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Configuring Manual (Static) DHCP Bindings Between a Fixed IP Address and a Client MAC Address

Static bindings provide configuration information for specific clients. This information can include one or more fixed Internet addresses, the client hostname, and a client identifier.

To configure static bindings, include the following statements at the [edit system services dhcp] hierarchy level:

[edit system services dhcp]
static-binding mac-address {fixed-address {address;}host client-hostname;client-identifier (ascii client-id | hexadecimal client-id);}

A static binding defines a mapping between a fixed IP address and the client’s MAC address.

The mac-address variable specifies the MAC address of the client. This is a hardware address that uniquely identifies each client on the network.

The fixed-address statement specifies the fixed IP address assigned to the client. Typically a client has one address assigned, but you can assign more.

The host statement specifies the hostname of the client requesting the DHCP server. The name can include the local domain name. Otherwise, the name is resolved based on the domain-name statement.

The client-identifier statement is used by the DHCP server to index the database of address bindings. The client identifier is either an ASCII string or hexadecimal digits. It can include a type-value pair as specified in RFC 1700, Assigned Numbers. Either a client identifier or the client’s MAC address must be configured to uniquely identify the client on the network.

Note: For each unique client-identifier client-id value, the DHCP server issues a unique lease and IP address from the pool. Previously, when the client provided an incorrect client-identifier client-id value, the DHCP server did not issue a lease.

The following is an example of a static binding configuration:

[edit system services dhcp]
static-binding 00:0d:56:f4:01:ab {fixed-address {;;}host-name "another-host.domain.tld";client-identifier hexadecimal 01001122aabbcc;}

Published: 2013-02-22