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Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Protection Overview

A denial-of-service attack is any attempt to deny valid users access to network or server resources by using up all the resources of the network element or server. Distributed denial-of-service attacks involve an attack from multiple sources, enabling a much greater amount of traffic to attack the network. The attacks typically use network protocol control packets to trigger a large number of exceptions to the router’s control plane. This results in an excessive processing load that disrupts normal network operations.

Junos OS DDoS protection enables the router to continue functioning while under an attack. It identifies and suppresses malicious control packets while enabling legitimate control traffic to be processed. A single point of DDoS protection management enables network administrators to customize profiles for their network control traffic. Protection and monitoring persists across graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) and unified in-service-software-upgrade (ISSU) switchovers. Protection is not diminished as the number of subscribers increases.

To protect against DDoS attacks, you can configure policers for host-bound exception traffic. The policers specify rate limits for individual types of protocol control packets or for all control packet types for a protocol. You can monitor policer actions for packet types and protocol groups at the level of the router, Routing Engine, and line cards. You can also control logging of policer events.

The policers at the MPC or FPC5 are the first line of protection. Control traffic is dropped when it exceeds any configured policer values or, for unconfigured policers, the default policer values. Each violation generates a notification to alert operators about a possible attack. The violation is counted, the time that the violation starts is noted, and the time of the last observed violation is noted. When the traffic rate drops below the bandwidth violation threshold, a recovery timer determines when the traffic flow is consider to have returned to normal. If no further violation occurs before the timer expires, the violation state is cleared and a notification is generated.

Policer states and statistics from each line card are relayed to the Routing Engine and aggregated. The policer states are maintained during a switchover. Although line card statistics and violation counts are preserved during a switchover, Routing Engine policer statistics are not.

Note: DDoS protection is supported only on MX Series routers that have only MPCs installed and T4000 routers that have only FPC5s installed. If the router has other line cards in addition to MPCs or FPC5s, respectively, the CLI accepts the configuration but the other line cards are not protected and so the router is not protected.

Policer Types and Packet Priorities

DDoS protection includes two types of policers:

  • An aggregate policer is applied to the complete set of packet types that belong to a protocol group. For example, you can configure an aggregate policer that applies to all PPPoE control packet types or to all DHCPv4 control packet types. You can specify bandwidth and burst limits, scale the bandwidth and burst limits, and set a traffic priority for aggregate policers. An aggregate policer is available for all protocol groups. Aggregate policers are supported by all protocol groups.
  • An individual policer, also referred to as a packet-type policer, is allocated for each control packet type within a protocol group. For example, you can configure a policer for one or more types of PPPoE control packets. You can specify bandwidth and burst limits, scale the bandwidth and burst limits, and set a traffic priority for packet-type policers. Individual policers are not available for all protocol groups. See protocols for a list of protocol groups that have individual policers.

A control packet is policed first by its individual policer (if supported) and then by its aggregate policer. A packet dropped by the individual policer never reaches the aggregate policer. A packet that passes the individual policer can subsequently be dropped by the aggregate policer.

Each packet type within a protocol group has a default, configurable priority: low, medium, or high. Each control packet competes with other packets for the bandwidth within the limit imposed by its aggregate policer based on the priority configured for each packet type in the protocol group.

The priority mechanism is absolute. High-priority traffic gets bandwidth in preference to medium- and low-priority traffic. Medium-priority traffic gets bandwidth in preference to low-priority traffic. Low-priority traffic can use only the bandwidth left by high- and medium-priority traffic. If higher-priority traffic takes all of the bandwidth, then all the lower-priority traffic is dropped.

Example of Policer Priority Behavior

For example, consider how you might configure packet types within the PPPoE protocol group. Ignoring other PPPoE packet types for this example, suppose you configure individual policers for PADI and PADT packets, as well as a PPPoE aggregate policer for all those packets. PADT packets are more important than PADI packets, because PADT packets enable the PPPoE application to release resources to accept new connections. Therefore, you might assign high priority to the PADT packets and low priority to the PADI packets.

The aggregate policer imposes a total bandwidth limit for the protocol group. PADT packets passed by their individual policer have access to that bandwidth before PADI packets passed by their individual policer, because the PADT packets have a higher priority. If so many PADT packets are passed that they use all the available bandwidth, then all the PADI packets are dropped, because there is no bandwidth remaining at the aggregate policer.

Policer Hierarchy

DDoS policers are organized to match the hierarchical flow of protocol control traffic. Control traffic arriving from all ports of a line card converges on the card’s Packet Forwarding Engine. Control traffic from all line cards on the router converges on the Routing Engine. Similarly, the DDoS policers are placed hierarchically along the control paths so that excess packets are dropped as early as possible on the path. This design preserves system resources by removing excess, malicious traffic so that the Routing Engine receives only the amount of traffic that it can process. To implement this design, five DDoS policers are present: One at the chipset, two at the line card, and two at the Routing Engine. Figure 1 shows the policer process for PPPoE traffic. Figure 2 shows the policer process for DHCPv4 traffic. (The same process applies to DHCPv6 traffic.)

