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Configuration Task Overview

The J-Web user interface provides different methods for configuring your routing platform with the Junos OS. Choose a configuration method appropriate to your needs and familiarity with the interface.

Use the J-Web user interface to configure the services supported on a routing platform, including system settings, routing protocols, interfaces, network management, and user access.

Alternatively, you can configure the routing platform services with the Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) from a console connection to the routing platform or a remote network connection. You can also access the CLI from the J-Web interface. For more information, see Using the CLI Terminal. For complete information about using the CLI, see the CLI User Guide.

When you edit a configuration, you work in a copy of the current configuration to create a candidate configuration. The changes you make to the candidate configuration are visible through the user interface immediately, but do not take effect on the routing platform until you commit the changes.

You can set your preference by selecting Commit or Commit Check. This preference is applicable across sessions and users. Commit Check only validates the configuration and reports errors. Commit validates and commits the configuration specified on every J-Web page.

When you commit the configuration, the candidate file is checked for proper syntax, activated, and marked as the current, operational software configuration file. If multiple users are editing the configuration when you commit the candidate configuration, all changes made by all the users take effect. If you are editing the configuration with the CLI, you can edit an exclusive or private candidate configuration. For more information, see the CLI User Guide.

When you commit a configuration, the routing platform saves the current operational version and the previous 49 versions of committed configurations. The most recently committed configuration is version 0 (the current operational version), and the oldest saved configuration is version 49. You can roll back the configuration to any saved version.

Note: You must assign a root password before committing a configuration and can do so on the J-Web Set Up page.

To better understand the Junos OS configuration process, become familiar with the terms defined in Table 1.

Table 1: Junos OS Configuration Terms



candidate configuration

A working copy of the configuration that can be edited without affecting the routing platform until it is committed.

configuration group

Group of configuration statements that can be inherited by the rest of the configuration.

commit a configuration

Have the candidate configuration checked for proper syntax, activated, and marked as the current configuration file running on the routing platform.

configuration hierarchy

Set of hierarchically organized configuration statements that make up the Junos® OS configuration on a routing platform. There are two types of statements: container statements, which contain other statements, and leaf statements, which do not contain other statements. All the container and leaf statements together form the configuration hierarchy.

rescue configuration

On J Series routers only, a configuration that recovers a routing platform from a configuration that denies management access. You set a current committed configuration through the J-Web interface or CLI for emergency use. To load and commit the rescue configuration, you press and release the CONFIG or RESET CONFIG button.

roll back a configuration

Return to a previously committed configuration.

Published: 2013-08-14

Published: 2013-08-14