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Tracing Op Script Processing

Op script tracing operations track all op script operations and record them in a log file. The logged error descriptions provide detailed information to help you solve problems faster.

The default operation of op script tracing is to log important events in a file called op-script.log located in the /var/log directory. When the file op-script.log reaches 128 kilobytes (KB), it is renamed with a number 0 through 9 (in ascending order) appended to the end of the file and then compressed. The resulting files are op-script.log.0.gz, then op-script.log.1.gz, until there are 10 trace files. Then the oldest trace file (op-script.log.9.gz) is overwritten. (For more information about how log files are created, see the Junos OS System Log Messages Reference.)

This section discusses the following topics:

Minimum Configuration for Enabling Traceoptions for Op Scripts

If no op script trace options are configured, the simplest way to view the trace output of an op script is to configure the output trace flag and issue the show log op-script.log | last command. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. If you have not done so already, enable an op script by including the file statement at the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level:

    [edit system scripts op]user@host# set file filename
  2. Enable trace options by including the traceoptions flag output statement at the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level:

    [edit system scripts op]user@host# set traceoptions flag output
  3. Issue the commit command:

    [edit]user@host# commit
  4. Display the resulting trace messages recorded in the file /var/log/op-script.log file. At the end of the log is the output generated by the op script you enabled in Step 1. To display the end of the log, issue the show log op-script.log | last operational mode command:

    [edit]user@host# run show log op-script.log | last

Table 1 summarizes useful filtering commands that display selected portions of the op-script.log file.

Table 1: Op Script Tracing Operational Mode Commands



Display logging data associated with all op script processing.

show log op-script.log

Display processing for only the most recent operation.

show log op-script.log | last

Display processing for script errors.

show log op-script.log | match error

Display processing for a particular script.

show log op-script.log | match filename

Example: Minimum Configuration for Enabling Traceoptions for Op Scripts

Display the trace output of the op script file source-route.xsl:

system {scripts {op {file source-route.xsl;traceoptions flag output;}}}
[edit]user@host# commit[edit]user@host# run show log op-script.log | last

Configuring Tracing of Op Scripts

You cannot change the directory (/var/log) to which trace files are written. However, you can customize other trace file settings by including the following statements at the [edit system scripts op traceoptions] hierarchy level:

[edit system scripts op traceoptions]file <filename> <files number> <size size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag all;flag events;flag input;flag offline;flag output;flag rpc;flag xslt;no-remote-trace;

These statements are described in the following sections:

Configuring the Op Script Log Filename

By default, the name of the file that records trace output is op-script.log. You can specify a different name by including the file statement at the [edit system scripts op traceoptions] hierarchy level:

[edit system scripts op traceoptions]file filename;

Configuring the Number and Size of Op Script Log Files

By default, when the trace file reaches 128 KB in size, it is renamed and compressed to filename.0.gz, then filename.1.gz, and so on, until there are 10 trace files. Then the oldest trace file (filename.9.gz) is overwritten.

You can configure the limits on the number and size of trace files by including the following statements at the [edit system scripts op traceoptions file <filename>] hierarchy level:

[edit system scripts op traceoptions file <filename>]files number size size;

For example, set the maximum file size to 640 KB and the maximum number of files to 20. When the file that receives the output of the tracing operation (filename) reaches 640 KB, it is renamed and compressed to filename.0.gz, and a new file called filename is created. When filename reaches 640 KB, filename.0.gz is renamed filename.1.gz and filename is renamed and compressed to filename.0.gz. This process repeats until there are 20 trace files. Then the oldest file (filename.19.gz) is overwritten.

The number of files can range from 2 through 1000 files. The file size can range from 10 KB through 1 gigabyte (GB).


If you set either a maximum file size or a maximum number of trace files, you also must specify the other parameter and a filename.

Configuring Access to Op Script Log Files

By default, access to the op script log file is restricted to the owner. You can manually configure access by including the world-readable or no-world-readable statement at the [edit system scripts op traceoptions file <filename>] hierarchy level.

[edit system scripts op traceoptions file <filename>](world-readable | no-world-readable);

The no-world-readable statement restricts op script log access to the owner. The world-readable statement enables unrestricted access to the op script log file.

Configuring the Op Script Trace Operations

By default, only important events are logged. You can configure the trace operations to be logged by including the following statements at the [edit system scripts op traceoptions] hierarchy level:

[edit system scripts op traceoptions]flag all;flag events;flag input;flag offline;flag output;flag rpc;flag xslt;

Table 2 describes the meaning of the op script tracing flags.

Table 2: Op Script Tracing Flags



Default Setting


Trace all operations.



Trace important events.



Trace op script input data.



Generate data for offline development.



Trace op script output data.



Trace op script RPCs.



Trace the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) library.


Published: 2013-03-05

Published: 2013-03-05