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Example: Configuring CoS for a PBB Network on MX Series Routers

The IEEE 802.1ah provider backbone bridge (PBB) is a new standard for connecting and interoperating with provider backbone networks. Configure class-of-service (CoS) on your PBB to manage traffic to assure that service-level agreements (SLAs) are supported with the correct amount of bandwidth and quality of service. Using CoS, you can categorize traffic into classes and provide various levels of throughput and packet loss. This is especially important for traffic that is sensitive to jitter and delay, such as voice traffic.

This example describes how to configure and apply a basic CoS configuration to manage customer traffic:


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • JUNOS Release 10.0 or later for MX Series routers
  • One MX Series router in a PBB configuration

Before you configure the switch for CoS, be sure you have:

Overview and Topology

Figure 1 displays the network topology for this example. Four service paths (eline1, eline2, elan1,and elan2) are configured on ES4. Ingress traffic is entering ES4 through interface ge-1/0/3 and egressing through interface ge-1/0/0. Class of service is applied only to ES4 since it is at the edge.

Figure 1: Network Topology for CoS for Provider Backbone Bridging

Network Topology for CoS for
Provider Backbone Bridging

Figure 2 shows the relationship of the forwarding classes that are used in this example. The three forwarding classes are Voice-EF, VPN-PR-DATA, and INET-BEST-EFFORT. These forwarding classes are associated with E-LINE 1, E-LINE 2, E-LAN 1, and E-LAN 2.

E-LINE 1 and E-LINE 2 are bundled into interface set vuni-set1. E-LAN 1 and E-LAN 2 are bundled into interface set vuni-set2. Interface sets provide the same function as a virtual UNI in the carrier Ethernet world. An interface set is used to group a set of logical interfaces under a port and then transport packets through the member logical interface.

Figure 2: Egress Shaping

Egress Shaping

Table 1 shows the services, traffic rates, and the egress SLA that are configured in this example.

Table 1: Egress SLA Enforcement


Traffic Rate Applied for Example

Egress SLA

eline1 from ES1 —> ES4

  • VOICE-EF forwarding class is used for voice
  • VPN-PR-DATA forwarding class is used for priority data
  • VOICE-EF forwarding class

Physical interface ge-1/0/3 and interface sets vuni-set1 and interface-set2

  • 10 Mbps for voice
  • 40 Mbps for priority
  • 40 Mbps for best effort

At egress, shaping (using schedulers) is configured at the [edit interfaces interface-set] hierarchy level. The scheduler ensures that voice and data traffic is given a higher priority to protect these traffic classes during congestion.

  • 10 Mbps for voice
  • 40 Mbps for priority
  • 25 Mbps for best effort

Note: Traffic is limited to 100 Mbps due to the physical restrictions of the interface on which it travels.

eline2 from ES1—> ES4

  • INET-BEST-EFFORT forwarding class

60 Mbps

25 Mbps

Note: After scheduling voice and data traffic, the remaining 50 Mbps is shared by the best effort traffic in eline1 and eline2.

Ingress traffic travels into the ES4 router and through the network to the ES1 router. Figure 3 shows the three levels of service that will be entering E-LINE 1 on ES4. Voice, priority data, and best-effort traffic will be policed in different ways. Voice traffic can receive 15 Mbps, priority data can receive 50 Mbps, and best-effort traffic isn’t policed at all—it operates on what bandwidth is left after servicing voice and priority traffic.

Figure 3: Achieving Ingress SLA by Applying Policers for Each Traffic Class

Achieving Ingress SLA by Applying
Policers for Each Traffic Class

Table 2 provides more information about the services, traffic rates, and the ingress SLA that are configured in this example.

