Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.
- MX Series
- Configuring Top-Level Broadband Subscriber Management Elements
- Extended DHCP Local Server Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.
Configuring Address Server Elements for the Broadband Subscriber Management Solution
Configuring a DHCPv4 Address Assignment Pool
Address assignment pools enable you to specify groups of IP addresses that different client applications can share. In this configuration, the extended DHCP local server configuration or the router PPP software uses the address pool to provide addresses to subscribers that are accessing the network.
For PPP, to configure an address assignment pool:
- Create and name an address assignment pool.[edit]user@host# edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1
- Edit the address pool family.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1]user@host# edit family inet
- Define the address pool network address.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet]user@host# set network
- Set the address range for the network.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet]user@host# set range all low high
- Specify which access profile you want to instantiate.[edit]user@host# set access-profile AccessProfile_general
For DHCP local server, to configure an address assignment pool:
- Create and name an address assignment pool.[edit]user@host# edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1
- Edit the address pool family.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1]user@host# edit family inet
- Define the address pool network address.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet]user@host# set network
- Set the address range for the network.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet]user@host# set range all low high
- Edit the family DHCP attributes.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet]user@host# edit family inet dhcp-attributes
- Set the maximum lease time.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet dhcp-attributes]user@host# set maximum-lease-time 3600
- Set the grace period.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet dhcp-attributes]user@host# set grace-period 60
- Set the router IP address that you want advertised to
subscribers.[edit access address-assignment pool AddressPool_1 family inet dhcp-attributes]user@host# set router
- Specify which access profile you want to instantiate.[edit]user@host# set access-profile AccessProfile_general
Configuring Extended DHCP Local Server
You can enable the MX Series router to function as an extended DHCP local server. The extended DHCP local server provides IP addresses and other configuration information to a subscriber logging in to the network.
To configure the DHCP local server:
- Edit the routing system services.
- Edit the DHCP local server.[edit system services]user@host# edit dhcp-local-server
- Define the DHCP pool match order.[edit system services dhcp-local-server]user@host# set pool-match-order ip-address-first
- Set the authentication password.[edit system services dhcp-local-server]user@host# set authentication password auth-psswrd
- Edit the values you want included with the username.[edit system services dhcp-local-server]user@host# edit authentication username-include
- Set the values you want included with the username.[edit system services dhcp-local-server username-include]user@host# set domain-name yourcompany.comuser@host# set user-prefix user-defined-prefix
- Create and name a DHCP local server group.[edit system services dhcp-local-server]user@host# edit group dhcp-ls-group
- Specify a dynamic profile that you
want the DHCP local server group to use.[edit system services dhcp-local-server group dhcp-ls-group]user@host# set dynamic-profile Profile-Triple_Play
- Assign interfaces to the group.[edit system services dhcp-local-server group dhcp-ls-group]user@host# set interface ge-1/3/0.1 upto ge-1/3/0.5
- Edit the DHCP local server trace options.[edit system processes dhcp-service]user@host# edit interface-traceoptions
- Specify a log file into which
you want trace option information to be saved.[edit system processes dhcp-service interface-traceoptions]user@host# set file dhcp-server-msgs.log
- Specify the DHCP local server
message operations that you want saved in the log file.[edit system processes dhcp-service interface-traceoptions]user@host# set flag all
Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.
- MX Series
- Configuring Top-Level Broadband Subscriber Management Elements
- Extended DHCP Local Server Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.
Published: 2013-02-13
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- EX, M, MX Series
- Address-Assignment Pools Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.
- MX Series
- Configuring Top-Level Broadband Subscriber Management Elements
- Extended DHCP Local Server Overview in the Junos OS Subscriber Management, Release 13.1.