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show interfaces diagnostics optics (Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 40-Gigabit Ethernet, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet)


show interfaces diagnostics optics interface-name

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for PTX Series routers.


(M120, M320, MX Series, T320, T640, and T1600 routers only) Display diagnostics data, warnings, and alarms for Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

(PTX Series only) Display diagnostics data, warnings, and alarms for 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 40-Gigabit Ethernet, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.



Interface name: ge-fpc/pic/port or xe-fpc/pic/port.

Additional Information

The transceivers are polled in 1-second intervals for diagnostics data, warnings, and alarms. The alarms do not cause the links to go down or the LEDs to change color, nor generate SNMP traps. Changes in alarm and warning status will generate system log messages.

Thresholds that trigger a high alarm, low alarm, high warning, or low warning are set by the transceiver vendors. Generally, a high alarm or low alarm indicates that the optics module is not operating properly. This information can be used to diagnose why a device is not working.

Note: Some transceivers do not support all optical diagnostics features described in the output fields.

The show interfaces diagnostics optics command for optical interfaces does not report the decibel (dBm) value of the received signal if the received power is zero milliwatts (0.0000 mW).

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show interfaces diagnostics optics (DWDM and DWDM OTN)
show interfaces diagnostics optics (Bidirectional SFP)
show interfaces diagnostics optics (SFP)
show interfaces diagnostics optics (SFP)
show interfaces diagnostics optics (XFP and CFP Optics)
show interfaces diagnostics optics for 10-Gigabit Ethernet (PTX 24-10GE-SFPP)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics command for DWDM and DWDM OTN PICs. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: 10-Gigabit Ethernet DWDM and DWDM OTN PICs show interfaces diagnostics optics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

Laser bias current

Magnitude of the laser bias power setting current, in milliamperes. The laser bias provides direct modulation of laser diodes and modulates currents.

Laser output power

Laser output power, in milliwatts (mW) and decibels, referenced to 1.0 mW (dBm). This is a software equivalent to the LsPOWMON pin in hardware.

Receiver signal average optical power

Average received optical power, in mW and dBm. This indicator is a software equivalent to the RxPOWMON pin in hardware. Average optical power is vendor-specific.

Laser end-of-life alarm

Laser end-of-life alarm: On or Off.

Laser wavelength alarm

Laser wavelength alarm: On or Off.

Laser bias current alarm

Laser bias current alarm: On or Off.

Laser temperature alarm

Laser temperature alarm: On or Off.

Laser power alarm

Laser power alarm: On or Off.

Modulator temperature alarm

Modulator temperature alarm: On or Off.

Transceivers from some vendors do not support this field.

Modulator bias alarm

Modulator bias alarm: On or Off.

Tx multiplexer FIFO error alarm

Transmit multiplexer first in, first out (FIFO) error alarm: On or Off.

Tx loss of PLL lock alarm

Transmit loss of phase-locked loop (PLL) lock alarm: On or Off.

Rx loss of average optical power alarm

Receive loss of average optical power alarm: On or Off.

Rx loss of AC power alarm

Receive loss of AC power alarm: On or Off.

Transceivers from some vendors do not support this field.

Rx loss of PLL lock alarm

Receive loss of phase-locked loop (PLL) lock alarm: On or Off.

Table 2 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics command when the router is operating with bidirectional SFP optics. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 2: Gigabit Ethernet Bidirectional SFP Optics show interfaces diagnostics optics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

Laser bias current

Magnitude of the laser bias power setting current, in milliamperes. The laser bias provides direct modulation of laser diodes and modulates currents.

Laser output power

Laser output power, in milliwatts (mW) and decibels, referenced to 1.0 mW (dBm).

Module temperature

Temperature of the optics module, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Module voltage

Internally measured module voltage.

Receiver signal average optical power

Average received optical power, in mW and dBm.

