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Configuring MIB Views

By default, an SNMP community grants read access and denies write access to all supported MIB objects (even communities configured as authorization read-write). To restrict or grant read or write access to a set of MIB objects, you must configure a MIB view and associate the view with a community.

To configure MIB views, include the view statement at the [edit snmp] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp]
view view-name {oid object-identifier (include | exclude);}

The view statement defines a MIB view and identifies a group of MIB objects. Each MIB object of a view has a common object identifier (OID) prefix. Each object identifier represents a subtree of the MIB object hierarchy. The subtree can be represented either by a sequence of dotted integers (such as or by its subtree name (such as interfaces). A configuration statement uses a view to specify a group of MIB objects on which to define access. You can also use a wildcard character asterisk (*) to include OIDs that match a particular pattern in the SNMP view. To enable a view, you must associate the view with a community.

Note: To remove an OID completely, use the delete view all oid oid-number command but omit the include parameter.

To associate MIB views with a community, include the view statement at the [edit snmp community community-name] hierarchy level:

[edit snmp community community-name]view view-name;

For more information about the Ping MIB, see RFC 2925 and the PING MIB topic in the SNMP MIBs and Traps Reference.

Published: 2014-07-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-07-23