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show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics


show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statisticsmaintenance-domain md-namemaintenance-association ma-namesla-iterator sla-iterator<local-mep local-mep-id><remote-mep remote-mep-id>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2 for ACX Series routers.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2 for MX Series routers (not on MPC3E Hyperion cards).


Display the Ethernet Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) service-level agreement (SLA) iterator statistics.


maintenance-domain md-name

Name of an existing connectivity fault management (CFM) maintenance domain.

maintenance-association ma-name

Name of an existing CFM maintenance association.

sla-iterator sla-iterator

Name of the iterator profile.

local-mep local-mep-id

(Optional) Numeric identifier of the local MEP. The range of values is 1 through 8191.

remote-mep remote-mep-id

(Optional) Numeric identifier of the remote MEP. The range of values is 1 through 8192.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics
show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics (MX Series routers)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics Output Fields

Output Field Name

Output Field Description

Maintenance domain

Name of the maintenance domain.


Level of the maintenance domain level configured.

Maintenance association

Name of the maintenance association.

Local MEP id

Numeric identifier of the local MEP.

Remote MEP id

Numeric identifier of the remote MEP.

Remote MAC address

Unicast MAC address of the remote MEP.

Iterator name

Name of iterator.

Iterator Id

Numeric identifier of the iterator.

Iterator cycle time

Number of cycles (in milliseconds) taken between back-to-back transmission of SLA frames for this connection

Iteration period

Maximum number of cycles per iteration

Iterator status

Current status of iterator whether running or stopped.

Infinite iterations

Status of iteration as infinite or finite.

Counter reset time

Date and time when the counter was reset.

Reset reason

Reason to reset counter.

Delay weight

Calculation weight of delay.

Delay variation weight

Calculation weight of delay variation.

DMM sent

Delay measurement message (DMM) PDU frames sent to the peer MEP in this session.

DMM skipped for threshold hit

Number of DMM frames sent to the peer MEP in this session skipped during threshold hit.

DMM skipped for threshold hit window

Number of DMM frames sent to the peer MEP in this session skipped during the last threshold hit window.

DMR received

Number of delay measurement reply (DMR) frames received.

DMR out of sequence

Total number of DMR out of sequence packets received.

DMR received with invalid time stamps

Total number of DMR frames received with invalid timestamps.

Average two-way delay

Average two-way frame delay for the statistics displayed.

Average two-way delay variation

Average two-way “frame jitter” for the statistics displayed.

Average one-way forward delay variation

Average one-way forward delay variation for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

Average one-way backward delay variation

Average one-way backward delay variation for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

Weighted average two-way delay

Weighted average two-way delay for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

Weighted average two-way delay variation

Weighted average two-way delay variation for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

Weighted average one-way backward delay variation

Weighted average one-way backward delay variation for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

Weighted average one-way forward delay variation

Weighted average one-way forward delay variation for the statistics displayed in microseconds.

SLM packets sent

Total number of synthetic loss message (SLM) PDU frames sent from the source MEP to the remote MEP during this ETH-SLM session.

SLM packets received

Total number of synthetic loss message (SLM) PDU frames that the remote MEP received from the source MEP during this ETH-SLM session.

SLR packets sent

Total number of synthetic loss reply (SLR) PDU frames that the remote MEP sent to the source MEP during this measurement session.

SLR packets received

Total number of synthetic loss reply (SLR) PDU frames that the source MEP received from the remote MEP during this measurement session.

Local TXFC1 value

Number of synthetic frames transmitted to the peer MEP for a test ID. A test ID is used to distinguish each synthetic loss measurement because multiple measurements can be simultaneously activated also on a given CoS and MEP pair. It must be unique at least within the context of any SLM for the MEG and initiating MEP.

Local RXFC1 value

Number of synthetic frames received from the peer MEP for a test ID. The MEP generates a unique Test ID for the session, adds the source MEP ID, and initializes the local counters for the session before SLM initiation. For each SLM PDU transmitted for the session (test ID), the local counter TXFC1 is sent in the packet.

Last Received SLR frame TXFCf(tc)

Value of the local counter TxFCl at the time of SLM frame transmission.

Last Received SLR frame TXFCb(t

Value of the local counter RxFCl at the time of SLR frame transmission.

Frame loss (near-end)

Count of frame loss associated with ingress data frames.

Frame loss (far-end)

Count of frame loss associated with egress data frames.

Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics

user@switch> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics sla-iterator i1 maintenance-domain default-1 maintenance-association ma1 local-mep 1 remote-mep 2
Iterator statistics:
Maintenance domain: md6, Level: 6
Maintenance association: ma6, Local MEP id: 1000
Remote MEP id: 103, Remote MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:43:92
Iterator name: i1, Iterator Id: 1
Iterator cycle time: 10ms, Iteration period: 1 cycles
Iterator status: running, Infinite iterations: true
Counter reset time: 2010-03-19 20:42:39 PDT (2d 18:24 ago)
Reset reason: Adjacency flap

Iterator delay measurement statistics:
Delay weight: 1, Delay variation weight: 1
DMM sent                                          : 23898520
DMM skipped for threshold hit                     : 11000
DMM skipped for threshold hit window              : 0
DMR received                                      : 23851165
DMR out of sequence                               : 1142
DMR received with invalid time stamps             : 36540
Average two-way delay                             : 129 usec
Average two-way delay variation                   : 15 usec
Average one-way forward delay variation           : 22 usec
Average one-way backward delay variation          : 22 usec
Weighted average two-way delay                    : 134 usec
Weighted average two-way delay variation          : 8 usec
Weighted average one-way forward delay variation  : 6 usec
Weighted average one-way backward delay variation : 2 usec

Sample Output

show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics (MX Series routers)

user@switch> show oam ethernet connectivity-fault-management sla-iterator-statistics maintenance-domain mdu maintenance-association mau local-mep 4 remote-mep 3 sla-iterator lm
Iterator statistics:
  Maintenance domain: 2, Level: 2
  Maintenance association: W-160432000-001, Local MEP id: 2
  Remote MEP id: 1, Remote MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:43:39
  Iterator name: iter1, Iterator Id: 1
  Iterator cycle time: 100ms, Iteration period: 10 cycles
  Iterator status: running, Infinite iterations: true
  Counter reset time: 2012-09-25 02:15:31 PDT (00:00:45 ago)
  Reset reason: Adjacency flap
  Iterator loss measurement statistics:
    LMM sent                            : 444
    LMM skipped for threshold hit       : 0
    LMM skipped for threshold hit window: 0
    LMR received                        : 444
    LMR out of sequence                 : 0
    LMR forwarding-class mismatch       : 0
  Accumulated transmit statistics:
    Near-end (CIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (CIR)                       : 0
    Near-end (EIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (EIR)                       : 0
  Accumulated receive statistics:       
    Near-end (CIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (CIR)                       : 0
    Near-end (EIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (EIR)                       : 0
  Accumulated loss statistics:
    Near-end loss (CIR)                 : 0
    Near-end loss-ratio (CIR)           : 0 (0.00000%)
    Far-end loss (CIR)                  : 0
    Far-end loss-ratio (CIR)            : 0 (0.00000%)
    Near-end loss (CIR)                 : 0
    Near-end loss-ratio (EIR)           : 0 (0.00000%)
    Far-end loss (CIR)                  : 0
    Far-end loss-ratio (EIR)            : 0 (0.00000%)
  Last loss measurement statistics:
    Near-end (CIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (CIR)                       : 0
    Near-end (EIR)                      : 0
    Far-end (EIR)                       

Published: 2014-04-24