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show chassis environment sfc


show chassis environment sfc<-number>

Release Information

Command introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router in Junos OS Release 9.6.

Command introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs in Junos OS Release 13.1.


Display chassis environmental information about the respective TX Matrix Plus router or TX matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs ( switch-fabric chassis).


sfc number

(TX Matrix Plus routers and TX Matrix Plus routers with 3D SIBs only) (Optional) Display chassis environmental information about the respective TX Matrix Plus router or TX matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs ( switch-fabric chassis). Replace number variable with 0.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show chassis environment sfc (TX Matrix Plus router)
show chassis environment sfc (TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs)

Output Fields

Table lists the output fields for the show chassis environment lcc command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Field Name

Field Description


  • Temp: Temperature of air flowing through the chassis in degrees Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).
  • Fan: Fan status: OK, Testing (during initial power-on), Failed, or Absent.
  • Misc includes SPMB (Switch Processor Mezzanine Board). OK indicates that the SPMB is present. Absent indicates that the SPMB is not present.


Information about the chassis component: Power Entry Module (PEM), Routing Engines, Controls Boards (CBs), Switch Interface Boards (SIBs), and Connector Interface Panel (CIP).


Status of the specified chassis component. For example, if the Class is Fan, the fan status can be:

  • OK: The fans are operational.
  • Testing: The fans are being tested during initial power-on.
  • Failed: The fans have failed or the fans are not spinning.
  • Absent: The fan tray is not installed.


Dependant on the Class. For example, if the Class is Temp, indicates the temperature in degree Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit. If the Class is Fan, indicates actual fan RPM.

Sample Output

show chassis environment sfc (TX Matrix Plus router)

user@host> show chassis environment sfc 0
Class Item                           Status     Measurement
Temp  PEM 0                          OK         31 degrees C / 87 degrees F
      PEM 1                          Check      32 degrees C / 89 degrees F
      Routing Engine 0               OK         32 degrees C / 89 degrees F
      Routing Engine 0 CPU           OK         46 degrees C / 114 degrees F
      Routing Engine 1               OK         32 degrees C / 89 degrees F
      Routing Engine 1 CPU           OK         47 degrees C / 116 degrees F
      CB 0 Intake                    OK         35 degrees C / 95 degrees F
      CB 0 Exhaust A                 OK         31 degrees C / 87 degrees F
      CB 0 Exhaust B                 OK         33 degrees C / 91 degrees F
      CB 1 Intake                    OK         34 degrees C / 93 degrees F
      CB 1 Exhaust A                 OK         31 degrees C / 87 degrees F
      CB 1 Exhaust B                 OK         34 degrees C / 93 degrees F
      SIB F13 0                      OK         50 degrees C / 122 degrees F
      SIB F13 0 (B)                  OK         58 degrees C / 136 degrees F
      SIB F13 3                      OK         48 degrees C / 118 degrees F
      SIB F13 3 (B)                  OK         47 degrees C / 116 degrees F
      SIB F13 6                      OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      SIB F13 6 (B)                  OK         46 degrees C / 114 degrees F
     [Output Truncated]
      SIB F2S 4/0                    OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/2                    OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/4                    OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/6                    OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      CIP 0 Intake                   OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      CIP 0 Exhaust A                OK         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
      CIP 0 Exhaust B                OK         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
      CIP 1 Intake                   OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      CIP 1 Exhaust A                OK         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
      CIP 1 Exhaust B                OK         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
Fans  Fan Tray 0 Fan 1               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 2               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 3               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 4               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 5               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 6               OK         Spinning at normal speed
    [Output Truncated]
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 4               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 5               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 6               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 7               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 8               OK         Spinning at normal speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 9               Check     
Misc  SPMB 0                         OK        
      SPMB 1                         OK

show chassis environment sfc (TX Matrix Plus router with 3D SIBs)

user@host> show chassis environment sfc 0
Class Item                           Status     Measurement
Temp  PEM 0                          OK         34 degrees C / 93 degrees F
      PEM 1                          Absent    
      Routing Engine 0               OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      Routing Engine 0 CPU           OK         41 degrees C / 105 degrees F
      Routing Engine 1               OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      Routing Engine 1 CPU           OK         42 degrees C / 107 degrees F
      CB 0 Intake                    OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      CB 0 Exhaust A                 OK         27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
      CB 0 Exhaust B                 OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      CB 1 Intake                    OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      CB 1 Exhaust A                 OK         27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
      CB 1 Exhaust B                 OK         32 degrees C / 89 degrees F
      SIB F13 0 Board                OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      SIB F13 0 XF Junction          OK         68 degrees C / 154 degrees F
      SIB F13 1 Board                OK         47 degrees C / 116 degrees F
      SIB F13 1 XF Junction          OK         62 degrees C / 143 degrees F
      SIB F13 3 Board                OK         52 degrees C / 125 degrees F
      SIB F13 3 XF Junction          OK         71 degrees C / 159 degrees F
     [Output Truncated]
      SIB F2S 3/0 Board              OK         31 degrees C / 87 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/0 XF Junction        OK         45 degrees C / 113 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/2 Board              OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/2 XF Junction        OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/4 Board              OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/4 XF Junction        OK         50 degrees C / 122 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/6 Board              OK         30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
      SIB F2S 3/6 XF Junction        OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/0 Board              OK         29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/0 XF Junction        OK         43 degrees C / 109 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/2 Board              OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/2 XF Junction        OK         47 degrees C / 116 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/4 Board              OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/4 XF Junction        OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/6 Board              OK         28 degrees C / 82 degrees F
      SIB F2S 4/6 XF Junction        OK         49 degrees C / 120 degrees F
      CIP 0 Intake                   OK         25 degrees C / 77 degrees F
      CIP 0 Exhaust A                OK         26 degrees C / 78 degrees F
      CIP 0 Exhaust B                OK         26 degrees C / 78 degrees F
      CIP 1 Intake                   OK         26 degrees C / 78 degrees F
      CIP 1 Exhaust A                OK         27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
      CIP 1 Exhaust B                OK         27 degrees C / 80 degrees F
Fans  Fan Tray 0 Fan 1               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 2               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 3               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 4               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 5               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 0 Fan 6               OK         Spinning at high speed
     [Output Truncated]
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 1               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 2               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 3               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 4               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 5               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 6               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 7               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 8               OK         Spinning at high speed
      Fan Tray 5 Fan 9               OK         Spinning at high speed
Misc  SPMB 0                         OK        
      SPMB 1                         OK 

Published: 2013-07-30

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-07-30