show interfaces (Channelized E1)
Release Information
Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
(M Series and T Series routers only) Display status information the specified channelized E1 interface.
ds-fpc/pic/port:ds0channel | — | Display standard information about the specified channelized E1 interface. |
brief | detail | extensive | terse | — | (Optional) Display the specified level of output. |
descriptions | — | (Optional) Display interface description strings. |
media | — | (Optional) Display media-specific information about network interfaces. |
snmp-index snmp-index | — | (Optional) Display information for the specified SNMP index of the interface. |
statistics | — | (Optional) Display static interface statistics. |
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
show interfaces extensive (Channelized E1)Output Fields
Table 1 lists the output fields for the show interfaces (Channelized E1 and Channelized E1 IQ) command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.
Table 1: Channelized E1 and Channelized E1 IQ show interfaces Output Fields
Field Name | Field Description | Level of Output |
Physical Interface | ||
Physical interface | Name of the physical interface. | All levels |
Enabled | State of the interface. Possible values are described in the “Enabled Field” section under Common Output Fields Description. | All levels |
Interface index | Physical interface's index number, which reflects its initialization sequence. | detail extensive none |
SNMP ifIndex | SNMP index number for the physical interface. | detail extensive none |
Generation | Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. | detail extensive |
Link-level type | Encapsulation being used on the physical interface. | All levels |
MTU | MTU size on the physical interface. | All levels |
Clocking | Reference clock source: Internal or External. | All levels |
Speed | Speed at which the interface is running. | All levels |
Loopback | Whether loopback is enabled and the type of loopback (local or remote). | All levels |
FCS | Frame check sequence on the interface (either 16 or 32). The default is 16 bits. | All levels |
Framing | Physical layer framing format used on the link. It can be G704, G704-NO-CRC4, or Unframed. The default is G704. | All levels |
Parent | (Channelized E1 IQ interfaces only) Name and interface index of the interface to which a particular child interface belongs. None indicates that this interface is the top level. | All levels |
Device flags | Information about the physical device. Possible values are described in the “Device Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. | All levels |
Interface flags | Information about the interface. Possible values are described in the “Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. | All levels |
Link flags | Information about the link. Possible values are described in the “Link Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. | All levels |
Hold-times | Current interface hold-time up and hold-time down, in milliseconds. | detail extensive |
Keepalive settings | (PPP and HDLC) Configured settings for keepalives.
| detail extensive none |
Keepalive statistics | (PPP and HDLC) Information about keepalive packets.
| detail extensive none |
LMI settings | (Frame Relay) Settings for link management can be either ANSI LMI settings or ITU LMI settings. ANSI LMI settings is the default. The format is (ANSI or ITU) LMI settings: value, value... xx seconds, where value can be:
| detail extensive none |
LMI | (Frame Relay) Statistics about the link management.
| detail extensive none |
DTE statistics | (Frame Relay) Statistics about messages transmitted from the data terminal equipment (DTE) to the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE):
| detail extensive none |
DCE statistics | (Frame Relay) Statistics about messages transmitted from the DCE to the DTE:
| detail extensive none |
Common statistics | (Frame Relay) Statistics about messages sent between the DTE and the DCE:
| detail extensive none |
Nonmatching DCE-end DLCIs | (Frame Relay, displayed only from the DTE) Number of DLCIs configured from the DCE. | detail extensive none |
LCP state | (PPP) Link Control Protocol state.
| detail extensive none |
CHAP state | (PPP) Displays the state of the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) during its transaction.
| detail extensive none |
Last flapped | Date, time, and how long ago the interface went from down to up. The format is Last flapped: year-month-day hour:minute:second timezone(hour:minute:second ago). For example, Last flapped: 2002-04-26 10:52:40 PDT (04:33:20 ago). | detail extensive none |
CoS Queues | Number of CoS queues configured. | detail extensive none |
Input Rate | Input rate in bits per second (bps) and packets per second (pps). | None specified |
Output Rate | Output rate in bps and pps. | None specified |
Statistics last cleared | Time when the statistics for the interface were last set to zero. | detail extensive |
Traffic statistics | Number of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the physical interface.
| detail extensive |
Input errors | Input errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters whose meaning might not be obvious:
| extensive |
Output errors | Output errors on the interface. The following paragraphs explain the counters whose meaning might not be obvious:
| extensive |
DS1 alarms DS1 defects | E1 media-specific defects that can render the interface unable to pass packets. When a defect persists for a certain amount of time, it is promoted to an alarm. Based on the router configuration, an alarm can ring the red or yellow alarm bell on the router, or turn on the red or yellow alarm LED on the craft interface. The following lists all possible alarms and defects. For complete explanations of most of these alarms and defects, see Bellcore Telcordia GR-499-CORE.
| detail extensive none |
E1 media | Active alarms and defects, plus counts of specific E1 errors with detailed information.