Table 2: Ingress SLA Enforcement


Traffic Rate Applied for Example

Ingress SLA

eline1 to ES4 —> ES1

  • VOICE-EF forwarding class is used for voice and uses the IEEE 802.1P classifier P-Bit 7
  • VPN-PR-DATA forwarding class is used for priority data the IEEE 802.1P classifier P-Bit 4
  • INET-BEST-EFFORT forwarding class is used for best effort traffic and uses the IEEE 802.1P classifier P-Bit 0

Traffic is entering the topology at the following rates:

  • 10 Mbps for voice
  • 70 Mbps for priority
  • 40 Mbps for best effort

Traffic will be policed at the following rates:

  • 15 Mbps for voice
  • 50 Mbps for priority
  • No policer for best effort—all 40 Mbps traffic is accepted

eline2 to ES4 —> ES1

  • INET-BEST-EFFORT forwarding class and uses the IEEE 802.1P classifier P-Bit 0

60 Mbps

No policer—all 60 Mbps traffic is accepted

Table 3 shows the different properties that will be configured for CoS on MX Series router ES4.

Table 3: Components of the Topology for Configuring CoS on MX Series Routers



Interface sets

The following interface sets are configured to transport customer traffic:

  • Interface set vuni-set1 carries eline1 on logical interface ge-1/0/3.1 and eline2 on logical interface ge-1/0/3.2.
  • Interface set vuni-set2 carries elan1 on logical interface ge-1/0/3.3 and elan2 on logical interface ge-1/0/3.4.

Forwarding classes

The following forwarding classes are configured:

  • INET-BEST-EFFORT, queue number 0
  • VPN-PR-DATA, 50 Mbps limit, queue number 1
  • VOICE-EF, 15 Mbps limit, queue number 2

Firewall filters

The following firewall filters are configured:


Schedule map and schedulers

The schedule map EVC contains the following schedulers:

  • BE is used for the forwarding class INET-BEST-EFFORT
  • PD is used for the forwarding class VPN-PR-DATA
  • EF is used for the forwarding class VOICE-EF

The schedulers are markings that can be used by the next router to reprioritize traffic.

Rewrite rules

Rewrite rules (one for 802.1p class packets and one for 802.1ad class packets) are used for conforming and non-conforming traffic. If low, it goes out code-point 010. If high (which means it violated the SLA of the service provider), it goes out code-point 110.

In provider backbone networks, CoS information is mapped and carried across the network using behavior aggregate (BA) classifiers; specifically, 3 bits of priority code point (PCP) and 1 bit of DEI (drop eligibility indicator). Classifiers provide the capability to classify, map, and rewrite (mark) the PCP+DEI bits from one tag to another across the carrier Ethernet network.

In the following example, you will configure and apply basic CoS features to customer traffic entering interface ge-1/0/3 and exiting interface ge-1/0/0 on the ES4 router. Traffic is mapped to forwarding classes INET-BEST-EFFORT, VPN-PR-DATA, or VOICE-EF. Bandwidth is limited to 50 Mbps for forwarding classes INET-BEST-EFFORT and VPN-PR-DATA. Bandwidth is limited to 15 Mbps for forwarding class VOICE-EF. Rewrite rules are configured for each E-LINE to add marking that can be used by the next router (here, BEB3) to reprioritize traffic from a particular code point. The forwarding classes are marked with code points so that they all “agree” to a specific CoS policy.

CoS is only applied on the ES4 because it is located at the customer edge.

Configuring CoS on an MX Series Router

Configuring CoS on ES4

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure CoS, copy the following commands and paste them into the router terminal window:


set class-of-service forwarding-classes class INET-BEST-EFFORT queue-num 0

set class-of-service forwarding-classes class VPN-PR-DATA queue-num 1

set class-of-service forwarding-classes class VOICE-EF queue-num 2

set class-of-service forwarding-classes class UNUSED queue-num 3

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-points 000

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-points 001

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-points 010

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-points 011

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority low code-points 100

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority high code-points 101

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority low code-points 111

set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority high code-points 110

set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles EVC:SERVICE scheduler-map EVC

set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles EVC:SERVICE shaping-rate 20m

set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles VUNI:SERVICE scheduler-map EVC

set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles VUNI:SERVICE shaping-rate 100m

set class-of-service traffic-control-profiles VUNI:SERVICE guaranteed-rate 100m

set class-of-service interfaces interface-set vuni-set1 output-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE

set class-of-service interfaces interface-set vuni-set2 output-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/0 unit 1 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/0 unit 1 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/0 unit 2 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class set ge-1/0/0 unit 2 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/0 unit 3 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/0 unit 4 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 1 output-traffic-control-profile EVC:SERVICE

