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Configuring Subscriber Session Options

Subscriber session timeouts enable you to place limits on subscriber access based on how long the session has been up, how long the user has been inactive, or both. The subscriber session timeouts apply to both L2TP-tunneled and PPP-terminated subscriber sessions.

Note: To configure the timeout attributes in RADIUS, refer to the documentation for your RADIUS server.

To configure limitations on subscriber sessions:

  1. Edit session options for the router access profile.
    [edit]user@host# edit access profile profile-name session-options
  2. Configure the maximum period a subscriber session can be active.
    [edit access profile profile-name session-options]user@host# set client-session-timeout minutes
  3. Configure the maximum period a subscriber session can be idle.
    [edit access profile profile-name session-options]user@host# set client-idle-timeout minutes

For example, to configure a client session timeout of 2 hours and an idle timeout of 15 minutes in the acc-prof profile:

access {profile {acc-prof {session-options {client-session-timeout 120;client-idle-timeout 15;}}}}

Published: 2013-02-22