Laser bias current high alarm

Laser bias power setting high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current low alarm

Laser bias power setting low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current high warning

Laser bias power setting high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current low warning

Laser bias power setting low warning. Displays on or off.

Laser output power high alarm

Laser output power high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser output power low alarm

Laser output power low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser output power high warning

Laser output power high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser output power low warning

Laser output power low warning. Displays on or off.

Module temperature high alarm

Module temperature high alarm. Displays on or off.

Module temperature low alarm

Module temperature low alarm. Displays on or off.

Module temperature high warning

Module temperature high warning. Displays on or off.

Module temperature low warning

Module temperature low warning. Displays on or off.

Module voltage high alarm

Module voltage high alarm. Displays on or off.

Module voltage low alarm

Module voltage low alarm. Displays on or off.

Module voltage high warning

Module voltage high warning. Displays on or off.

Module voltage low warning

Module voltage high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power high alarm

Receive laser power high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power low alarm

Receive laser power low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power high warning

Receive laser power high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power low warning

Receive laser power low warning. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current high alarm: 70.000 mA.

Laser bias current low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current low alarm: 0.0002 mA.

Laser bias current high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current high warning: 65.000 mA.

Laser bias current low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current low warning: 0.0002 mA.

Laser output power high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power high alarm: 1.0000 mW or 0.00 dBm.

Laser output power low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power low alarm: 0.0560 mW or -12.52 dBm.

Laser output power high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power high warning: 0.6300 mW or -2.01 dBm.

Laser output power low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power low warning: 0.0890 mW or -10.51 dBm.

Module temperature high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature high alarm: 100° C or 212° F.

Module temperature low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature low alarm: -50° C or -58° F.

Module temperature high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature high warning: 95 ° C or 203 ° F.

Module temperature low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature low warning: -48° C or -54° F.

Module voltage high alarm threshold

Module voltage high alarm threshold: 3.700 v.

Module voltage low alarm threshold

Module voltage low alarm threshold: 2.900 v.

Module voltage high warning threshold

Module voltage high warning threshold: 3.7600 v.

Module voltage low warning threshold

Module voltage low warning threshold: 3.000 v.

Laser rx power high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power high alarm: 1.9953 mW or 3.00 dBm.

Laser rx power low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power low alarm: 0.0001 mW or -40.00 dBm.

Laser rx power high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power high warning: 1.0000 mW or 0.00 dBm.

Laser rx power low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power low warning: 0.0010 mW or -30.00 dBm.

Table 3 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics command for SFP transceivers. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 3: Gigabit Ethernet SFP show interfaces diagnostics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

Laser bias current

Measured laser bias current in uA.

Laser output power

Measured laser output power in mW.

Module temperature

Internally measured module temperature.

Module voltage

Internally measured module voltage.

Laser rx power

Measured receive optical power in mW.

Laser bias current high alarm

Laser bias current high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low alarm

Laser bias current low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high alarm

Laser output power high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low alarm

Laser output power low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temp high alarm

Module temperature high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temp low alarm

Module temperature low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high alarm

Laser receive power high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low alarm

Laser receive power low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high warning

Laser bias current high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low warning

Laser bias current low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high warning

Laser output power high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low warning

Laser output power low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high warning

Module temperature high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low warning

Module temperature low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high warning

Laser receive power high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low warning

Laser receive power low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high alarm threshold

Laser bias current high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low alarm threshold

Laser bias current low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high warning threshold

Laser bias current high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low warning threshold

Laser bias current low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high alarm threshold

Laser output power high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low alarm threshold

Laser output power low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high warning threshold

Laser output power high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low warning threshold

Laser output power low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high alarm threshold

Module temperature high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low alarm threshold

Module temperature low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high warning threshold

Module temperature high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low warning threshold

Module temperature low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module voltage high alarm threshold

Module voltage high alarm threshold. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module voltage low alarm threshold

Module voltage low alarm threshold. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module voltage high warning threshold

Module voltage high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module voltage low warning threshold

Module voltage low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high alarm threshold

Laser receive power high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low alarm threshold

Laser receive power low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high warning threshold

Laser receive power high warning threshold. Warning threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high low threshold

Laser receive power high warning threshold. Warning threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Table 4 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics command for 10-Gigabit Ethernet transceivers. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 4: 10-Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers show interfaces diagnostics optics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

Laser bias current

Measured laser bias current in mA.