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 1 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 1 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 2 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 2 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 3 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT

set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 4 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority low code-point 010

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority high code-point 110

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority low code-point 011

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority high code-point 111

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-point 100

set class-of-service rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-point 000

set class-of-service scheduler-maps EVC forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT scheduler BE

set class-of-service scheduler-maps EVC forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA scheduler PD

set class-of-service scheduler-maps EVC forwarding-class VOICE-EF scheduler EF

set class-of-service schedulers BE transmit-rate percent 30

set class-of-service schedulers BE buffer-size percent 30

set class-of-service schedulers BE priority low set PD transmit-rate percent 40

set class-of-service schedulers PD buffer-size percent 40

set class-of-service schedulers PD priority high

set class-of-service schedulers EF transmit-rate percent 10

set class-of-service schedulers EF buffer-size percent 10

set class-of-service schedulers EF priority strict-high deactivate class-of-service

set firewall policer 15m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 15m set policer 15m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 60k

set firewall policer 15m-pol then discard set policer 50m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 50m

set firewall relative set policer 50m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 150k set policer 50m-pol then discard

set firewall policer 30m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 30m

set firewall policer 30m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 45k

set firewall policer 30m-pol then discard

set firewall policer 40m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 40m

set firewall policer 40m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 45k

set firewall policer 40m-pol then discard

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 interface-specific

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term Voice_bw_prof from forwarding-class VOICE-EF

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term Voice_bw_prof then policer 15m-pol

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term Voice_bw_prof then count srv1_voice_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term VPN_pd_bw_prof from forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term VPN_pd_bw_prof then policer 50m-pol

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term VPN_pd_bw_prof then count srv1_vpn_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1 term ANY then count srv1_inet_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term Voice_sw_prof from forwarding-class VOICE-EF

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term Voice_sw_prof then policer 40m-pol

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term Voice_sw_prof then count srv2_ef_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term PR_DATA_policer from forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term PR_DATA_policer then policer 30m-pol

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term PR_DATA_policer then count srv2_pr_data_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2 term ANY then count srv2_be_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE3 term ANY then count srv3_cnt

set firewall family bridge filter SERVICE3 term ANY then forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT

Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure and apply CoS:

  1. Configure one-to-one mapping between forwarding classes and queues:
    [edit class-of-service forwarding-classes]
    user@es4# set class INET-BEST-EFFORT queue-num 0
    user@es4# set class VPN-PR-DATA queue-num 1
    user@es4# set class VOICE-EF queue-num 2
    user@es4# set class VOICE-EF priority high
    user@es4# set class UNUSED queue-num 3
  2. Define the firewall filter SERVICE1 and use the statement interface-specific to creates a specific SLA so that the ELINE or EVC will receive its own policy and each interface will its own copy of the rule—without this, the rule is shared:
    [edit firewall family bridge]
    user@es4# set filter SERVICE1 interface-specific
  3. Define the terms Voice_bw_prof, Voice_pd_bw_prof, Voice_bw_prof, VPN_pd_bw_prof, and ANY for the SERVICE1 filter:
    [edit firewall family bridge filter SERVICE1]
    user@es4# set term Voice_bw_prof then policer 15m-pol
    user@es4#set term Voice_bw_prof then count srv1_voice_cnt
    user@es4#set term VPN_pd_bw_prof from forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA
    user@es4#set term Voice_bw_prof from forwarding-class VOICE-EF
    user@es4# set term VPN_pd_bw_prof then policer 50m-pol
    user@es4#set term VPN_pd_bw_prof then count srv1_vpn_cnt
    user@es4# set term ANY then count srv1_inet_cnt
  4. Define the firewall filter SERVICE2:
    [edit firewall family bridge]
    user@es4# set filter SERVICE2
  5. Define the terms Voice_sw_prof, PR_DATA_policer, and ANY for the SERVICE2 filter:
    [edit firewall family bridge filter SERVICE2]
    user@es4# Voice_sw_prof from forwarding-class VOICE-EF
    user@es4# set term Voice_sw_prof then policer 40m-pol
    user@es4# set term Voice_sw_prof then count srv2_ef_cnt
    user@es4# set term PR_DATA_policer from forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA
    user@es4#set term PR_DATA_policer then policer 30m-pol
    user@es4#set term PR_DATA_policer then count srv2_pr_data_cnt
    user@es4#set term ANY then count srv2_be_cnt
  6. Define the firewall filter SERVICE3:
    [edit firewall family bridge]
    user@es4# set filter SERVICE3
  7. Define the term ANY for the SERVICE3 filter:
    [edit firewall family bridge filter SERVICE3]
    user@es4# set term ANY then count srv3_cnt
    user@es4# set term ANY then forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT
  8. Apply the firewall filter SERVICE1 and SERVICE2 as an input filter to the interfaces for the servers hosting services:
    [edit interfaces]
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 1 family bridge filter input SERVICE1
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 2 family bridge filter input SERVICE2

