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show aps


show aps <brief | detail | extensive | summary> <group group | interface so-fpc/pic/port>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


Display information about Automatic Protection Switching (APS) for SONET configurations and about Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) for SDH configurations.



(Same as brief) Display brief information about APS or MSP for all groups and SONET/SDH interfaces.

brief | detail | extensive | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

group group

(Optional) Display APS or MSP information for the specified group.

interface so-fpc/pic/port

(Optional) Display APS information for the specified SONET/SDH interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show aps
show aps brief
show aps detail
show aps extensive

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show aps command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show aps Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of the SONET/SDH interface.

All levels


Group name.

All levels


Circuit type: Working or Protect.

All levels

Intf state

State of the circuit and interface in the format circuit-state, interface-state:

For circuit-state:

  • enabled
  • disabled
  • invalid
  • unknown

For interface-state:

  • admin down
  • degraded
  • down
  • invalid
  • nonexistent
  • unknown
  • up

All levels


Address and state of neighbor interface. If the working and protect interfaces are on the same router, the neighbor address is displayed as

detail extensive


State of the neighbor adjacency:

  • Down
  • Init
  • Invalid
  • Unknown
  • Up

detail extensive

neighbor interface

State of the neighbor interface: enabled or disabled.

detail extensive


Number of seconds before the neighbor is declared dead

detail extensive

Channel state

Circuit that has been selected: Working or Protect. On SDH configurations using Multiplex Section Protection (MSP), the APS Annex B (G.841) Lockout status is also shown in extensive output.

detail extensive


Mode in which the local router is configured to interoperate with SONET line-terminating equipment (LTE): unidirectional or bidirectional. The parenthetical value represents the mode type in the K2 byte.



Mode in which the neighboring device is operating: unidirectional or bidirectional. The parenthetical value represents the mode type in the K2 byte.


Protect circuit is on

Interface name of the APS protect circuit, displayed when both the working circuit and protect circuit are on the same router.

detail extensive

Working circuit is on

Interface name of the APS working circuit, displayed when both the working circuit and protect circuit are on the same router.

detail extensive

Req K1

Value of the SONET/SDH K1 byte requested to be transmitted by this circuit.


rcv K1

Value of the SONET/SDH K1 byte received on this interface. (Valid only on the protect circuit.)


xmit K1

Value of the SONET/SDH K1 byte being transmitted on this interface. (Valid only on the protect circuit.)


nbr K1

Value of the SONET/SDH K1 byte requested to be transmitted by the neighbor.


nbr paired req

Nonzero if the neighbor is requesting a particular K1 value because of a change in the paired circuit.


Revert time

Configured time to wait after the working circuit has become functional before making the working circuit active again.


neighbor revert time

Configured time, on the neighbor interface, to wait after the working circuit has again become functional before making the working circuit active again.


Hello due in

Time until the next hello packet is sent.


Sample Output

show aps

user@host> show aps
Interface    Group                           Circuit  Intf state
so-0/0/0     aviva-aps                       Working  enabled, up
so-0/0/1     aviva-aps                       Protect  disabled, up

show aps brief

The output for the show aps brief command is identical to that for the show aps command. For sample output, see show aps.

show aps detail

user@host> show aps detail
Interface    Group                           Circuit  Intf state
so-0/0/0     aviva-aps                       Working  enabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface disabled, dead 2.987
so-0/0/1     aviva-aps                       Protect  disabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface enabled, dead 2.147

show aps extensive

The following sample shows output from a SONET configuration:

user@host> show aps extensive
Interface    Group                           Circuit  Intf state
so-0/0/0     aviva-aps                       Working  enabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface disabled, dead 2.511
  Channel state Working
  Protect circuit is on interface so-0/0/1
  Local-mode bidirectional(5), neighbor-mode bidirectional(5)
  Req K1 0x00, rcv K1 0x00, xmit K1 0x00, nbr K1 0x00, nbr paired req 0
  Revert time 0, neighbor revert time 0
  Hello due in 0.055
so-0/0/1     aviva-aps                       Protect  disabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface enabled, dead 2.230
  Channel state Working
  Working circuit is on interface so-0/0/0
  Local-mode bidirectional(5), neighbor-mode bidirectional(5)
  Req K1 0x00, rcv K1 0x00, xmit K1 0x00, nbr K1 0x00, nbr paired req 0
  Revert time 0, neighbor revert time 0
  Hello due in 0.416

The following sample shows output from an SDH configuration:

user@host> show aps extensive
Interface    Group                           Circuit    Intf state
cstm4-1/1/0  TO_MALIBU                       Working    enabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface disabled, dead 2.833
  Channel state Working, annex-b, lockout
  Protect circuit is on interface cstm4-1/2/0
  Local-mode bidirectional(5), neighbor-mode bidirectional(5)
  Req K1 0x00, rcv K1 0x00, xmit K1 0x00, nbr K1 0x00
          , rcv K2 0x10, xmit K2 0x10, nbr paired req 0
  Wait to restore time 30, neighbor wait to restore time 30
  Hello due in 0.945
cstm4-1/2/0  TO_MALIBU                       Protect    disabled, up
  Neighbor, adj up, neighbor interface enabled, dead 2.955
  Channel state Working, annex-b
  Working circuit is on interface cstm4-1/1/0
  Local-mode bidirectional(5), neighbor-mode bidirectional(5)
  Req K1 0x00, rcv K1 0x00, xmit K1 0x00, nbr K1 0x00
          , rcv K2 0x10, xmit K2 0x10, nbr paired req 0
  Wait to restore time 30, neighbor wait to restore time 30
  Hello due in 0.735

Published: 2013-07-31

Published: 2013-07-31