Laser output power

Measured laser output power in mW.

Module temperature

Internally measured module temperature.

Laser rx power

Measured receive optical power in mW.

Laser bias current high alarm

Laser bias current high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low alarm

Laser bias current low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high alarm

Laser output power high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low alarm

Laser output power low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temp high alarm

Module temperature high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temp low alarm

Module temperature low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high alarm

Laser receive power high alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low alarm

Laser receive power low alarm: On or Off. Alarm ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high warning

Laser bias current high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low warning

Laser bias current low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high warning

Laser output power high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low warning

Laser output power low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high warning

Module temperature high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low warning

Module temperature low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high warning

Laser receive power high warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low warning

Laser receive power low warning: On or Off. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high alarm threshold

Laser bias current high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low alarm threshold

Laser bias current low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high alarm threshold

Laser output power high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low alarm threshold

Laser output power low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high alarm threshold

Module temperature high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low alarm threshold

Module temperature low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high alarm threshold

Laser receive power high alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low alarm threshold

Laser receive power low alarm threshold. Alarm threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current high warning threshold

Laser bias current high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser bias current low warning threshold

Laser bias current low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power high warning threshold

Laser output power high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser output power low warning threshold

Laser output power low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature high warning threshold

Module temperature high warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Module temperature low warning threshold

Module temperature low warning threshold. Warning ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power high warning threshold

Laser receive power high warning threshold. Warning threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Laser rx power low warning threshold

Laser receive power low warning threshold. Warning threshold ranges are vendor-specific.

Table 5 lists the output fields for the show interfaces diagnostics optics command for XFP transceivers. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 5: 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP Transceivers show interfaces diagnostics optics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Physical interface

Name of the physical interface.

Laser bias current

Magnitude of the laser bias power setting current, in milliamperes. The laser bias provides direct modulation of laser diodes and modulates currents.

Laser output power

Laser output power, in milliwatts (mW) and decibels, referenced to 1.0 mW (dBm). This is a software equivalent to the LsPOWMON pin in hardware.

Module temperature

Temperature of the XFP optics module, in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Laser rx power

Laser received optical power, in mW and dBm.

Laser bias current high alarm

Laser bias power setting high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current low alarm

Laser bias power setting low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current high warning

Laser bias power setting high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current low warning

Laser bias power setting low warning. Displays on or off.

Laser output power high alarm

Laser output power high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser output power low alarm

Laser output power low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser output power high warning

Laser output power high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser output power low warning

Laser output power low warning. Displays on or off.

Module temperature high alarm

Module temperature high alarm. Displays on or off.

Module temperature low alarm

Module temperature low alarm. Displays on or off.

Module temperature high warning

Module temperature high warning. Displays on or off.

Module temperature low warning

Module temperature low warning. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power high alarm

Receive laser power high alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power low alarm

Receive laser power low alarm. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power high warning

Receive laser power high warning. Displays on or off.

Laser rx power low warning

Receive laser power low warning. Displays on or off.

Module not ready alarm

Module not ready alarm. When on, indicates the module has an operational fault. Displays on or off.

Module power down alarm

Module power down alarm. When on, module is in a limited power mode, low for normal operation. Displays on or off.

Tx data not ready alarm

Any condition leading to invalid data on the transmit path. Displays on or off.

Tx not ready alarm

Any condition leading to invalid data on the transmit path. Displays on or off.