  9. Configure classifiers to classify the packets in the customer’s VPN:
    [edit class-of-service classifiers]
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-points 000
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-points 001
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-points 010
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-points 011
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority low code-points 100
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority high code-points 101
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority low code-points 111
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_class forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority high code-points 110

  10. Configure policers to limit traffic of a certain class to a specified bandwidth and burst size:
    [edit firewall]
    user@es4# set policer 15m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 15m
    user@es4# set policer 15m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 60k
    user@es4# set policer 15m-pol then discard
    user@es4# set policer 50m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 50m
    user@es4# set policer 50m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 150k
    user@es4# set policer 50m-pol then discard
    user@es4# set policer 30m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 30m
    user@es4# set policer 30m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 45k
    user@es4# set policer 30m-pol then discard
    user@es4# set policer 40m-pol if-exceeding bandwidth-limit 40m
    user@es4# set policer 40m-pol if-exceeding burst-size-limit 45k
    user@es4# set policer 40m-pol then discard
  11. Configure schedulers to determine which queue to service based on the transmit rate and the buffer size:
    [edit class-of-service schedulers]
    user@es4# set BE transmit-rate percent 30
    user@es4# set BE buffer-size percent 30
    user@es4# set BE priority low set PD transmit-rate percent 40
    user@es4# set PD buffer-size percent 40
    user@es4# set PD priority high
    user@es4# set EF transmit-rate percent 10
    user@es4# set EF buffer-size percent 10
    user@es4# set EF priority strict-high
  12. Assign the forwarding classes to schedulers with the scheduler map EVC:
    [edit class-of-service scheduler-maps]
    user@es4# set EVC forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT scheduler BE
    user@es4# set EVC forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA scheduler PD
    user@es4# set EVC forwarding-class VOICE-EF scheduler EF
  13. Configure an 802.1p rewrite rule named 802p_rwrule in the rewrite table and associate them with forwarding classes:
    [edit class-of-service rewrite-rules (Definition)]
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority low code-point 010
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority high code-point 110
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA loss-priority high code-point 110
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority low code-point 011
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class VOICE-EF loss-priority high code-point 111
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority low code-point 100
    user@es4# set ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT loss-priority high code-point 000
  14. Configure traffic control profiles. These policies are applied to enqueue a packet and send it out to the next router. The profile VUNI:SERVICE will be applied to interface set vuni-set1.
    [edit class-of-service traffic-control-profiles]
    user@es4# set EVC:SERVICE scheduler-map EVC
    user@es4# set EVC:SERVICE shaping-rate 20m
    user@es4# set VUNI:SERVICE scheduler-map EVC
    user@es4# set VUNI:SERVICE shaping-rate 100m
    user@es4# set VUNI:SERVICE guaranteed-rate 100m
  15. Configure the interface sets and associate them with the logical interfaces on which the services are configured (vuni-set1 is used for eline1 and eline2 traffic, and vuni-set2 is used for elan1 and elan2 traffic):
    [edit interfaces]
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set1 interface ge-1/0/3 unit 1
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set1 interface ge-1/0/3 unit 3
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set2 interface ge-1/0/3 unit 4
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set2 interface ge-1/0/3 unit 2
  16. Configure the output traffic control profile to apply the policy that queues packets and sends them onto the next router (here, policies VUNI:SERVICE and EVC:SERVICE are applied):
    [edit class-of-service interfaces]
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set1 output-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE
    user@es4# set interface-set vuni-set2 output-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 1 output-traffic-control-profile EVC:SERVICE
  17. Apply classifiers and rewrite rules to the logical interfaces supporting the services:
    [edit class-of-service interfaces]
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 1 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 1 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 2 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 2 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 3 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/0 unit 4 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 1 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 1 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 2 classifiers ieee-802.1 802p_class
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 2 rewrite-rules ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 3 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT
    user@es4# set ge-1/0/3 unit 4 forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT


