Using View Events
The Events task on the J-Web interface enables you to filter and view system log messages that record events occurring on your routing platform.
Figure 1 shows the View Events page. This page provides an easy method to view the events recorded in the system log (also known as system log messages). By default, the View Events page displays a summary of the most recent 25 events, with severity levels highlighted in different colors.
The events summary includes information about the time the event occurred, the name of the process that generated the message, the event ID, and a short description of the event. You can move the cursor over the question mark (?) next to an event ID to display a useful description of the event.
You can filter events by system log filename, event ID, text from the event description, name of the process that generated the event, or time period, to display only the events you want. You can also generate and save an HTML report of the system alarms.
Alternatively, enter the following command in the J-Web CLI terminal to display the list of messages and a brief description of each message. For more information about the CLI terminal, see Using the CLI Terminal.
Figure 1: View Events page