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Configuring Encapsulation for Layer 2 Wholesale VLAN Interfaces

Each dynamic VLAN interface in a Layer 2 wholesale network must use encapsulation. You can configure encapsulation dynamically for each VLAN interface by using the encapsulation statement at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interface “$junos-interface-ifd-name” unit “$junos-interface-unit”] hierarchy level or configure encapsulation for the physical interfaces at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level for each dynamically created VLAN interface to use. However, how you choose to configure (or not configure) encapsulation at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interface “$junos-interface-ifd-name” unit “$junos-interface-unit”] hierarchy level affects how you configure encapsulation at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.

Table 1 provides the valid encapsulation combinations for both dynamic profiles and physical interfaces in the Layer 2 wholesale network.

Table 1: Encapsulation Combinations for Layer 2 Wholesale Interfaces

Dynamic Profile

Physical Interface

Usage Notes



Using the vlan-vpls encapsulation type in both the dynamic profile and when configuring the physical interface limits the VLAN ID value to a number greater than or equal to 512.



Using the flexible-ethernet-services encapsulation type removes any VLAN ID value limitation.



The extended-vlan-vpls encapsulation type can support multiple TPIDs. Using this encapsulation type removes any VLAN ID value limitation.

No encapsulation type


The extended-vlan-vpls encapsulation type can support multiple TPIDs. Using this encapsulation type removes any VLAN ID value limitation.

To configure encapsulation for Layer 2 wholesale VLAN interfaces:

  1. (Optional) Define the VLAN encapsulation for the dynamic interfaces.
    [edit dynamic-profiles Subscriber_Profile_Retail1 interfaces “$junos-interface-ifd-name” unit “$junos-interface-unit”]user@host# set encapsulation encapsulation-type
  2. Specify the encapsulation type for the physical VLAN interface.
    [edit interfaces ge-2/3/0]user@host# edit encapsulation encapsulation-type

    Note: If you choose not to specify an encapsulation for the logical interface, you must specify extended-vlan-vpls encapsulation for the physical interface.

Published: 2013-02-13