Check the results of the configuration:

user@switch1> show configuration
class-of-service {classifiers {# P-BIT 7, 6 => VOICE ef# P-BIT 4, 5 => VPN Priority data# Others => Internet Best effortieee-802.1 802p_class {forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT {loss-priority low code-points [ 000 001 ];loss-priority high code-points [ 010 011 ];}forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA {loss-priority low code-points 100;loss-priority high code-points 101;}forwarding-class VOICE-EF {loss-priority low code-points 111;loss-priority high code-points 110;}}}forwarding-classes {class INET-BEST-EFFORT queue-num 0;class VPN-PR-DATA queue-num 1;class VOICE-EF queue-num 2 priority high;class UNUSED queue-num 3;}traffic-control-profiles {EVC:SERVICE {scheduler-map EVC;shaping-rate 20m;}VUNI:SERVICE {scheduler-map EVC;shaping-rate 100m;guaranteed-rate 100m;}}interfaces {interface-set vuni-set1 {# vuni-set1 is grouped E-LINE servicesoutput-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE;}interface-set vuni-set2 {# vuni-set2 is grouped E-LAN servicesoutput-traffic-control-profile VUNI:SERVICE;}ge-1/0/0 {# ge-1/0/0 is customer edgeunit 1 {classifiers {ieee-802.1 802p_class;}rewrite-rules {ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule;}}unit 2 {classifiers {ieee-802.1 802p_class;}rewrite-rules {ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule;}}unit 3 {forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT;}unit 4 {forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT;}}ge-1/0/3 {unit 1 {# In hierarchical-scheduler mode:# EVC can be shaped at EVC (unit) level in addition to# being shaped at virtual-UNI and port-level# But this level is currently disabled# classification of incoming UNI traffic for ELINE1classifiers {ieee-802.1 802p_class;}# marking of .1p bits of outgoing UNI trafficrewrite-rules {ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule;}}unit 2 {# classification of incoming UNI traffic for ELINE2classifiers {ieee-802.1 802p_class;}# marking of .1p bits of outgoing UNI trafficrewrite-rules {ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule;}}unit 3 {# fixed-classification for ELAN1, all ELAN traffic is# best effortforwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT;}unit 4 {# fixed-classification for ELAN2, all ELAN traffic is# best effortforwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT;}}}rewrite-rules {ieee-802.1 802p_rwrule {forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA {loss-priority low code-point 010;loss-priority high code-point 110;}forwarding-class VOICE-EF {loss-priority low code-point 011;loss-priority high code-point 111;}forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT {loss-priority low code-point 100;loss-priority high code-point 000;}}}scheduler-maps {EVC {forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT scheduler BE;forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA scheduler PD;forwarding-class VOICE-EF scheduler EF;}}schedulers {BE {transmit-rate percent 30;buffer-size percent 30;priority low;}PD {transmit-rate percent 40;buffer-size percent 40;priority high;}EF {transmit-rate percent 10;buffer-size percent 10;priority