The E1 media-specific error types can be:
| extensive |
HDLC configuration | Information about the HDLC configuration.
| extensive |
Interface transmit queues | Names of the transmit queues and their associated statistics for each DS0 channel on the Channelized E1 to DS0 PIC.
| extensive |
DSx BERT configuration | BERT (bit error rate test) checks the quality of the line. This output appears only when a BERT is run on the interface.
| detail extensive none |
Packet Forwarding Engine configuration | Information about the configuration of the Packet Forwarding Engine:
| extensive |
CoS information | Information about the CoS queue for the physical interface.
| extensive |
Logical Interface | ||
Logical interface | Name of the logical interface. | All levels |
Index | Logical interface index number, which reflects its initialization sequence. | detail extensive none |
SNMP ifIndex | Logical interface SNMP interface index number. | detail extensive none |
Generation | Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. | detail extensive |
Flags | Information about the logical interface. Possible values are described in the “Logical Interface Flags” section under Common Output Fields Description. | All levels |
Encapsulation | Encapsulation on the logical interface. | All levels |
Input packets | Number of packets received on the logical interface. | None specified |
Output packets | Number of packets transmitted on the logical interface. | None specified |
Traffic statistics | Number and rate of bytes and packets received and transmitted on the logical interface.
| detail extensive |
Local statistics | (Frame Relay) Statistics for traffic received from and transmitted to the Routing Engine. When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak cell rate. It takes awhile (generally, less than one second) for this counter to stabilize. | detail extensive |
Transit statistics | (Frame Relay) Statistics for traffic transiting the router. When a burst of traffic is received, the value in the output packet rate field might briefly exceed the peak cell rate. It takes awhile (generally, less than 1 second) for this counter to stabilize. | detail extensive |
Protocol | Protocol family configured on the logical interface, such as iso, inet6, mpls. | detail extensive none |
Multilink bundle | (Multilink) Interface name for the multilink bundle, if configured. | detail extensive none |
MTU | MTU size on the logical interface. | detail extensive none |
Generation | Unique number for use by Juniper Networks technical support only. | detail extensive |
Route table | Routing table in which the logical interface address is located. For example, 0 refers to the routing table inet.0. | detail extensive |
DLCI | (Frame Relay) DLCI number of the logical interface. The following DLCI information is displayed: Flags, Total down time, Last down, and Traffic statistics. Flags is one or more of the following:
| detail extensive none |
DLCI statistics | (Frame Relay) Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) statistics.
| detail extensive none |
Sample Output
show interfaces extensive (Channelized E1)
user@host> show interfaces ds-0/1/1:1 extensive
Physical interface: ds-0/1/1:1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 163, SNMP ifIndex: 37, Generation: 46 Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 1504, Clocking: Internal, Speed: E1, Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Framing: G704 Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : Keepalives Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms CoS queues : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Last flapped : 2005-12-28 14:44:06 PST (00:00:30 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Aged packets: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 DS1 alarms : LOF, LOS DS1 defects : LOF, LOS E1 media: Seconds Count State SEF 982318 1 Defect Active BEE 0 0 OK AIS 0 0 OK LOF 982318 1 Defect Active LOS 982318 1 Defect Active YELLOW 0 0 OK BPV 1 1 EXZ 1 1 LCV 1 1 PCV 1 2 CS 0 0 FEBE 1 9 LES 1 ES 982318 SES 982318 SEFS 982318 BES 1 UAS 0 Interface transmit queues: B/W WRR Packets Bytes Drops Errors Queue0 95 95 0 0 0 0 Queue1 5 5 0 0 0 0 HDLC configuration: Giant threshold: 1514, Runt threshold: 3 Timeslots : 31 Line encoding: HDB3, Data inversion: Disabled, Idle cycle flag: flags, Start end flag: shared DS1 BERT configuration: BERT time period: 0 seconds, Elapsed: 0 seconds Induced Error rate: 10e-0, Algorithm: 2^11 - 1, O.152 and O.153 (2047 type), Pseudorandom (8) Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 0, PLP byte: 2 (0x1b) CoS information: CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 1945600 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 102400 5 0 low none