Figure 1: Policer Hierarchy for PPPoE Packets

Policer Hierarchy for
PPPoE Packets

Figure 2: Policer Hierarchy for DHCPv4 Packets

Policer Hierarchy for
DHCPv4 Packets

Control packets arrive at the chipset on the MPC or FPC5 for processing and forwarding. The first policer (1) is either an individual policer (Figure 1) or an aggregate policer (Figure 2).

  • The first policer is an individual policer for protocol groups that support individual policers, with two exceptions. For DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 traffic, the first policer is an aggregate policer.
  • The first policer is an aggregate policer for protocol groups that support only aggregate policers.

Traffic that passes the first policer is monitored by one or both of the line card policers. If the card has more than one chipset, traffic from all chipsets converges on the line card policers.

  • When the traffic belongs to a protocol group that supports individual policers, it passes through the line card individual policer (2) and then the line card aggregate policer (3). Traffic that passes the individual policer can be dropped by the aggregate policer. Although DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 traffic was monitored by an aggregate policer at the chipset, at the line card it is handled like other protocols that support individual policers.
  • When the traffic belongs to a protocol group that supports only aggregate policers, only the line card aggregate policer monitors the traffic.

Traffic that passes the line card policers is monitored by one or both of the Routing Engine policers. Traffic from all MPCs or FPC5s converges on the Routing Engine policers.

  • When the traffic belongs to a protocol group that supports individual policers, it passes through the Routing Engine individual policer (4) and then the Routing Engine aggregate policer (5). Traffic that passes the individual policer can be dropped by the aggregate policer. As it was at the line card level, DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 traffic at the Routing Engine is handled like other protocols that support individual policers.
  • When the traffic belongs to a protocol group that supports only aggregate policers, only the aggregate policer monitors the traffic.

The result of this design is that traffic for protocol groups that support only aggregate policers is evaluated by three policers. Among other groups, this includes ANCP, dynamic VLAN, FTP, and IGMP traffic. Traffic for protocol groups that support both aggregate and individual policers is evaluated by all five policers. Among other groups, this includes DHCPv4, MLP, PPP, PPPoE, and virtual chassis traffic.

Figure 1 shows how DDoS protection polices PPPoE control packets:

  1. PADR packets, for example, are evaluated at the first policer on the chipset to determine whether they are within the bandwidth limits. PADR packets that exceed the limit are dropped.
  2. All PADR packets that pass the policer on all chipsets on the MPC or FPC5 are next evaluated by the line card individual policer. PADR packets that exceed the limit are dropped.
  3. All PADR packets that pass the line card individual policer proceed to the line card aggregate policer. PADR packets that exceed the limit are dropped.
  4. All PADR packets that are passed by the line card aggregate policers on all MPCs or FPC5s on the router proceed to the Routing Engine individual policer. PADR packets that exceed the limit are dropped.
  5. Finally, all PADR packets that are passed by the Routing Engine individual policer proceed to the Routing Engine aggregate policer. PADR packets that exceed the limit are dropped. PADR packets that are not dropped here are passed along as safe, normal traffic.

By default, all three individual policers (chipset, line card, and Routing Engine) have the same bandwidth limit for a given packet type. This design enables all the control traffic from a chipset and line card to reach the Routing engine, as long as there is no competing traffic of the same type from other chipsets or line cards. When competing traffic is present, excess packets are dropped at the convergence points. That is, they are dropped at the line card for all competing chipsets and at the Routing Engine for all competing line cards.

Example of Policer Bandwidth Limit Behavior

For example, suppose you set the policer bandwidth for PADI packets to 1000 packets per second. This value applies to the individual PADI policers at the chipset, the line card, and the Routing Engine. If only the card in slot 5 is receiving PADI packets, then up to 1000 PADI pps can reach the Routing Engine (if the PPPoE aggregate policer is not exceeded). However, suppose the card in slot 9 is also receiving PADI packets at 1000 pps and that its PPPoE aggregate policer is not exceeded. The traffic passes the individual and aggregate policers at both line cards and proceeds to the Routing Engine. At the Routing Engine, the combined bandwidth is 2000 pps. Because the PADI policer at the Routing Engine allows only 1000 PADI pps to pass, it drops the excess 1000 packets. It continues to drop the excess packets for as long as the bandwidth is exceeded.

You can apply a scaling factor for both the bandwidth limit and the burst limit at the line card. This enables you to fine-tune the traffic limits for each slot. For example, suppose the individual policer sets the PADI packet bandwidth to 1000 pps and the burst size to 50,000 packets. You can reduce the traffic limit for PADI packets on any line card by specifying the slot number and scaling factor. A bandwidth scaling factor of 20 for slot 5 reduces the traffic in this example to 20 percent of 1000 pps, or 200 pps for the line card in that slot. Similarly, a burst scaling factor of 50 for that slot reduces the burst size by 50 percent to 25,000 packets. By default, scaling factors are set to 100 so traffic can pass through at 100 percent of the rate limit.

Published: 2013-07-17