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Supported Platforms

JCS1200 Software Components

The JCS1200 software includes the following concepts and components:

JCS Management Module CLI Overview

The JCS management module command-line interface (CLI) is the software interface you use to access and configure the Juniper Networks Control System (JCS). You can access the JCS management module CLI through a local connection to the serial port on the JCS management module. Or, you can access the CLI from a remote network management station on the network through the console (Ethernet) connector.

The JCS management module CLI is a straightforward command interface. You type commands on a single line, and commands are executed when you press the Enter key. The CLI provides command help and command history.

Unlike the Junos OS CLI, in which configuration commands you enter are stored in a candidate configuration and the changes you add are not activated until you commit the configuration, configuration commands you enter with the JCS management module CLI are activated as soon as you enter the command.

General information about JCS CLI commands includes:

  • All JCS CLI commands have the following basic structure:

    command -option parameter

    An option is a single-letter code or word that refines the behavior of a command in some predetermined way. A parameter, also known as a command-line argument, is a filename or other data that is provided to a command. Some commands do not require options, and some commands do not require parameters.

  • All commands, command options, and predefined parameters are case-sensitive.
  • Command options are indicated by a dash (-).
  • Strings that contain spaces are enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

    snmp -cn “John Markham”

  • Depending on which command options you enter, you can use the same JCS CLI command to display configuration information or to change a configuration. For example, compare the following:

    mt -T system

    Displays the Routing Engine (blade) that currently controls (owns) the media tray.

    mt -T system –b 6

    Configures the Routing Engine (blade) in slot 6 to control the media tray.

Logging In to the JCS Management Module CLI

To log in to the JCS management module for the first time, use the default username and password:

Username: USERID
Password: PASSW0RD

The 0 in PASSW0RD is a zero, not the letter O.

When you have created user accounts, you can log in as a specific user.

Getting Help on JCS Commands

The JCS management module CLI includes a help command you can use to get a list of available commands or to get help on individual commands.

  • For a list of available commands, enter the help command. For example:
    system> help
    ? – Display commands
    accseccfg — View/edit account security config
    advfailover — View/edit advanced failover mode
    alarm — Manage Telco System Management alarm(s)
    alertcfg — Displays/Configures the global remote alert systems
    alertentries — View/edit remote alarm recipients
    baydata — View/edit Blade Bay Data string
  • For help on individual commands, enter command -help, where command is the name of the command for which you want help. For example:
    system> clock -help
       clock [-options]
       -d    - date (mm/dd/yyyy)
       -t    - time (hh:mm:ss)
       -g    - GMT offset
       -dst  - daylight savings time (on|off|special case)
    For a GMT offset of +2:00, use one of the following values for dst:
       ee    - Eastern Europe
       gtb   - Great Britain
       egt   - Egypt
       fle   - Finland
    For a GMT offset of +10:00, use one of the following values for dst:
       ea    - Eastern Australia
       tas   - Tasmania
       vlad  - Vladivostok
    For a GMT offset in set {-9:00, -8:00, -7:00, -6:00, -5:00}, use one of the
    following values for dst:
       uc    - USA and Canada
       other - Other locations
    For a GMT offset of -4:00, use one of the following values for dst:
       can   - Canada
       other - Other locations
  • You can also use the ? or -h shortcuts to get help. For example:
    system> clock -h
    system> clock ?

Table 1 shows syntax conventions used in help command output.

Table 1: Syntax Conventions for JCS Management Module CLI Help



[ ]

Used for indexing (by slot (bay) number)

< >

Denotes a variable

{ }

Denotes an optional argument


Denotes a choice

Setting the JCS Management Module Command Target

You can use the JCS management module CLI to direct commands to the management module or other devices installed in the JCS chassis. The device where the command takes effect is called the command target. By default, the command target is system (the JCS chassis).

  • Use the env command to change the command target. For example:
    • The following command changes the command target from system to JCS management module 1 (mm[1]):
      system> env -T mm[1]

      The command prompt changes to system:mm[1] to indicate the command target. Unless otherwise directed, all commands you enter apply to the target shown by the prompt.

    • To return the command target to the top level of the hierarchy, type the following:
      system:mm[1]: env -T system
  • Use the -T option to temporarily override the active command target for individual commands. For example, to include the following command option to redirect a command to the JCS management module in slot (bay 1), type:
    -T system:mm[1]

Table 2 lists command targets you typically use to configure and monitor the JCS1200 platform.

Table 2: Target Paths for JCS Modules


Target Path


JCS1200 platform


JCS management module


x is the management module number (1 or 2)

Routing Engine (blade server)


x is the blade slot number (1 through 12)

JCS switch module


x is the switch number (1 or 2)

Note: Additional target paths are available in the JCS management module CLI.

JCS Switch Module Script

The JCS switch module includes a menu-based interface that runs on the JCS1200 platform. However, instead of using menus to configure the switch, Juniper Networks provides a script you can use for configuring the switch.

Published: 2013-07-16

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-07-16