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Supported Platforms

test aaa ppp user


test aaa ppp user username<agent-remote-id ari><logical-system logical-system-name><password password><profile access-profile-name><routing-instance routing-instance-name><terminate-code code-value>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.2.

Option terminate-code introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.


Verify Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) subscriber access authentication, accounting, and address allocation configuration.



Subscriber username to test.

agent-remote-id ari

(Optional) Value of the DSL Forum Agent-Remote-Id (VSA 26–2).

logical-system logical-system-name

(Optional) Logical system in which the subscriber is authenticated.

password password

(Optional) Password associated with the username.

profile access-profile-name

(Optional) Access profile associated with the subscriber.

routing-instance routing-instance-name

(Optional) Routing instance in which the subscriber is authenticated.

terminate-code code-value

(Optional) Code associated with the subscriber termination.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

test aaa ppp user
test aaa ppp user (tunneled user)

Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request. For information about output fields related to authentication, accounting, and subscriber-specific information, see the show network-access aaa statistics, show network-access aaa statistics authentication, show network-access aaa subscribers, and show subscribers commands.

The test command does not support volume-time accounting. If volume-time accounting is configured for the test subscriber, the test command replaces the statistics with time-only accounting statistics.

Sample Output

test aaa ppp user

The following example tests the configuration for PPP subscriber jilldoe and password 92&tDcb, and displays the resulting output:

user@host> test aaa ppp user jilldoe password 92&tDcb
    Authentication Grant
    ************User Attributes***********
         User Name -                              jilldoe
         Client IP Address -            
         Client IP Netmask -            
         Virtual Router Name -                    default
         Reply Message -                          NULL
         Primary DNS IP Address -       
         Secondary DNS IP Address -     
         Primary WINS IP Address -      
         Secondary WINS IP Address -    
         Framed Pool -                            addr_pool3
         Session Timeout -                        0
         Idle Timeout -                           0
         Service Type -                           0
         Client Ipv6 Address -                    ::
         Client Ipv6 Mask -                       null
         Framed Ipv6 Prefix -                     ::/0
         Framed Ipv6 Pool -                       not-set
         Nas Ipv6 Address -                       ::
         NDRA Ipv6 Prefix -                       not-set
         Login Ipv6 Host -                        ::
         Framed Interface Id: -                   0:0:0:0
         Delegated Ipv6 Prefix -                  ::/0
         Delegated Ipv6 Pool -                    not-set
         User Password -                          92&tDcb
         CHAP Password -                          NULL
         NAS Ip Address -               
         NAS Port -                               0
         NAS Port Type -                          5
    Client Session Activate request sent
    Client Session Activated
         Filter Id -                              not set
         Framed MTU -                             (null)
         Framed Route -                           not set
         Ingress Policy Name -                    not set
         Egress Policy Name -                     not set
         IGMP -                                   disabled
         Redirect VR Name -                       default
         Service Bundle -                         Null
         Framed Ip Route Tag -                    not set
         LI Action -                              0
         LI Intercpet Id -                        0
         Med Ipaddress -                
         Med Port Number -                        0
         Ignore DF Bit -                          disabled
         IGMP Access Group Name -                 not set
         IGMP Access Source Group Name -          not set
         MLD Access Group Name -                  not set
         MLD Access Source Group Name -           not set
         IGMP Version -                           IGMP Version not set
         MLD Version -                            MLD Version not set
         IGMP Immediate Leave -                   disabled
         MLD Immediate Leave -                    disabled
         IPv6 Ingress Policy Name -               not set
         IPv6 Egress Policy Name -                not set
         Cos Parameter Type -                     not-set
         Cos  Scheduler Parameter Type -          not-set
         Acct Session ID-                         8
         Acct Interim Interval -                  0
         Acct Type -                              0
         Ingress Statistics                       disabled
         Egress Statistics                        disabled
    ****Pausing 10 seconds before disconnecting the test user*********
    Logging out subscriber
         Terminate Id -                           ppp lcp-no-peer-mru
    Test complete. Exiting

test aaa ppp user (tunneled user)

The following example tests the configuration for PPP tunneled subscriber accounting14, with password bncntr14 and access profile finance-b, and displays the resulting output:

user@host> test aaa ppp user accounting14 password bncntr14 profile finance-b
    Authentication Grant with Tunnel Attributes
    ************Tunnel Attributes***********
         ****Tunnel Definiton -                   1
             Tunnel Medium           -            1
             Tunnel Type             -            3
             Tunnel Max Sessions     -            100
             Tunnel Server Endpoint  -  
             Tunnel Client Endpoint  -  
             Tunnel Server AuthId    -            rt1
             Tunnel Client AuthId    -            ts1
             Tunnel Password         -            radius
             Tunnel Assignment Id    -            til
             Tunnel Logical System   -
             Tunnel Routing Instance -
    ****Pausing 10 seconds before disconnecting the test user*********
    Logging out subscriber
         Terminate Id -                           l2tp session-receive-cdn-avp-bad-hidden
    Test complete. Exiting

Published: 2013-03-14

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-03-14