Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- M, MX Series
- For information about the specific Juniper Networks VSAs used for Mobile IP RADIUS-based authentication, see Juniper Networks VSAs Supported by the AAA Service Framework
- MX Series
- Mobile IP Home Agent Elements and Behavior
- Mobile IP Routing and Forwarding
- Mobile IP in the WiMAX Environment
- Configuring Mobile IP
Mobile IP Registration
The home agent receives the registration requests (RRQs) on UDP port 434. The registration request contains the home agent IP address. The home agent can support static home address allocation and dynamic home address allocation. The home agent can revoke a mobile node’s registration. When this happens, the mobility binding is removed and the foreign agent is informed of the revocation so it can free up its resources. The foreign agent can send a registration revocation request to the home agent when the mobile node roams to another area. The revocation request can include a revocation support extension to indicate that it supports the revocation mechanism.
Home Address Assignment
The mobile node’s home address can either be preconfigured, or dynamically allocated by the Mobile IP home agent. If a nonzero home address is preconfigured, the home agent processes the registration request using the home address and NAI (if the NAI is present).
If the home address is dynamically allocated, the mobile node submits a zero home address and requests the home agent to assign an IP address. The mobile node then uses the address provided by the home agent for subsequent registration requests, until the mobile node is rebooted or the registration expires.
Home address allocation is done by one of the existing authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server back-end address mechanisms, such as:
- By RADIUS, in the Framed-IP-Address attribute
- From a local address pool returned by RADIUS in the Framed-Pool attribute
The home agent authenticates the requests based on RFC 3344—IP Mobility Support for IPv4 (August 2002). By default, a AAA server is used for authentication; alternatively, you can configure local authentication parameters on the home agent. The mobile node authentication is verified and the authentication algorithm and key are retrieved by checking the security association indexed by the security parameter index (SPI) value. This verification results in the key and the authentication algorithm with which to compute an MD-5 message digest over the registration request. The Mobile IP home agent supports both HMAC-MD5 and keyed-MD5 authentication algorithms. When the result of this computation matches the authenticator, the mobile-home extension is authenticated. For local authentication, the key is limited to a maximum of 128 bits. For AAA authentication, the key can be longer depending on the maximum length configured on the AAA server.
When HA receives the access accept from the AAA, it extracts the MN-HA key from the response. The home agent does the MN-HA authentication extension processing based on the MN-HA key by running authentication algorithm (HMAC-MD5 or Keyed-MD5) on the message to compute a hash (authenticator), which is compared with the hash value in the MN-HA extension. If the hash value matches, the RRQ is considered authenticated.
If a security association is configured for the foreign agent, the foreign-home authentication extension is verified; otherwise, authentication success is based only on the mobile-home authenticator.
The home agent checks the identification (ID) field to verify that a registration message has been freshly generated by the mobile node, and is not simply being replayed by an attacker from some previous registration. The ID field represents a 64-bit Network Time Protocol (NTP)-formatted time value. The configured replay timestamp defines the tolerance time window in seconds by which a registration request timestamp and the local time of the HA can differ. By default, the timestamp must be within 7 seconds of the replay tolerance configured for the mobile node or, if that is configured, the timestamp tolerance of the home agent itself.
Reauthentication is not currently supported by the authentication process. Mobile IP caches a security association for each mobile node, which helps overcome this limitation. When a mobile node requests re-registration or de-registration, Mobile IP refers to the cached security association for that mobile node and performs MD5 message authentication.
When the security association for the mobile node changes after the node is authenticated, the cache entry is not invalidated. Consequently, the mobile node’s RRQ is rejected. In this case you must clear the binding with the mobile node so that it can de-register and then log in.
RADIUS server configuration changes relating to the subscriber do not propagate to the cache. In this case you must clear the binding with the mobile node so that it can de-register and then log in.
AAA Authentication
You can store the security associations and configuration information remotely on a RADIUS server. The home agent applies the authentication algorithm and security key to the mobile node’s message. The AAA server uses Juniper Networks vendor-specific attributes (VSAs; vendor ID 4874) listed in Table 1. These VSAs are mandatory in the reply to provide the appropriate authentication algorithm and the secure key for the authentication request. If the security parameters are not retrieved, then the request for mobility service is rejected, a security violation error is logged, and no registration reply is generated.
