |
Overall Memory Report | Memory utilization by memory size:
| detail |
Allocator Memory Report | Memory utilization by named objects:
| detail |
Malloc Usage Report | Memory utilization for miscellaneous use:
| detail |
Dynamically allocated memory | Memory allocated dynamically by the system. | detail |
Program data+BSS memory | Program and base station subsystem (BSS) memory. | detail |
Page data overhead | Internal memory overhead. | detail |
Page directory size | Internal memory overhead. | detail |
Total bytes in use | Total memory, in bytes, that is currently in use and percentage of available memory (in parentheses). | detail |
Sample Output
show task memory
user@host> show task memory
Memory Size (kB) Percentage When Currently In Use: 29417 3% now Maximum Ever Used: 33882 4% 00/02/11 22:07:03 Available: 756281 100% now
show task memory detail
user@host> show task memory detail
------------------------- Overall Memory Report ------------------------- Size TP Allocs Mallocs AllocBytes MaxAllocs MaxBytes FreeBytes 8 - 111 888 112 896 3208 12 92 149 2892 247 2964 1204 12 T - - - 5 60 - 16 7 11 288 23 368 3808 20 100 33 2660 164 3280 1436 20 T - - - 40 800 - 24 162 15 4248 177 4248 3944 24 T - - - 4 96 - 28 371 - 10388 372 10416 1900 32 6 23 928 30 960 3168 ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 606182 715302 118810 ------------------------ Allocator Memory Report ------------------------ Name Size Alloc DTP Alloc Alloc MaxAlloc MaxAlloc Size Blocks Bytes Blocks Bytes patroot 8 12 84 1008 87 1044 sockaddr_un.i802 8 12 2 24 2 24 cos_nhm_nh 8 12 1 12 1 12 sockaddr_un.tag 8 12 3 36 4 48 gw_entry_list 8 12 1 12 1 12 bgp_riblist_01 8 12 1 12 2 24 ospf_intf_ev 8 12 - - 6 72 krt_remnant_rt 8 12 T - - 5 60 ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 164108 221552 -------------------------- Malloc Usage Report -------------------------- Name Allocs Bytes MaxAllocs MaxBytes FuncCalls MGMT.local 1 8 1 8 1 BGP. - - 1 8 2 BGP RT Background 4 74748 4 74748 4 SNMP Subagent./var/run/ - 52 1 9172 56 OSPFv2 I/O./var/run/ppm 1 66536 2 66552 4551 OSPF 6 67655 7 67703 68 KRT - - 1 3784 18 ASPaths 3 80 3 80 3 -- sockaddr -- 183 2100 184 2108 1645 BFD I/O./var/run/bfdd_c 1 65535 2 65551 4555 RT 48 872 48 872 48 Scheduler 42 628 43 628 88 --Anonymous-- 56 1100 58 1140 112 --System-- 82 58364 114 60044 4654 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 337678 352398 Dynamically allocated memory: 765952 Maximum: 765952 Program data+BSS memory: 1568768 Maximum: 1568768 Page data overhead: 53248 Maximum: 53248 Page directory size: 4096 Maximum: 4096 ---------- Total bytes in use: 2392064 (0% of available memory)