Tx laser fault alarm

Laser fault condition. Displays on or off.

Tx CDR loss of lock alarm

Transmit clock and data recovery (CDR) loss of lock. Loss of lock on the transmit side of the CDR. Displays on or off.

Rx not ready alarm

Any condition leading to invalid data on the receive path. Displays on or off.

Rx loss of signal alarm

Receive Loss of Signal alarm. When on, indicates insufficient optical input power to the module. Displays on or off.

Rx CDR loss of lock alarm

Receive CDR loss of lock. Loss of lock on the receive side of the CDR. Displays on or off.

Laser bias current high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current high alarm: 130.000 mA.

Laser bias current low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current low alarm: 10.000 mA.

Laser bias current high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current high warning: 120.000 mA.

Laser bias current low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser bias current low warning: 12.000 mA.

Laser output power high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power high alarm: 0.8910 mW or -0.50 dBm.

Laser output power low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power low alarm: 0.2230 mW or -6.52 dBm.

Laser output power high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power high warning: 0.7940 mW or -100 dBm.

Laser output power low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser output power low warning: 0.2510 mW or -600 dBm.

Module temperature high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature high alarm: 90° C or 194° F.

Module temperature low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature low alarm: -5° C or 23° F.

Module temperature high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature high warning: 85 ° C or 185 ° F.

Module temperature low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the module temperature low warning: 0° C or 32° F.

Laser rx power high alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power high alarm: 1.2589 mW or 1.00 dBm.

Laser rx power low alarm threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power low alarm: 0.0323 mW or -14.91 dBm.

Laser rx power high warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power high warning: 1.1220 mW or 0.50 dBm.

Laser rx power low warning threshold

Vendor-specified threshold for the laser Rx power low warning: 0.0363 mW or -14.40 dBm.

Sample Output

show interfaces diagnostics optics (DWDM and DWDM OTN)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-5/0/0
Physical interface: ge-5/0/0
  Laser bias current                    :  79.938 mA 
  Laser output power                    :  1.592 mW / 2.02 dBm
  Receiver signal average optical power :  1.3854 mW / 1.42 dBm
  Laser end-of-life alarm               :  Off
  Laser wavelength alarm                :  Off
  Laser bias current alarm              :  Off
  Laser temperature alarm               :  Off
  Laser power alarm                     :  Off
  Modulator temperature alarm           :  Off
  Modulator bias alarm                  :  Off
  Tx multiplexer FIFO error alarm       :  Off
  Tx loss of PLL lock alarm             :  Off
  Rx loss of average optical power alarm:  Off
  Rx loss of AC power alarm             :  Off
  Rx loss of PLL lock alarm             :  Off

show interfaces diagnostics optics (Bidirectional SFP)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-3/0/6
Physical interface: ge-3/0/6
    Laser bias current                        :  13.356 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.2210 mW / -6.56 dBm
    Module temperature                        :  36 degrees C / 96 degrees F
    Module voltage                            :  3.2180 V
    Receiver signal average optical power     :  0.2429 mW / -6.15 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
    Module temperature high warning           :  Off
    Module temperature low warning            :  Off
    Module voltage high alarm                 :  Off
    Module voltage low alarm                  :  Off
    Module voltage high warning               :  Off
    Module voltage low warning                :  Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off
    Laser rx power high warning               :  Off
    Laser rx power low warning                :  Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  70.000 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  0.002 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  65.000 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  0.002 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.0560 mW / -12.52 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold :  0.6300 mW / -2.01 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.0890 mW / -10.51 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  100 degrees C / 212 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  -50 degrees C / -58 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold :  95 degrees C / 203 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  -48 degrees C / -54 degrees F
    Module voltage high alarm threshold       :  3.700 V
    Module voltage low alarm threshold        :  2.900 V
    Module voltage high warning threshold     :  3.600 V
    Module voltage low warning threshold      :  3.000 V
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.9953 mW / 3.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0001 mW / -40.00 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0010 mW / -30.00 dBm