strict-high;}}}firewall {policer 15m-pol {if-exceeding {bandwidth-limit 15m;burst-size-limit 5k;}then discard;}policer 50m-pol {if-exceeding {bandwidth-limit 50m;burst-size-limit 30k;}then discard;}policer 30m-pol {if-exceeding {bandwidth-limit 30m;burst-size-limit 45k;}then discard;}policer 40m-pol {if-exceeding {bandwidth-limit 40m;burst-size-limit 45k;}then discard;}family bridge {filter SERVICE1 {# bandwidth profile for Voice serviceinterface-specific;term Voice_bw_prof {from {forwarding-class VOICE-EF;}then {policer 15m-pol;count srv1_voice_cnt;}}# bandwidth profile for VPN priority-data serviceterm VPN_pd_bw_prof {from {forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA;}then {policer 50m-pol;count srv1_vpn_cnt;}}# everything else is best-effort internetterm ANY {then count srv1_inet_cnt;}}filter SERVICE2 {term Voice_sw_prof {from {forwarding-class VOICE-EF;}then {policer 40m-pol;count srv2_ef_cnt;}}term PR_DATA_policer {from {forwarding-class VPN-PR-DATA;}then {policer 30m-pol;count srv2_pr_data_cnt;}}term ANY {then count srv2_be_cnt;}}filter SERVICE3 {term ANY {then {count srv3_cnt;forwarding-class INET-BEST-EFFORT;}}}}}
# Interface configuration shown for completeness-done for PBB E-LINE and PBB-E-LAN example
interfaces {ge-1/0/0 {description "Connected to ES4 Reds ge-1/0/0";flexible-vlan-tagging;encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;unit 1 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 2100;vlan-rewrite {translate 1100 2100;}}}unit 2 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 1200;}}unit 3 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 1300;}}unit 4 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 1400;}}}ge-1/0/4 {description "Connected to BCB1 Syrah ge-2/1/5";unit 0 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 3000-4000;}}}ge-1/2/2 {description "Connected to BCB2 Cabernet ge-2/0/6";unit 0 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;vlan-id-list 3000-4000;}}}cbp0 {unit 0 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;bridge-domain-type bvlan;isid-list all;}}}pip0 {unit 0 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;bridge-domain-type svlan;isid-list all-service-groups;}}unit 1 {family bridge {interface-mode trunk;bridge-domain-type svlan;isid-list all-service-groups;}}}}
# routing-instances configuration shown for completeness# routing-instances configuration done for PBB E-LINE and PBB-E-LAN example
routing-instances {pbn-3-for-eline {instance-type virtual-switch;interface ge-1/0/0.1;interface ge-1/0/0.2;interface pip0.0;bridge-domains {eline-svlans {vlan-id-list [ 1200 2100 ];}}pbn-3-for-elan {instance-type virtual-switch;interface ge-1/0/0.3;interface ge-1/0/0.4;interface pip0.1;bridge-domains {elan-svlans {vlan-id-list [ 1300 1400 ];}}pbb-options {peer-instance pbbn-1;}service-groups {elan1 {service-type elan;pbb-service-options {isid 10300 vlan-id-list 1300;}}elan2 {service-type elan;pbb-service-options {isid 10400 vlan-id-list 1400;}}}}pbb-options {peer-instance pbbn-1;}service-groups {eline1 {service-type eline;pbb-service-options {isid 10100 interface ge-1/0/0.1;}}eline2 {service-type eline;pbb-service-options {isid 10200 interface ge-1/0/0.2;}}}}}


