Impact of Different Local and Forwarded Severity Levels on System Log Messages on a TX Matrix Router
This topic describes the impact of different local and forwarded severity levels configured for system log messages on a TX Matrix router:
Messages Logged When the Local and Forwarded Severity Levels Are the Same
When the severity level is the same for local and
forwarded messages, the log on the TX Matrix router contains all messages
from the logs on the T640 routers. For example, you can specify severity info for the /var/log/messages
file, which is the default severity level for messages forwarded
by T640 routers:
Table 1 specifies which messages are included in the logs on the T640 routers and the TX Matrix router.
Table 1: Example: Local and Forwarded Severity Level Are Both info
Log Location | Source of Messages | Lowest Severity Included |
T640 router | Local | info |
TX Matrix router | Local | info |
Forwarded from T640 routers | info |
Messages Logged When the Local Severity Level Is Lower
When the severity level is lower for local messages than for forwarded messages, the log on the TX Matrix router includes fewer forwarded messages than when the severities are the same. Locally generated messages are still logged at the lower severity level, so their number in each log is the same as when the severities are the same.
For example, on a TX Matrix router, you can specify
severity notice for the /var/log/messages
file and severity critical for forwarded messages:
Table 2 specifies which messages in a routing matrix are included in the logs on the T640 routers and the TX Matrix router. The T640 routers forward only those messages with severity critical and higher, so the log on the TX Matrix router does not include the messages with severity error, warning, or notice that the T640 routers log locally.
Table 2: Example: Local Severity Is notice, Forwarded Severity Is critical
Log Location | Source of Messages | Lowest Severity Included |
T640 router | Local | notice |
TX Matrix router | Local | notice |
Forwarded from T640 routers | critical |
Messages Logged When the Local Severity Level Is Higher
When the severity level is higher for local messages than for forwarded messages, the log on the TX Matrix router includes fewer forwarded messages than when the severities are the same, and all local logs contain fewer messages overall.
For example, you can specify severity critical for the /var/log/messages
file and severity notice for forwarded
Table 3 specifies which messages are included in the logs on the T640 routers and the TX Matrix router. Although the T640 routers forward messages with severity notice and higher, the TX Matrix router discards any of those messages with severity lower than critical (does not log forwarded messages with severity error, warning, or notice). None of the logs include messages with severity error or lower.
Table 3: Example: Local Severity Is critical, Forwarded Severity Is notice
Log Location | Source of Messages | Lowest Severity Included |
T640 router | Local | critical |
TX Matrix router | Local | critical |
Forwarded from T640 routers | critical |