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Supported Platforms

show interfaces (ATM-over-ADSL)


show interfaces at-pim/0/port <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <descriptions><media> <snmp-index snmp-index><statistics>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


(J Series routers) Display status information about the specified ATM-over-asynchronous DSL (ADSL) interface.



Display standard information about the specified ADSL interface.

brief | detail | extensive | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.


(Optional) Display interface description strings.


(Optional) Display media-specific information about network interfaces.

snmp-index snmp-index

(Optional) Display the SNMP index of the interface.


(Optional) Display static interface statistics.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show interfaces (ATM-over-ADSL)
show interfaces brief (ATM-over-ADSL)
show interfaces detail (ATM-over-ADSL)
show interfaces extensive (ATM-over-ADSL)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists only output fields that are specific to the show interfaces (ATM-over-ADSL) command. For information about all other output fields, see Table 92 under the show interfaces (ATM) command.

Table 1: ATM-over-ADSL show interfaces Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Physical Interface 

ADSL alarms

Number and type of ADSL alarms. See “ADSL media” for details.

detail extensive none

ADSL defects

Number and type of ADSL defects. See “ADSL media” for details.

detail extensive none

ADSL status

Operational information for ATM-over-ADSL interfaces.

  • Modem status—Status of the modem: Down, Training, or Showtime.
  • DSL mode—Configured line type of the digital subscriber line: adsl2plus, ansi-dmt, auto, itu-dmt, or itu-dmt-bis.
  • Last fail code—Reason for failure: ATU-C not detected, incompatible line condition, protocol error, message error, spurious ATU detected, forced silence, unselectable operation mode, or none.
  • Subfunction—Specified analog front-end chip and discrete front.
  • Seconds in showtime—Number of seconds the ADSL connection is in showtime.

detail extensive none

ADSL media

Information about ADSL media-specific defects that can prevent the interface from passing packets. The following information is displayed for each defect:

  • Seconds—Number of seconds the defect has been active.
  • Count—Number of times that the defect has gone from inactive to active.
  • State—State of the error. A state other than OK indicates a problem.

The possible defects are as follows:

  • LOF—Loss of frame.
  • LOS—Loss of signal.
  • LOM—Loss of multiframe.
  • LOP—Loss of pointer.
  • LOCDI—Loss of cell delineation for an interleaved channel.
  • LOCDNI—Loss of cell delineation for a noninterleaved channel.


ADSL Statistics

Information about the ADSL terminal unit-remote (ATU-R) at the far end of the connection and the ADSL terminal unit-central office (ATU-C) at the near end:

  • Attenuation (dB)—Attenuation in decibels.
  • Capacity used (%)—Percentage of capacity used.
  • Noise margin (dB)—Maximum extraneous signal allowed without causing the output to deviate from an allowable level, in decibels.
  • Output power (dBm)—Amount of power used by the ATM-over-ADSL interface.
  • Bit rate (kbps)—Speed of data transfer on the ATM-over-ADSL interface, in kilobits per second.
  • CRC—Number of cyclic redundancy check errors.
  • FEC—Number of forward error corrections.
  • HEC—Number of header error checksums.
  • Received cells—Number of cells received through the interface.
  • Transmitted cells—Number of cells sent through the interface.

detail extensive

Sample Output

show interfaces (ATM-over-ADSL)

user@host> show interfaces at-5/0/0
Physical interface: at-5/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Interface index: 149, SNMP ifIndex: 68
  Link-level type: ATM-PVC, MTU: 4482, Clocking: Internal, ADSL mode,
  Speed: ADSL2+, Loopback: None
  Device flags   : Present Running Down
  Link flags     : None
  CoS queues     : 8 supported, 8 in use
  Current address: 00:05:85:c3:85:84
  Last flapped   : 2005-12-19 15:36:02 PST (12w0d 18:33 ago)
  Input rate     : 0 bps (0 pps)
  Output rate    : 0 bps (0 pps)
  ADSL  alarms   : None
  ADSL  defects  : None
  ADSL status:
    Modem status  : Training
    DSL mode      : Adsl2plus   Annex A     
    Last fail code: ATU-C not detected
    Subfunction   : 0x00
    Seconds in showtime : 0
Logical interface at-5/0/0.0 (Index 70) (SNMP ifIndex 71) 
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: Ether-over-ATM-LLC
  Input packets : 0 
  Output packets: 0
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
      Flags: None
    VCI 0.128
      Flags: Active, Multicast
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      Input packets : 0 
      Output packets: 0
Logical interface at-5/0/0.32767 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 70) 
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint No-Multicast SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: ATM-VCMUX
  Input packets : 0 
  Output packets: 0
    VCI 0.4
      Flags: Active
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      Input packets : 0 
      Output packets: 0