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, perform these tasks:

Verifying Ingress SLA Enforcement


Verify that SLA enforcement is occurring for traffic entering ES4 and exiting towards ES1. The policers for the forwarding classes are:

  • 15 Mbps for voice traffic
  • 50 Mbps for priority data
  • No policer for best effort—all traffic within 40 Mbps is accepted


Use the following operational mode command:

user@es4> show firewall
Filter: __default_bpdu_filter__                                

Filter: SERVICE1-ge-1/0/3.1-i                                  
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
srv1_vpn_cnt-ge-1/0/3.1-i                    899929660584            644648754
srv1_voice_cnt-ge-1/0/3.1-i                  183642199700            175737551
srv1_inet_cnt-ge-1/0/3.1-i                   359309729428            257385193
Name                                              Packets 
50m-pol-VPN_pd_bw_prof-ge-1/0/3.1-i             255914707
15m-pol-Voice_bw_prof-ge-1/0/3.1-i                      0

Filter: SERVICE2                                               
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
srv2_pr_data_cnt                                        0                    0
srv2_ef_cnt                                    2953233408             46144272
srv2_be_cnt                                             0                    0
Name                                              Packets 
30m-pol-PR_DATA_policer                                 0
---(more)---                    40m-pol-Voice_sw_prof                                   0

Filter: SERVICE3                                               
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
srv3_cnt                                                0                    0

Filter: __default_arp_policer__                                

Filter: __cfm_filter_bds-vlan-0500_6__                         
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
__cfm_ethtype_term__                                  750                   15
__cfm_erp_term__                                        0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_0__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_1__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_2__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_0__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_1__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_2__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_3__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_4__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_5__                            0                    0
  ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_6__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_cc_term_lvl_7__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_3__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_4__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_5__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_6__                            0                    0
__ge-1/0/3.5_lt_term_lvl_7__                            0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_0__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_1__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_2__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_3__                        111794828              1152524
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_4__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_5__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_6__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_cc_term_lvl_7__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_0__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_1__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_2__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_3__                             1152                   18
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_4__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_5__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_6__                                0                    0
__mgrp_1_lt_term_lvl_7__                                0                    0


The operational mode command show firewall displays statistics about the firewall filters. Under the Filter: SERVICE1 region, the values 50–pol-VPN_pd_bw_prof-ge-1/0/3.1–I and 15–pol-Voice_bw_prof-ge-1/0/3.1–I indicate that each forwarding class is policed to a certain bandwidth rate. The Bytes value for 50–pol-VPN_pd_bw_prof-ge-1/0/3.1–I is 255914707, which exceeds the 50 Mbps bandwidth limit for priority data. Packets exceeding 50 Mbps will be dropped.

Verifying Egress SLA


Verify that SLA enforcement is occurring for traffic coming from ES1 towards ES4. Only 100 Mbps can egress ES1. Voice traffic and priority data take precedence over best-effort traffic.


Use the following operational mode commands:

Interface-set: vuni-set1, Index: 1
Physical interface: ge-1/0/3, Index: 151
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 4
  Output traffic control profile: VUNI:SERVICE, Index: 49590

Interface-set: vuni-set2, Index: 2
Physical interface: ge-1/0/3, Index: 151
Queues supported: 4, Queues in use: 4
  Output traffic control profile: VUNI:SERVICE, Index: 49590


The operational mode command show class-of-service interface-set displays the two interface sets vuni-set1 and vuni-set2. It also shows that the VUNI:SERVICE CoS policy is applied to both interface sets.

Verify Traffic Shaping and Scheduling Profiles


Verify traffic shaping and scheduling profiles on the router.


Use the following operational mode commands:

run show class-of-service traffic-control-profile 
Traffic control profile: EVC:SERVICE, Index: 57589
  Shaping rate: 20000000
  Scheduler map: EVC

Traffic control profile: VUNI:SERVICE, Index: 49590
  Shaping rate: 100000000
  Scheduler map: EVC
  Guaranteed rate: 100000000


The operational mode command show class-of-service traffic-control-profiles shows that eline1, elan1, and elan2 are subject to 100 Mbps shaping rate (see guaranteed rate). While 160 Mbps can ingress, only 100 Mbps can egress.

Verifying Schedulers and the Scheduler Map


Verify the schedulers and the scheduler map configured on router ES4.


Use the following operational mode command:

Scheduler map: EVC, Index: 7810

  Scheduler: BE, Forwarding class: INET-BEST-EFFORT, Index: 2053
    Transmit rate: 30 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 30 percent,
    Priority: low
    Excess Priority: unspecified
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    default-drop-profile      
      Medium low      any             1    default-drop-profile            
      Medium high     any             1    default-drop-profile      
      High            any             1    default-drop-profile            

  Scheduler: PD, Forwarding class: VPN-PR-DATA, Index: 2628
    Transmit rate: 40 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 40 percent,
    Priority: high
    Excess Priority: unspecified
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    default-drop-profile      
      Medium low      any             1    default-drop-profile            
      Medium high     any             1    default-drop-profile      
      High            any             1    default-drop-profile            
  Scheduler: EF, Forwarding class: VOICE-EF, Index: 2278
    Transmit rate: 10 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 10 percent,
    Priority: strict-high
    Excess Priority: unspecified
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      Low             any             1    default-drop-profile      
      Medium low      any             1    default-drop-profile            
      Medium high     any             1    default-drop-profile      
      High            any             1    default-drop-profile            