show interfaces diagnostics optics (SFP)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-0/3/0
Physical interface: ge-0/3/0
    Laser bias current                        :  23.408 mA
    Laser output power                        :  1.479 mW / 1.70 dBm
    Module temperature                        :  37 degrees C / 99 degrees F
    Laser rx power                            :  0.121 mW / -9.16 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Module temperature high warning           :  Off
    Module temperature low warning            :  Off
    Laser rx power high warning               :  Off
    Laser rx power low warning                :  Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  31.000 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  10.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  6.000 mW / 7.78 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.100 mW / -10.00 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  85 degrees C / 185 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.001 mW / -30.00 dBm
    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  28.000 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  11.000 mA
    Laser output power high warning threshold :  5.000 mW / 6.99 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.500 mW / -3.01 dBm
    Module temperature high warning threshold :  70 degrees C / 158 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  10 degrees C / 50 degrees F
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  0.501 mW / -3.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.001 mW / -28.86 dBm

show interfaces diagnostics optics (SFP)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-1/0/0
Physical interface: ge-1/0/0
        Laser bias current                        :  49.010 mA
        Laser output power                        :  1.263 mW / 1.01 dBm
        Module temperature                        :  17 degrees C / 62 degrees F
        Module voltage                            :  4.21 V
        Laser rx power                            :  0.060 mW / -12.21 dBm
        Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
        Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
        Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
        Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
        Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
        Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
        Module voltage high alarm                 :  Off
        Module voltage low alarm                  :  Off
        Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off
        Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off
        Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
        Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
        Laser output power high warning           :  Off
        Laser output power low warning            :  Off
        Module temperature high warning           :  Off
        Module temperature low warning            :  Off
        Module voltage high warning               :  Off
        Module voltage low warning                :  Off
        Laser rx power high warning               :  Off
        Laser rx power low warning                :  Off
        Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  70.000 mA
        Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  20.000 mA
        Laser bias current high warning threshold :  65.000 mA
        Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  25.000 mA
        Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  1.4120 mW / 1.50 dBm
        Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.1990 mW / -7.01 dBm
        Laser output power high warning threshold :  1.2580 mW / 1.00 dBm
        Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.2230 mW / -6.52 dBm
        Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  78 degrees C /172 degrees F
        Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  13 degrees C / 9 degrees F
        Module temperature high warning threshold :  75 degrees C /167 degrees F
        Module temperature low warning threshold  :  10 degrees C / 14 degrees F
        Module voltage high alarm threshold       :  5.71 V
        Module voltage low alarm threshold        :  2.05 V
        Module voltage high warning threshold     :  5.20 V
        Module voltage low warning threshold      :  3.11 V
        Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.7783 mW / 2.50 dBm
        Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0100 mW / -20.00 dBm
        Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  1.5849 mW / 2.00 dBm
        Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0158 mW / -18.01 dBm

show interfaces diagnostics optics (XFP and CFP Optics)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-2/1/0
Physical interface: xe-2/1/0
    Laser bias current                        :  52.060 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.5640 mW / -2.49 dBm
    Module temperature                        :  31 degrees C / 88 degrees F
    Laser rx power                            :  0.0844 mW / -10.74 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
    Module temperature high warning           :  Off
    Module temperature low warning            :  Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off
    Laser rx power high warning               :  Off
    Laser rx power low warning                :  Off
    Module not ready alarm                    :  Off
    Module power down alarm                   :  Off
    Tx data not ready alarm                   :  Off
    Tx not ready alarm                        :  Off
    Tx laser fault alarm                      :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx not ready alarm                        :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  130.000 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  10.000 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  120.000 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  12.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  0.8910 mW / -0.50 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.2230 mW / -6.52 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold :  0.7940 mW / -1.00 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.2510 mW / -6.00 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  90 degrees C / 194 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  -5 degrees C / 23 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold :  85 degrees C / 185 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  0 degrees C / 32 degrees F
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.2589 mW / 1.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0323 mW / -14.91 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  1.1220 mW / 0.50 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0363 mW / -14.40 dBm

show interfaces diagnostics optics for 10-Gigabit Ethernet (PTX 24-10GE-SFPP)

