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Supported Platforms

show chassis environment cip

Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Router)

show chassis environment cip<slot-number>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for the TX Matrix Plus router.


(TX Matrix Plus router only) Display environmental information about the Connector Interface Panel (CIP).



Display environmental information about all the CIP.


Display environmental information about a specific CIP. Replace slot with a value from 0 through 1.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis environment cip command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis environment cip Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


State of the CIP:

  • Online Active: CIP is online and there is active control plane data transfer between the SFC and LCCs in the routing matrix.
  • Online Inactive: CIP is online, but inactive.
  • Offline: CIP is offline.


Temperature of the CIP in Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).


Information about the voltage supplied to the CIP. The left column displays the required power, in volts. The right column displays the measured power, in millivolts.

Bus Revision

Bus revision number.

show chassis environment cip (TX Matrix Plus Router)

user@host> show chassis environment cip
CIP 0 status:
  State                      Online Active
  Temperature                23 degrees C / 73 degrees F             
  Power 1                    
    1.0 V                     1015 mV
    1.8 V                     1817 mV
    2.5 V                     2497 mV
    3.3 V                     3325 mV
    3.3 V bias                3300 mV
    5.0 V                     5001 mV
    9.0 V                     9049 mV
  Bus Revision               74
CIP 1 status:
  State                      Online Inactive
  Temperature                24 degrees C / 75 degrees F             
  Power 1                    
    1.0 V                     1008 mV
    1.8 V                     1820 mV
    2.5 V                     2504 mV
    3.3 V                     3325 mV
    3.3 V bias                3306 mV
    5.0 V                     5091 mV
    9.0 V                     9049 mV
  Bus Revision               74

Published: 2013-07-30

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-07-30