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Example: Ping Proxy MIB

Restrict the ping-mib community to read and write access of the Ping MIB and jnxpingMIB only. Read or write access to any other MIB using this community is not allowed.

[edit snmp]
view ping-mib-view {oid include; #pingMIBoid jnxPingMIB include; #jnxPingMIB}
community ping-mib {authorization read-write;view ping-mib-view;}

The following configuration prevents the no-ping-mib community from accessing Ping MIB and jnxPingMIB objects. However, this configuration does not prevent the no-ping-mib community from accessing any other MIB object that is supported on the device.

[edit snmp]
view no-ping-mib-view {oid exclude; # deny access to pingMIB objectsoid jnxPingMIB exclude; # deny access to jnxPingMIB objects}
community no-ping-mib {authorization read-write;view ping-mib-view;}

Published: 2013-07-16