Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, PTX, T Series
- IEEE 802.1ag OAM Connectivity Fault Management Overview
- MX Series
- Ethernet OAM Support for Service VLANs Overview
Configuring Ethernet OAM Support for Service VLANs with Double-Tagged Customer VLANs
On MX Series routers with MPC/MIC interfaces, you can enable propagation of the Ethernet IEEE 802.1ag Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) state of a static single-tagged service VLAN (S-VLAN) to the dynamic or static double-tagged customer VLAN (C-VLAN) that has the same S-VLAN (outer) tag as the S-VLAN, and, by extension, to subscriber interfaces configured on the C-VLAN. The static S-VLAN logical interface must be configured on a Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, or aggregated Ethernet physical interface.
Before you begin:
- Make sure the static single-tagged S-VLAN logical interface
is configured with the Ethernet 802.1ag OAM connectivity fault management
(CFM) continuity check protocol.
See IEEE 802.1ag OAM Connectivity Fault Management Overview.
To enable propagation of the Ethernet OAM state of a static single-tagged S-VLAN to dynamic or static double-tagged C-VLAN logical interfaces:
- Configure a Gigabit Ethernet (ge), 10-Gigabit Ethernet
(xe), or aggregated Ethernet (ae) physical interface to propagate
the S-VLAN Ethernet OAM state to C-VLAN logical interfaces that have
the same S-VLAN (outer) tag as the S-VLAN interface.[edit]user@host# set interfaces interface-name-fpc/pic/port oam-on-svlan
For example, the following statement enables propagation of the Ethernet OAM state of a static single-tagged S-VLAN on Gigabit Ethernet interface ge-1/0/5 to a dynamic or static double-tagged C-VLAN logical interface with the same S-VLAN (outer) tag as the S-VLAN interface.
[edit]user@host# set interfaces ge-1/0/5 oam-on-svlanIncluding the oam-on-svlan statement when you configure a Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, or aggregated Ethernet physical interface causes the router to bring down both of the following when the CFM continuity check protocol detects that the OAM state of the S-VLAN logical interface is down:
- All dynamic or static double-tagged C-VLANs on the S-VLAN interface that have the same S-VLAN (outer) tag as the S-VLAN interface.
- All DHCP, IP demultiplexing (IP demux), and PPPoE logical subscriber interfaces configured on the associated C-VLANs.
Example: Gigabit Ethernet Interface with Static S-VLAN, Dynamic C-VLAN, and Dynamic PPPoE Subscriber Interfaces
The following example shows a dynamic subscriber access configuration that uses the oam-on-svlan statement on a Gigabit Ethernet interface. This example configures Gigabit Ethernet physical interface ge-1/0/5 with a static single-tagged S-VLAN logical interface (ge-1/0/5.1) that runs the Ethernet 802.1ag OAM CFM continuity check protocol. A dynamic profile named double-vlans creates a dynamic double-tagged C-VLAN interface, and a dynamic profile named pppoe-profile creates dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces on the C-VLAN interface. The oam-on-svlan statement for ge-1/0/5 propagates the Ethernet OAM state of S-VLAN interface ge-1/0/5.1 to the C-VLAN interface and the dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces.
For clarity, the configuration is divided into five steps.
- Configure a dynamic profile named double-vlans that defines
a dynamic double-tagged C-VLAN logical interface.[edit]dynamic-profiles {double-vlans {interfaces {"$junos-interface-ifd-name" {unit "$junos-interface-unit" {vlan-tags outer "$junos-stacked-vlan-id" inner "$junos-vlan-id";encapsulation ppp-over-ether;pppoe-underlying-options {dynamic-profile pppoe-profile;}}}}}}
- Configure a dynamic profile named pppoe-profile that defines
dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces on the C-VLAN.[edit]dynamic-profiles {pppoe-profile {interfaces {pp0 {unit "$junos-interface-unit" {pppoe-options {underlying-interface "$junos-underlying-interface";server;}family inet {unnumbered-address lo0.0;}}}}}}
- Configure Gigabit Ethernet physical interface ge-1/0/5.[edit]interfaces {ge-1/0/5 {description "connect to remote router";flexible-vlan-tagging;oam-on-svlan;unit 1 {vlan-id 1;}auto-configure {stacked-vlan-ranges {dynamic-profile double-vlans {accept any;ranges {any,any;}}}}}lo0 {unit 0 {family inet {address {primary;}}}}}
The preceding example in Step 3 configures a static, single-tagged S-VLAN logical interface (ge-1/0/5.1) with VLAN ID 1, and references the double-vlans dynamic profile to create a dynamic double-tagged C-VLAN logical interface with S-VLAN (outer) tag any and C-VLAN (inner) tag any. The tag value any represents the entire range of VLAN IDs or S-VLAN IDs, including VLAN ID 1.
Because the C-VLAN outer tag (any) matches the S-VLAN tag VLAN ID 1, the oam-on-svlan statement in the configuration causes the router to propagate the Ethernet OAM state of S-VLAN ge-1/0/5.1 to the dynamic double-tagged C-VLAN logical interface (created by the double-vlans dynamic profile) and, by extension, to the dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces on the C-VLAN (created by the pppoe-profile dynamic profile).
- Configure the Ethernet 802.1ag OAM CFM continuity check
protocol on the static S-VLAN interface (ge-1/0/5.1). [edit]protocols {oam {ethernet {connectivity-fault-management {action-profile myDefault {default-actions {interface-down;}}maintenance-domain md1 {level 1;maintenance-association ma1 {continuity-check {interval 1s;}mep 100 {interface ge-1/0/5.1;direction down;remote-mep 101 {action-profile myDefault;}}}}}}}}
If the CFM continuity check protocol detects that the Ethernet OAM state of S-VLAN interface ge-1/0/5.1 is down, the interface-down action in the myDefault action profile causes the router to bring down both of the following:
- The dynamic double-tagged C-VLAN logical interface that has the same S-VLAN (outer) tag as S-VLAN interface ge-1/0/5.1
- The dynamic PPPoE subscriber interfaces configured on the dynamic C-VLAN interface
- Create a PPP access profile.
For brevity, this configuration is only partially shown. The missing portions of the configuration are replaced with ellipses (...).
[edit]access {...profile ppp-authenticator {...}}
Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, PTX, T Series
- IEEE 802.1ag OAM Connectivity Fault Management Overview
- MX Series
- Ethernet OAM Support for Service VLANs Overview
Published: 2013-02-11
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, M, MX, PTX, T Series
- IEEE 802.1ag OAM Connectivity Fault Management Overview
- MX Series
- Ethernet OAM Support for Service VLANs Overview