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show ethernet-switching interfaces


show ethernet-switching interfaces<brief | detail | summary><interface interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Display information about switched Ethernet interfaces.



(Optional) Display brief information for Ethernet-switching interfaces.

brief | detail | summary

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

interface interface-name

(Optional) Display Ethernet-switching information for a specific interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show ethernet-switching interfaces
show ethernet-switching interfaces summary
show ethernet-switching interfaces brief
show ethernet-switching interfaces detail
show ethernet-switching interfaces interface-name

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show ethernet-switching interfaces command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show ethernet-switching interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Name of a switching interface.

All levels


Interface state. Values are up or down.

none, brief, detail, summary

VLAN members

Name of a VLAN.

none, brief, detail, summary


Forwarding state of the interface:

  • blocked—Traffic is not being forwarded on the interface.
  • unblocked—Traffic is forwarded on the interface.
  • MAC limit exceeded—The interface is temporarily disabled because of a MAC limiting error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.
  • MAC move limit exceeded—The interface is temporarily disabled because of a MAC move limiting error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.
  • Storm control in effect —The interface is temporarily disabled because of a storm control error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.
  • Storm control shutdown in effect —The interface is temporarily disabled because of a storm control shutdown error. The disabled interface is automatically restored to service when the disable timeout expires.

none, brief, detail, summary


VLAN index internal to Junos OS software.


untagged | tagged

Specifies whether the interface forwards IEEE802.1Q-tagged or untagged traffic.


Sample Output

show ethernet-switching interfaces

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces
Interface   State    VLAN members           Blocking 
xe-0/0/0.0  up       T1122                  unblocked
xe-0/0/1.0  down     default                — MAC limit exceeded
xe-0/0/2.0  down     default                — MAC move limit exceeded
xe-0/0/3.0  down     default                — Storm control in effect
xe-0/0/4.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/5.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/6.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/7.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/8.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/9.0  up       T111                   unblocked
xe-0/0/10.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/11.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/12.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/13.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/14.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/15.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/16.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/17.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/18.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/19.0 up       T111                   unblocked
xe-0/1/0.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/1/1.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/1/2.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/1/3.0  down     default                unblocked

show ethernet-switching interfaces summary

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces summary

show ethernet-switching interfaces brief

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces brief
Interface   State    VLAN members           Blocking 
xe-0/0/0.0  down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/1.0  down     employee-vlan          unblocked
xe-0/0/2.0  down     employee-vlan          unblocked
xe-0/0/3.0  down     employee-vlan          unblocked
xe-0/0/8.0  down     employee-vlan          unblocked
xe-0/0/10.0 down     default                unblocked
xe-0/0/11.0 down     employee-vlan          unblocked

show ethernet-switching interfaces detail

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces detail
Interface: xe-0/0/0.0 Index: 65
  State: down
    default                untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/1.0 Index: 66
  State: down
    employee-vlan          untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/2.0 Index: 67
  State: down
    employee-vlan          untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/3.0 Index: 68
  State: down
    employee-vlan          untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/8.0 Index: 69
  State: down
    employee-vlan          untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/10.0 Index: 70
  State: down
    default                untagged     unblocked

Interface: xe-0/0/11.0 Index: 71
  State: down
    employee-vlan          tagged       unblocked

show ethernet-switching interfaces interface-name

user@switch> show ethernet-switching interfaces xe-0/0/0.0
 Interface   State    VLAN members           Blocking 
xe-0/0/0.0  down     default                unblocked

Published: 2014-07-23