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show lldp statistics


show lldp statistics<interface interface>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.


Display LLDP statistics for all interfaces or for the specified interface.



Display LLDP statistics for all interfaces.

interface interface

(Optional) Display LLDP statistics for the specified interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show lldp statistics
show lldp statistics interface xe-3/0/0.0

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show lldp statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show lldp statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the interface.

Parent Interface

Name of the aggregated Ethernet interface, if any, to which the interface belongs.

Note: Because LLDP packets are transmitted and received on member interfaces only, statistics are available only for the member interfaces, not for the aggregated interface.


Total number of LLDP frames received on an interface.

Unknown TLVs

Number of unrecognized LLDP TLVs received on an interface.

With Errors

Number of invalid LLDP TLVs received on an interface.


Number of LLDP TLVs received and then discarded on an interface.


Total number of LLDP frames that were transmitted on an interface.


Total number of LLDP frames that were untransmitted on an interface.

Sample Output

show lldp statistics

user@switch> show lldp statistics
Interface    Parent Interface  Received  Unknown TLVs  With Errors  
xe-3/0/0.0   ae31.0            1564      0             0            
xe-3/0/1.0   ae31.0            1564      0             0            
xe-3/0/2.0   ae31.0            1565      0             0            
xe-3/0/3.0   ae31.0            1566      0             0            
xe-3/0/4.0   ae31.0            1598      0             0                 
xe-3/0/5.0   ae31.0            1598      0             0            
xe-3/0/6.0   ae31.0            1596      0             0            
xe-3/0/7.0   ae31.0            1597      0             0            
xe-5/0/6.0   -                 0         0             0            
xe-5/0/7.0   -                 0         0             0            

Discarded TLVs  Transmitted  Untransmitted
0               3044         1
0               3044         1
0               3044         1
0               3044         1
0               3075         1
0               3075         1
0               3075         1
0               3075         1
0               17312        0
0               17312        0

show lldp statistics interface xe-3/0/0.0

user@switch> show lldp statistics interface xe-3/0/0.0
Interface    Parent Interface  Received  Unknown TLVs  With Errors  
xe-3/0/0.0   ae31.0            1566      0             0              

Discarded TLVs  Transmitted  Untransmitted
0               3046         1

Published: 2014-04-23