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics et-2/0/23
Physical interface: et-2/0/23
    Laser bias current                        :  8.482 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.5890 mW / -2.30 dBm
    Module temperature                        :  51 degrees C / 123 degrees F
    Module voltage                            :  3.2970 V
    Receiver signal average optical power     :  0.5574 mW / -2.54 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
    Module temperature high warning           :  Off
    Module temperature low warning            :  Off
    Module voltage high alarm                 :  Off
    Module voltage low alarm                  :  Off
    Module voltage high warning               :  Off
    Module voltage low warning                :  Off
    Laser rx power high alarm                 :  Off
    Laser rx power low alarm                  :  Off
    Laser rx power high warning               :  Off
    Laser rx power low warning                :  Off
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  11.800 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  4.000 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  10.800 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  5.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  0.8310 mW / -0.80 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.2510 mW / -6.00 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold :  0.6600 mW / -1.80 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.3160 mW / -5.00 dBm
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  93 degrees C / 199 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  -13 degrees C / 9 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold :  88 degrees C / 190 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  -8 degrees C / 18 degrees F
    Module voltage high alarm threshold       :  3.700 V
    Module voltage low alarm threshold        :  2.900 V
    Module voltage high warning threshold     :  3.600 V
    Module voltage low warning threshold      :  3.000 V
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  1.0000 mW / 0.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0100 mW / -20.00 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  0.7943 mW / -1.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0158 mW / -18.01 dBm

For 40-Gigabit Ethernet:

user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics et-7/1/0
Physical interface: et-7/1/0
    Module temperature                        :  34 degrees C / 94 degrees F
    Module voltage                            :  3.4720 V
    Module temperature high alarm             :  Off
    Module temperature low alarm              :  Off
    Module temperature high warning           :  Off
    Module temperature low warning            :  Off
    Module voltage high alarm                 :  Off
    Module voltage low alarm                  :  Off
    Module voltage high warning               :  Off
    Module voltage low warning                :  Off
    Module not ready alarm                    :  Off
    Module low power alarm                    :  Off
    Module initialization incomplete alarm    :  Off
    Module fault alarm                        :  Off
    PLD Flash initialization fault alarm      :  Off
    Power supply fault alarm                  :  Off
    Checksum fault alarm                      :  Off
    Tx laser disabled alarm                   :  Off
    Tx loss of signal functionality alarm     :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Module temperature high alarm threshold   :  80 degrees C / 176 degrees F
    Module temperature low alarm threshold    :  -10 degrees C / 14 degrees F
    Module temperature high warning threshold :  75 degrees C / 167 degrees F
    Module temperature low warning threshold  :  -5 degrees C / 23 degrees F
    Module voltage high alarm threshold       :  3.5990 V
    Module voltage low alarm threshold        :  3.0000 V
    Module voltage high warning threshold     :  3.5000 V
    Module voltage low warning threshold      :  3.0990 V
    Laser bias current high alarm threshold   :  100.000 mA
    Laser bias current low alarm threshold    :  10.000 mA
    Laser bias current high warning threshold :  80.000 mA
    Laser bias current low warning threshold  :  15.000 mA
    Laser output power high alarm threshold   :  2.8180 mW / 4.50 dBm
    Laser output power low alarm threshold    :  0.2390 mW / -6.22 dBm
    Laser output power high warning threshold :  2.2380 mW / 3.50 dBm
    Laser output power low warning threshold  :  0.3010 mW / -5.21 dBm
    Laser rx power high alarm threshold       :  2.5119 mW / 4.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low alarm threshold        :  0.0316 mW / -15.00 dBm
    Laser rx power high warning threshold     :  1.9953 mW / 3.00 dBm
    Laser rx power low warning threshold      :  0.0631 mW / -12.00 dBm
    Laser temperature high alarm threshold    :  80 degrees C / 176 degrees F
    Laser temperature low alarm threshold     :  -10 degrees C / 14 degrees F
    Laser temperature high warning threshold  :  75 degrees C / 167 degrees F
    Laser temperature low warning threshold   :  -5 degrees C / 23 degrees F
  Lane 0
    Laser bias current                        :  27.829 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.851 mW / -0.70 dBm
    Laser temperature                         :  34 degrees C / 94 degrees F
    Laser receiver power                      :  0.894 mW / -0.49 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature high alarm              :  Off
    Laser temperature low alarm               :  Off
    Laser temperature high warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature low warning             :  Off
    Laser receiver power high alarm           :  Off
    Laser receiver power low alarm            :  Off
    Laser receiver power high warning         :  Off
    Laser receiver power low warning          :  Off
    Tx loss of signal functionality alarm     :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    APD supply fault alarm                    :  Off
    TEC fault alarm                           :  Off
    Wavelength unlocked alarm                 :  Off
  Lane 1
    Laser bias current                        :  35.374 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.896 mW / -0.48 dBm
    Laser temperature                         :  34 degrees C / 94 degrees F
    Laser receiver power                      :  0.707 mW / -1.50 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature high alarm              :  Off
    Laser temperature low alarm               :  Off
    Laser temperature high warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature low warning             :  Off
    Laser receiver power high alarm           :  Off
    Laser receiver power low alarm            :  Off
    Laser receiver power high warning         :  Off
    Laser receiver power low warning          :  Off
    Tx loss of signal functionality alarm     :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    APD supply fault alarm                    :  Off
    TEC fault alarm                           :  Off
    Wavelength unlocked alarm                 :  Off
  Lane 2
    Laser bias current                        :  29.173 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.890 mW / -0.51 dBm
    Laser temperature                         :  34 degrees C / 94 degrees F
    Laser receiver power                      :  0.704 mW / -1.52 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature high alarm              :  Off
    Laser temperature low alarm               :  Off
    Laser temperature high warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature low warning             :  Off
    Laser receiver power high alarm           :  Off
    Laser receiver power low alarm            :  Off
    Laser receiver power high warning         :  Off
    Laser receiver power low warning          :  Off
    Tx loss of signal functionality alarm     :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    APD supply fault alarm                    :  Off
    TEC fault alarm                           :  Off
    Wavelength unlocked alarm                 :  Off
  Lane 3
    Laser bias current                        :  36.164 mA
    Laser output power                        :  0.899 mW / -0.46 dBm
    Laser temperature                         :  34 degrees C / 94 degrees F
    Laser receiver power                      :  0.892 mW / -0.50 dBm
    Laser bias current high alarm             :  Off
    Laser bias current low alarm              :  Off
    Laser bias current high warning           :  Off
    Laser bias current low warning            :  Off
    Laser output power high alarm             :  Off
    Laser output power low alarm              :  Off
    Laser output power high warning           :  Off
    Laser output power low warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature high alarm              :  Off
    Laser temperature low alarm               :  Off
    Laser temperature high warning            :  Off
    Laser temperature low warning             :  Off
    Laser receiver power high alarm           :  Off
    Laser receiver power low alarm            :  Off
    Laser receiver power high warning         :  Off
    Laser receiver power low warning          :  Off
    Tx loss of signal functionality alarm     :  Off
    Tx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    Rx loss of signal alarm                   :  Off
    Rx CDR loss of lock alarm                 :  Off
    APD supply fault alarm                    :  Off
    TEC fault alarm                           :  Off
    Wavelength unlocked alarm                 :  Off

Published: 2013-08-29

Published: 2013-08-29