show interfaces brief (ATM-over-ADSL)

user@host> show interfaces at-5/0/0 brief
Physical interface: at-5/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Link-level type: ATM-PVC, MTU: 4482, Clocking: Internal, ADSL mode,
  Speed: ADSL2+, Loopback: None
  Device flags   : Present Running Down
  Link flags     : None
  Logical interface at-5/0/0.0 
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: Ether-over-ATM-LLC
    VCI 0.128
      Flags: Active, Multicast
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never

  Logical interface at-5/0/0.32767 
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint No-Multicast SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: ATM-VCMUX
    VCI 0.4
      Flags: Active
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never

show interfaces detail (ATM-over-ADSL)

user@host> show interfaces at-5/0/0 detail
Physical interface: at-5/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Interface index: 149, SNMP ifIndex: 68, Generation: 30
  Link-level type: ATM-PVC, MTU: 4482, Clocking: Internal, ADSL mode,
  Speed: ADSL2+, Loopback: None
  Device flags   : Present Running Down
  Link flags     : None
  CoS queues     : 8 supported, 8 in use
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Current address: 00:05:85:c3:85:84
  Last flapped   : 2005-12-19 15:36:02 PST (12w0d 18:33 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
   Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
  Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
    0 best-effort                    0                    0                    0
    1 expedited-fo                   0                    0                    0
    2 assured-forw                   0                    0                    0
    3 network-cont                   0                    0                    0
    4 be-class                       0                    0                    0
    5 ef-class                       0                    0                    0
    6 af-class                       0                    0                    0
  ADSL  alarms   : None
  ADSL  defects  : None
  ADSL status:
    Modem status  : Training
    DSL mode      : Adsl2plus   Annex A     
    Last fail code: ATU-C not detected
    Subfunction   : 0x00
    Seconds in showtime : 0
  ADSL Statistics:                        ATU-R                  ATU-C        
    Attenuation (dB)         :              0.0                    0.0
    Capacity used (%)        :                0                      0
    Noise margin (dB)        :              0.0                    0.0
    Output power (dBm)       :              0.0                    0.0

                                  Interleave       Fast  Interleave       Fast
    Bit rate (kbps)   :                    0          0           0          0
    CRC               :                    0          0           0          0
    FEC               :                    0          0           0          0
    HEC               :                    0          0           0          0
    Received cells    :                    0          0
    Transmitted cells :                    0          0

Logical interface at-5/0/0.0 (Index 70) (SNMP ifIndex 71) (Generation 8)
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: Ether-over-ATM-LLC
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 12, Route table: 0
      Flags: None
    VCI 0.128       
      Flags: Active, Multicast
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      ATM per-VC transmit statistics:
       Tail queue packet drops: 0
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :                    0
       Output bytes  :                    0
       Input  packets:                    0
       Output packets:                    0

  Logical interface at-5/0/0.32767 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 70) (Generation 9)
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint No-Multicast SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: ATM-VCMUX
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    VCI 0.4
      Flags: Active
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      ATM per-VC transmit statistics:
       Tail queue packet drops: 0
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :                    0
       Output bytes  :                    0
       Input  packets:                    0
       Output packets:                    0

show interfaces extensive (ATM-over-ADSL)

