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show fip snooping statistics


show fip snooping statistics <vlan vlan-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Display FIP snooping statistics.


vlan vlan-name

(Optional) Display FIP snooping statistics for the specified VLAN.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show fip snooping statistics (FIP Snooping)
show fip snooping statistics (VN2VN_Port Snooping)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show fip snooping statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show fip snooping statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the VLAN for which a set of statistics is displayed.


(QFX Series only)
Snooping mode enabled on the FCoE VLAN:

  • VN2VF Snooping—The FCoE VLAN is configured for FIP snooping between an ENode VN_Port and a switch VF_Port.
  • VN2VN Snooping—The FCoE VLAN is configured for VN_Port to VN_Port FIP snooping between ENode VN_Ports.

Number of MDS

Number of multicast discovery solicitation messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of UDS

Number of unicast discovery solicitation messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of FLOGI

Number of fabric logins on the VLAN.

Number of FDISC

Number of fabric discovery logins on the VLAN.

Number of LOGO

Number of fabric logouts on the VLAN.

Number of ENode-keep-alive

Number of ENode keepalive messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of VNPort-keep-alive

Number of VN_Port keepalive messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of MDA

Number of multicast discovery advertisement messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of UDA

Number of unicast discovery advertisement messages sent on the VLAN.

Number of FLOGI_ACC

Number of fabric logins accepted on the VLAN.

Number of FLOGI_RJT

Number of fabric logins rejected on the VLAN.

Number of FDISC_ACC

Number of fabric discoveries accepted on the VLAN.

Number of FDISC_RJT

Number of fabric discoveries rejected on the VLAN.

Number of LOGO_ACC

Number of fabric logouts accepted on the VLAN.

Number of LOGO_RJT

Number of fabric logouts rejected on the VLAN.

Number of CVL

Number of clear virtual links (CVL) actions on the VLAN.

Number of VN_Port Probes Req

(QFX Series only)
Number of multicast N_Port_ID probes sent to the ALL-VN2VN-ENode-MACs multicast address on the VLAN.

Number of VN_Port Claim Notif

(QFX Series only)
Number of multicast N_Port_ID claim notifications sent on the VLAN.

Number of VN_Port Beacons

(QFX Series only)
Number of multicast beacons sent on the VLAN.

Number of VN_Port Probes Reply

(QFX Series only)
Number of replies to N_Port_ID probes sent on the VLAN. Replies are unicast to the ENode MAC address of the probe requester.

Number of VN_Port Claim Reply

(QFX Series only)
Number of replies to N_Port_ID claim notifications sent on the VLAN. Replies are unicast to the ENode MAC address of the claim notifier.

Sample Output

show fip snooping statistics (FIP Snooping)

user@switch> show fip snooping statistics
VLAN: fcoevlan1      Mode: VN2VF Snooping

    Number of MDS:               2
    Number of UDS:               2
    Number of FLOGI:             2
    Number of FDISC:             2
    Number of LOGO:              0
    Number of Enode-keep-alive:  200
    Number of VNPort-keep-alive: 200

    Number of MDA:               25
    Number of UDA:               2
    Number of FLOGI_ACC:         2
    Number of FLOGI_RJT:         0
    Number of FDISC_ACC:         2
    Number of FDISC_RJT:         0
    Number of LOGO_ACC:          0
    Number of LOGO_RJT:          0
    Number of CVL:               0

show fip snooping statistics (VN2VN_Port Snooping)

user@switch> show fip snooping statistics
VLAN: vlan101   Mode: VN2VN Snooping

Number of VN_Port Probes Req:        3
Number of VN_Port Claim Notif:       3
Number of VN_Port Beacons:           0

Number of VN_Port Probes Reply:      3
Number of VN_Port Claim Reply:       3
Number of FLOGI:                     0
Number of FLOGI_ACC:                 0
Number of FLOGI_RJT:                 0
Number of FDISC:                     0
Number of FDISC_ACC:                 0
Number of FDISC_RJT:                 0
Number of LOGO:                      0
Number of LOGO_ACC:                  0
Number of LOGO_RJT:                  0

Published: 2014-04-23