show connections
Syntax (EX Series Switches)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5 for EX Series switches.
Display information about the configured circuit cross-connect (CCC) connections.
none | — | Display the standard level of output for all configured CCC connections. |
all | — | (Optional) Display all connections. |
brief | extensive | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. Use history to display information about connection history. Use labels to display labels used for transmit and receive LSPs. Use status to display information about the connection and interface status. |
interface-switch | — | (Optional) Display interface switch connections only. |
lsp-switch | — | (Optional) Display LSP switch connections only. |
p2mp-receive-switch | — | (Optional) Display point-to-multipoint LSP to local interfaces switch connections only. |
p2mp-transmit-switch | — | (Optional) Display local interface to point-to-multipoint LSP switch connections only. |
remote-interface-switch | — | (Optional) Display remote interface switch connections only. |
down | up | up-down | — | (Optional) Display nonoperational, operational, or both kinds of connections. |
history | — | (Optional) Display information about connection history. |
labels | — | (Optional) Display labels used for transmit and receive. |
logical-system (all | logical-system-name) | — | (Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on a particular logical system. |
name | — | (Optional) Display information about the specified connection only. |
status | — | (Optional) Display information about the connection and interface status. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
Table 1 describes the output fields for the show connections command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: show connections Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description |
CCC and TCC connections [Link Monitoring On I Off] | Whether link monitoring is enabled: On or Off. |
Legend for Status (St) | Connection or circuit status. See the output's legend for an explanation of the status field values. |
Legend for connection types | Type of connection:
Legend for circuit types | Type of circuits:
Connection/Circuit | Name of the configured CCC connection. |
Type | Type of connection. |
St | State of the connection. |
Time last up | Time that the connection or circuit last transitioned to the Up (operational) state. |
# Up trans | Number of times that the connection or circuit has transitioned to the Up (operational) state. |
Sample Output
show connections
user@switch> show connections
CCC and TCC connections [Link Monitoring On] Legend for status (St) Legend for connection types UN -- uninitialized if-sw: interface switching NP -- not present rmt-if: remote interface switching WE -- wrong encapsulation lsp-sw: LSP switching DS -- disabled Dn -- down Legend for circuit types -> -- only outbound conn is up intf -- interface <- -- only inbound conn is up tlsp -- transmit LSP Up -- operational rlsp -- receive LSP RmtDn -- remote CCC down Restart -- restarting CCC Graceful restart : Restarting Connection/Circuit Type St Time last up # Up trans IFSW-ed if-sw Up Aug 5 15:39:15 1 so-1/0/2.0 intf Up t1-0/1/2.0 intf Up SW-db rmt-if Restart 0 so-1/0/3.0 intf Up pro4-ca tlsp Dn pro4-ac rlsp NP