user@host> show interfaces at-5/0/0 extensive
Physical interface: at-5/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Interface index: 149, SNMP ifIndex: 68, Generation: 30
  Link-level type: ATM-PVC, MTU: 4482, Clocking: Internal, ADSL mode,
  Speed: ADSL2+, Loopback: None
  Device flags   : Present Running Down
  Link flags     : None
  CoS queues     : 8 supported, 8 in use
  Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
  Current address: 00:05:85:c3:85:84
  Last flapped   : 2005-12-19 15:36:02 PST (12w0d 18:34 ago)
  Statistics last cleared: Never
  Traffic statistics:
   Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
   Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
   Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
  Input errors:
    Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Invalid VCs: 0, Framing errors: 0, Policed discards: 0,    L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0,    Resource errors: 0
  Output errors:
    Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Aged packets: 0, MTU errors: 0,    Resource errors: 0
  Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
    0 best-effort                    0                    0                    0
    1 expedited-fo                   0                    0                    0
    2 assured-forw                   0                    0                    0
    3 network-cont                   0                    0                    0
    4 be-class                       0                    0                    0
    5 ef-class                       0                    0                    0
    6 af-class                       0                    0                    0
  ADSL  alarms   : None
  ADSL  defects  : None
  ADSL media:            Seconds        Count  State
    LOF                       0            0  OK
    LOS                       0            0  OK
    LOM                       0            0  OK
    LOP                       0            0  OK
    LOCDI                     0            0  OK
    LOCDNI                    0            0  OK
  ADSL status:
    Modem status  : Training
    DSL mode      : Adsl2plus   Annex A     
    Last fail code: ATU-C not detected
    Subfunction   : 0x00
    Seconds in showtime : 0
  ADSL Statistics:                        ATU-R                  ATU-C        
    Attenuation (dB)         :              0.0                    0.0
    Capacity used (%)        :                0                      0
    Noise margin (dB)        :              0.0                    0.0
    Output power (dBm)       :              0.0                    0.0

                                  Interleave       Fast  Interleave       Fast
    Bit rate (kbps)   :                    0          0           0          0
    CRC               :                    0          0           0          0
    FEC               :                    0          0           0          0
    HEC               :                    0          0           0          0
    Received cells    :                    0          0
    Transmitted cells :                    0          0
  ATM status:
    HCS state:     Hunt
    LOC      :       OK
  ATM Statistics:
    Uncorrectable HCS errors: 0, Correctable HCS errors: 0,
    Tx cell FIFO overruns: 0, Rx cell FIFO overruns: 0,
    Rx cell FIFO underruns: 0, Input cell count: 0, Output cell count: 0,
    Output idle cell count: 0, Output VC queue drops: 0, Input no buffers: 0,
    Input length errors: 0, Input timeouts: 0, Input invalid VCs: 0,
    Input bad CRCs: 0, Input OAM cell no buffers: 0
  Packet Forwarding Engine configuration:
    Destination slot: 5
  CoS information:
    CoS transmit queue       Bandwidth            Buffer    Priority   Limit
                         %         bps     %        usec
    0 best-effort       95     7600000    95           0         low    none
    3 network-control    5      400000     5           0         low    none

Logical interface at-5/0/0.0 (Index 70) (SNMP ifIndex 71) (Generation 8)
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: Ether-over-ATM-LLC
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Transit statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
     Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
     Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
    Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 12, Route table: 0
      Flags: None   
    VCI 0.128       
      Flags: Active, Multicast
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      ATM per-VC transmit statistics:
       Tail queue packet drops: 0
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :                    0
       Output bytes  :                    0
       Input  packets:                    0
       Output packets:                    0
  Logical interface at-5/0/0.32767 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 70) (Generation 9)
    Flags: Device-Down Point-To-Multipoint No-Multicast SNMP-Traps 0x4000
    Encapsulation: ATM-VCMUX
    Traffic statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    Local statistics:
     Input  bytes  :                    0
     Output bytes  :                    0
     Input  packets:                    0
     Output packets:                    0
    VCI 0.4
      Flags: Active
      Total down time: 0 sec, Last down: Never
      ATM per-VC transmit statistics:
       Tail queue packet drops: 0
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :                    0
       Output bytes  :                    0
       Input  packets:                    0
       Output packets:                    0

Published: 2013-08-13

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-08-13