The operational mode command show class-of-service scheduler-maps EVC displays information about the schedulers BE, PD, and EF that are configured for scheduler map EVC. It also shows how each scheduler is tied to a forwarding class. Scheduler BE is tied to the forwarding class INET-BEST-EFFORT. Scheduler PD is tied to the forwarding class VPN-PR-DATA. Scheduler EF is tied to the forwarding class VOICE-EF.

Egress SLA Enforcement


Compare the queues for interface sets vuni-set1 and vuni-set2. Dropped packets for either interface set indicates that bandwidth limits are being exceeded and enforcement is occurring.


Use the following operational mode command:

user@es4> show interfaces interface-set queue vuni-set1
Interface set: vuni-set1
  Interface set index: 1
Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use
Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: INET-BEST-EFFORT 
    Packets              :            2977942923                  8933 pps
    Bytes                :         1949099612484             100314048 bps
    Packets              :            1488278642                  4464 pps
    Bytes                :          973656736604              50139648 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :            1489660186                  4466 pps
     Low                 :            1489660186                  4466 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :          975440779240              50162112 bps
     Low                 :          975440779240              50162112 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: VPN-PR-DATA 
    Packets              :            1231342961                  3576 pps
    Bytes                :          785429404088              40144224 bps
    Packets              :            1231342958                  3573 pps
    Bytes                :          785429402552              40131936 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: VOICE-EF 
    Packets              :            1639301652                   893 pps
    Bytes                :          294440262416              10030176 bps
    Packets              :            1639301652                   893 pps
    Bytes                :          294440262416              10030176 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: UNUSED 
    Packets              :               3091521                     0 pps
    Bytes                :             222589512                     0 bps
    Packets              :               3091521                     0 pps
    Bytes                :             222589512                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
user@es4> show interfaces interface-set queue vuni-set2
Interface set: vuni-set2
  Interface set index: 2
Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use
Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use
Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: INET-BEST-EFFORT 
    Packets              :             513317220                  3572 pps
    Bytes                :          720697385280              40120704 bps
    Packets              :             513317220                  3572 pps
    Bytes                :          720697385280              40120704 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: VPN-PR-DATA 
    Packets              :             513317223                  3571 pps
    Bytes                :          720697376892              40109472 bps
    Packets              :             513317223                  3571 pps
    Bytes                :          720697376892              40109472 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: VOICE-EF 
    Packets              :             175354436                   893 pps
    Bytes                :          183560157444              10030176 bps
    Packets              :             175354436                   893 pps
    Bytes                :          183560157444              10030176 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps
Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: UNUSED 
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Packets              :                     0                     0 pps
    Bytes                :                     0                     0 bps
    Tail-dropped packets :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped packets  :                     0                     0 pps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 pps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 pps
     High                :                     0                     0 pps
    RED-dropped bytes    :                     0                     0 bps
     Low                 :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-low          :                     0                     0 bps
     Medium-high         :                     0                     0 bps
     High                :                     0                     0 bps


The operational mode commands show interfaces interface-set queue vuni-set1 and show interfaces interface-set queue vuni-set2 show the queue statistics for the forwarding classes INET-BEST-EFFORT, VPN-PR-DATA, and VOICE-EF. See Queue 2: Forwarding classes: VOICE-EF in the output for command show interfaces interface-set queue vuni-set1. Notice that packets are being dropped for forwarding class INET-BEST-EFFORT. Queue 1 for forwarding class VOICE-EF and queue 2 for forwarding class VPN-PR-DATA are given a high priority during scheduling. Consequently, they do not have any dropped packets. Total traffic is shaped at 100 Mbps. After the 10 Mbps for voice traffic and the 40 Mbps for priority data is subtracted from the total bandwidth of 100 Mbps, 50 Mbps remains and is shared between the best-effort traffic for eline1 and eline2. Excess best-effort traffic is dropped.

Published: 2013-07-22