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show class-of-service


show class-of-service

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

EXP classifiers added in Junos OS Release 10.1 for EX Series switches.


Display the class-of-service (CoS) information.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show class-of- service
show class-of-service rewrite-rule

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show class-of-service command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show class-of-service Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Forwarding class

The forwarding class configuration:

  • Forwarding class—Name of the forwarding class.
  • ID—Forwarding class ID.
  • Queue—Queue number.
  • Fabric Priority—(EX8200 switches only) Fabric priority: either high or low. The fabric priority determines which CoS ingress queues packets are sent to.

All levels

Code point type

The type of code-point alias:

  • dscp—Aliases for DiffServ code point (DSCP) values.
  • ieee–802.1—Aliases for IEEE 802.1p values.
  • inet-precedence—Aliases for IP precedence values.
  • exp—Aliases for experimental (EXP) values.

All levels


Names given to CoS values.

All levels

Bit pattern

Set of bits associated with an alias.

All levels


Name of the classifier.

All levels

Code point

Code-point values.

All levels

Loss priority

Loss priority assigned to specific CoS values and aliases of the classifier.

All levels

Rewrite rule

Name of the rewrite-rule.

All levels

Drop profile

Name of the drop profile.

All levels


Type of drop profile. EX Series switches support only the discrete type of drop profile.

All levels

Fill level

Percentage of queue buffer fullness of high packets beyond which high packets are dropped.

All levels


Name of the scheduler.

All levels

Transmit rate

Transmission rate of the scheduler.

All levels

Excess rate

Percentage of excess bandwidth traffic to share.

All levels

Buffer size

Delay buffer size in the queue.

All levels

Drop profiles

Drop profiles configured for the specified scheduler.

All levels


Transport protocol corresponding to the drop profile.

All levels


Name of the drop profile.

All levels

Queues supported

Number of queues that can be configured on the interface.

All levels

Queues in use

Number of queues currently configured.

All levels

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

All levels

Scheduler map

Name of the scheduler map.

All levels


Internal index of a specific object.

All levels

Sample Output

show class-of- service

user@switch> show class-of-service
Forwarding class                       ID      Queue    
  best-effort                           0       0               
  expedited-forwarding                  1       5               
  assured-forwarding                    2       1               
  network-control                       3       7               

Code point type: dscp
  Alias              Bit pattern
  af11               001010
  af12               001100
  ...                ...

Code point type: ieee-802.1
  Alias              Bit pattern
  af11               010
  ...                ...

Code point type: inet-precedence
  Alias              Bit pattern
  af11               001
  ...                ...      

Classifier: dscp-default, Code point type: dscp, Index: 7
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000000             best-effort                         low
  000001             best-effort                         low
  ...                ...                                 ...          

Classifier: ieee8021p-default, Code point type: ieee-802.1, Index: 11
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                best-effort                         low
  001                best-effort                         low
  010                best-effort                         low
  011                best-effort                         low
  100                best-effort                         low
  101                best-effort                         low
  110                network-control                     low
  111                network-control                     low

Classifier: ipprec-default, Code point type: inet-precedence, Index: 12
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                best-effort                         low
  001                best-effort                         low
  010                best-effort                         low
  011                best-effort                         low
  100                best-effort                         low
  101                best-effort                         low
  110                network-control                     low
  111                network-control                     low

Classifier: ieee8021p-untrust, Code point type: ieee-802.1, Index: 16
  Code point         Forwarding class                    Loss priority
  000                best-effort                         low
  001                best-effort                         low
  010                best-effort                         low
  011                best-effort                         low
  100                best-effort                         low
  101                best-effort                         low
  110                best-effort                         low
  111                best-effort                         low

Rewrite rule: dscp-default, Code point type: dscp, Index: 27
  Forwarding class                    Loss priority       Code point
  best-effort                         low                 000000
  best-effort                         high                000000
  expedited-forwarding                low                 101110
  expedited-forwarding                high                101110
  assured-forwarding                  low                 001010
  assured-forwarding                  high                001100
  network-control                     low                 110000
  network-control                     high                111000

Rewrite rule: ieee8021p-default, Code point type: ieee-802.1, Index: 30
  Forwarding class                    Loss priority       Code point
  best-effort                         low                 000
  best-effort                         high                001
  expedited-forwarding                low                 100
  expedited-forwarding                high                101
  assured-forwarding                  low                 010
  assured-forwarding                  high                011
  network-control                     low                 110
  network-control                     high                111

Rewrite rule: ipprec-default, Code point type: inet-precedence, Index: 31
  Forwarding class                    Loss priority       Code point
  best-effort                         low                 000
  best-effort                         high                000
  expedited-forwarding                low                 101
  expedited-forwarding                high                101
  assured-forwarding                  low                 001
  assured-forwarding                  high                001
  network-control                     low                 110
  network-control                     high                111

Drop profile:<default-drop-profile>, Type: discrete, Index: 1
  Fill level    

Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2

  Scheduler: <default-be>, Forwarding class: best-effort, Index: 20
    Transmit rate: 95 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 95 percent,
    Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      High            non-TCP         1    <default-drop-profile>
      High            TCP             1    <default-drop-profile>

  Scheduler: <default-nc>, Forwarding class: network-control, Index: 22
    Transmit rate: 5 percent, Rate Limit: none, Buffer size: 5 percent,
    Priority: low
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      High            non-TCP         1    <default-drop-profile>
      High            TCP             1    <default-drop-profile>

Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Index: 129
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2

Physical interface: ge-0/0/1, Index: 130
Queues supported: 8, Queues in use: 4
  Scheduler map: <default>, Index: 2

...             ...              ...

Fabric priority: low 
  Scheduler: <default-fabric>, Index: 23
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      High            non-TCP         1    <default-drop-profile>
      High            TCP             1    <default-drop-profile>
Fabric priority: high
  Scheduler: <default-fabric>, Index: 23
    Drop profiles:
      Loss priority   Protocol    Index    Name
      High            non-TCP         1    <default-drop-profile>
      High            TCP             1    <default-drop-profile>

show class-of-service rewrite-rule

user@switch> show class-of-service rewrite-rule

Rewrite rule: dscp-default, Code point type: dscp, Index: 31 Forwarding class Loss priority Code point best-effort low 000000 best-effort high 000000 expedited-forwarding low 101110 expedited-forwarding high 101110 fw-class low 001010 fw-class high 001100 network-control low 110000 network-control high 111000 Rewrite rule: exp-default, Code point type: exp, Index: 33 Forwarding class Loss priority Code point best-effort low 000 best-effort high 001 expedited-forwarding low 010 expedited-forwarding high 011 fw-class low 100 fw-class high 101 network-control low 110 network-control high 111 Rewrite rule: ieee8021p-default, Code point type: ieee-802.1, Index: 34 Forwarding class Loss priority Code point best-effort low 000 best-effort high 001 expedited-forwarding low 010 expedited-forwarding high 011 fw-class low 100 fw-class high 101 network-control low 110 network-control high 111 Rewrite rule: ipprec-default, Code point type: inet-precedence, Index: 35 Forwarding class Loss priority Code point best-effort low 000 best-effort high 000 expedited-forwarding low 101 expedited-forwarding high 101 fw-class low 001 fw-class high 001 network-control low 110 network-control high 111

Published: 2014-04-24