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show ethernet-switching interfaces


show ethernet-switching interfaces<brief | detail | summary><interface interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

In Junos OS Release 9.6 for EX Series switches, the following updates were made:

  • Blocking field output was updated.
  • The default view was updated to include information about 802.1Q tags.
  • The detail view was updated to include information on VLAN mapping.

In Junos OS Release 11.1 for EX Series switches, the detail view was updated to include reflective relay information.


Display information about Ethernet switching interfaces.



Display brief information for Ethernet switching interfaces.

brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display Ethernet switching information for a specific interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show ethernet-switching interfaces
show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 brief
show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/2 detail (Blocked by RTG rtggroup)
show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 detail (Blocked by STP)
show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/17 detail (Disabled by bpdu-control)
show ethernet-switching interfaces detail (C-VLAN to S-VLAN Mapping)
show ethernet-switching interfaces detail (Reflective Relay Is Configured)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ethernet-switching interfaces command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ethernet-switching interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of a switching interface.

none, brief, detail, summary


VLAN index internal to Junos OS.



Interface state. Values are up and down.

none, brief, detail

Port mode

The access mode is the port mode default and works with a single VLAN. Port mode can also be trunk, which accepts tagged packets from multiple VLANs on other switches. The third port mode value is tagged-access, which accepts tagged packets from access devices.


Reflective Relay Status

Reflective relay allows packets to use the same interface for both upstream and downstream traffic. When reflective relay has been configured, the status displayed is always enabled . When reflective relay is not configured, this entry does not appear in the command output.


Ether type for the interface

Ether type is a two-octet field in an Ethernet frame used to indicate which protocol is encapsulated in the payload of an incoming Ethernet packet. Both 802.1Q packets and Q-in-Q packets use this field. The output displayed for this particular field indicates the interface’s Ether type, which is used to match the Ether type of incoming 802.1Q packets and Q-in-Q packets. The indicated Ether type field is also added to the interface’s outgoing 802.1Q and Q-in-Q packets.


VLAN membership

Names of VLANs that belong to this interface.

none, brief, detail,


Number of the 802.1Q tag.

none, brief, detail,


Specifies whether the interface forwards 802.1Q tagged or untagged traffic.

none, brief, detail,


The forwarding state of the interface:

  • unblocked—Traffic is forwarded on the interface.
  • blocked—Traffic is not being forwarded on the interface.
  • Disabled by bpdu control—The interface is disabled due to receiving BPDUs on a protected interface. If the disable-timeout statement has been included in the BPDU configuration, the interface automatically returns to service after the timer expires.
  • blocked by RTG—The specified redundant trunk group is disabled.
  • blocked by STP—The interface is disabled due to a spanning-tree protocol error.
  • MAC limit exceeded—The interface is temporarily disabled due to a MAC limit error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.
  • MAC move limit exceeded—The interface is temporarily disabled due to a MAC move limit error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.
  • Storm control in effect—The interface is temporarily disabled due to a storm control error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.

none, brief, detail,

Number of MACs learned on IFL

Number of MAC addresses learned by this interface.



When mapping is configured, the status is one of the following C-VLAN to S-VLAN mapping types:

  • dot1q-tunneled—The interface maps all traffic to the S-VLAN (all-in-one bundling).
  • native—The interface maps untagged and priority tagged packets to the S-VLAN.
  • push—The interface maps packets to a firewall filter to an S-VLAN.
  • policy-mapped—The interface maps packets to a specifically defined S-VLAN.
  • integer—The interface maps packets to the specified S-VLAN.

When mapping is not configured, this entry does not appear in the command output.


Sample Output

show ethernet-switching interfaces

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces
Interface    State  VLAN members        Tag   Tagging  Blocking 

ae0.0        up      default                   untagged unblocked
ge-0/0/2.0   up      vlan300            300    untagged blocked by RTG (rtggroup)
ge-0/0/3.0 up default blocked by STP
ge-0/0/4.0 down default MAC limit exceeded ge-0/0/5.0 down default MAC move limit exceeded ge-0/0/6.0 down default Storm control in effect ge-0/0/7.0 down default unblocked ge-0/0/13.0 up default untagged unblocked ge-0/0/14.0 up vlan100 100 tagged unblocked vlan200 200 tagged unblocked ge-0/0/15.0 up vlan100 100 tagged blocked by STP vlan200 200 tagged blocked by STP ge-0/0/16.0 down default untagged unblocked ge-0/0/17.0 down vlan100 100 tagged Disabled by bpdu-control vlan200 200 tagged Disabled by bpdu-control

show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 brief

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 brief

Interface State VLAN members Tag Tagging Blocking ge-0/0/15.0 up vlan100 100 tagged blocked by STP vlan200 200 tagged blocked by STP

show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/2 detail (Blocked by RTG rtggroup)

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/2 detail
Interface: ge-0/0/2.0, Index: 65, State: up, Port mode: Access
Ether type for the interface: 0X8100
VLAN membership:
    vlan300, 802.1Q Tag: 300, untagged, msti-id: 0, blocked by RTG(rtggroup)
Number of MACs learned on IFL: 0

show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 detail (Blocked by STP)

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/15 detail
Interface: ge-0/0/15.0, Index: 70, State: up, Port mode: Trunk
Ether type for the interface: 0X8100
VLAN membership:
    vlan100, 802.1Q Tag: 100, tagged, msti-id: 0, blocked by STP
    vlan200, 802.1Q Tag: 200, tagged, msti-id: 0, blocked by STP

Number of MACs learned on IFL: 0

show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/17 detail (Disabled by bpdu-control)

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/17 detail
Interface: ge-0/0/17.0, Index: 71, State: down, Port mode: Trunk
Ether type for the interface: 0X8100
VLAN membership:
    vlan100, 802.1Q Tag: 100, tagged, msti-id: 1, Disabled by bpdu-control
    vlan200, 802.1Q Tag: 200, tagged, msti-id: 2, Disabled by bpdu-control
Number of MACs learned on IFL: 0

show ethernet-switching interfaces detail (C-VLAN to S-VLAN Mapping)

user@switch>show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-0/0/6.0 detail
Interface: ge-0/0/6.0, Index: 73, State: up, Port mode: Access
Ether type for the interface: 0X8100
VLAN membership:
    map, 802.1Q Tag: 134, Mapped Tag: native, push, dot1q-tunneled, unblocked
    map, 802.1Q Tag: 134, Mapped Tag: 20, push, dot1q-tunneled, unblocked

show ethernet-switching interfaces detail (Reflective Relay Is Configured)

user@switch1> show ethernet-switching interfaces ge-7/0/2 detail
Interface: ge-7/0/2, Index: 66, State: down, Port mode: Tagged-access
Ether type for the interface: 0X8100
Reflective Relay Status: Enabled
Ether type for the interface: 0x8100
VLAN membership:
    VLAN_Purple VLAN_Orange VLAN_Blue, 802.1Q Tag: 450, tagged, unblocked
Number of MACs learned on IFL: 0

Published: 2014-04-23