Table 1: Juniper Networks VSAs Used by Mobile IP
Attribute Number | Attribute Name | Description | Value |
26–84 | Mobile-IP-Algorithm | Authentication algorithm used for Mobile-IP registration | integer: 4-octet |
26–85 | Mobile-IP-SPI | Security parameter index for Mobile IP registration | integer: 4-octet |
26–86 | Mobile-IP-Key | Security association MD5 key for Mobile IP registration | string: key |
26–87 | Mobile-IP-Replay | Replay timestamp for Mobile IP registration | integer: 4-octet |
26–89 | Mobile-IP-Lifetime | Registration lifetime for Mobile IP registration | integer: 4-octet |
AAA authentication is accomplished by generating a AAA access-request to a AAA server. This is the default authentication mode, but you can include the authenticate order aaa statement at the [edit services mobile-ip] hierarchy level to explicitly configure AAA authentication. You cannot configure a fallback mechanism for AAA authentication. If the AAA request times out, the home agent does not fall back on the local router to determine the authentication parameters. The registration request is rejected. When the message is authenticated, the AAA server always returns either the Framed-IP-Address or Framed-Pool attribute for the user.
The presence of the mobile node’s NAI and home IP address in the authentication request that the home agent sends to the AAA server is determined by their presence in the mobile node RRQ received by the home agent:
- When both the NAI and home IP address of the mobile node are present in the registration request, then the authentication request from Mobile IP to AAA has the NAI as the user name.
- When only the NAI is present in the registration request, then the NAI is used as the user name.
- When only the IP address (home address) is present in the registration request, then the IP address is used as the user name.
- When both the NAI address and the IP address are missing from the registration request, then the registration request is rejected.
Local Authentication
As an alternative to the default authentication by AAA server, you can store the security associations and configuration information locally on the router hosting the home agent. Local authentication is accomplished by querying the locally configured security parameters for the mobile node. The home agent applies the authentication algorithm and security key to the mobile node’s message. If the security parameters are not available or do not match the RRQ, then the request for mobility service is rejected, a security violation error is logged, and no registration reply is generated.
For local authentication, include the authenticate order local statement at the [edit services mobile-ip] hierarchy level. You cannot configure a fallback mechanism for local authentication. If the local authentication fails, the home agent does not fall back on the AAA server to determine the authentication parameters. The registration request is rejected. Include the peer statement at the [edit services mobile-ip] hierarchy level to configure the authentication attributes on the home agent for a user identified by IP address or network address identifier (NAI). This user can be a mobile node or a foreign agent.
The authentication attributes include a security parameter index (SPI) to identify a particular security context between the home agent and the mobile node or foreign agent among the contexts available in the mobility security association. Associated with each SPI is the MD5 algorithm and key used to authenticate messages from the mobile node or foreign agent. You can also configure the replay timestamp tolerance for the mobile node or foreign agent.
When local authentication is configured, you can configure Mobile IP independently in any named routing instance in any configured logical router. All Mobile IP statements are available in those contexts, except for the order aaa statement at the [edit services mobile-ip authenticate] hierarchy level.
The Junos Mobile IP home agent application supports time-based accounting for Mobile IP subscribers. Include the statistics time statement in the subscriber access profile at the [edit access profile profile-name accounting] hierarchy level. Time-based accounting for Mobile IP subscribers also requires that you include the authenticate order aaa statement at the [edit services mobile-ip] hierarchy level. Accounting begins when the Mobile IP home agent registers the mobile node and creates a binding with the mobile node.
Accounting stops when the binding is deleted. Any of the following actions can cause the binding to be deleted:
- The mobile user logs off.
- The binding lifetime expires.
- The mobile node is deregistered for any reason.
- The foreign agent sends a revocation message.
The Acct-Start message the home agent sends to the AAA server includes the network address identifier (NAI) in the User-Name attribute and the home address of the mobile IP node in the Framed-IP-Address attribute. The Acct-Stop message additionally includes the Acct-Session-Id and Acct-Session-Time attributes.
You cannot currently configure time-based accounting for only the Mobile IP service in a given logical router or routing instance. Enabling time-based accounting for Mobile IP also enables time-based accounting for all other services that are configured in that logical router or routing instance. If you do not want time-based accounting to apply to other services, then you must configure those services in a different logical router or routing instance.
Related Documentation
- M, MX Series
- For information about the specific Juniper Networks VSAs used for Mobile IP RADIUS-based authentication, see Juniper Networks VSAs Supported by the AAA Service Framework
- MX Series
- Mobile IP Home Agent Elements and Behavior
- Mobile IP Routing and Forwarding
- Mobile IP in the WiMAX Environment
- Configuring Mobile IP
Published: 2013-07-31
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- M, MX Series
- For information about the specific Juniper Networks VSAs used for Mobile IP RADIUS-based authentication, see Juniper Networks VSAs Supported by the AAA Service Framework
- MX Series
- Mobile IP Home Agent Elements and Behavior
- Mobile IP Routing and Forwarding
- Mobile IP in the WiMAX Environment
- Configuring Mobile IP