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show pppoe lockout


show pppoe lockout<underlying-interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.


Display summary information about PPPoE clients currently undergoing lockout or currently in a lockout grace period on all PPPoE underlying logical interfaces or on a specified PPPoE underlying logical interface.



Display information about the lockout condition and the lockout grace period for PPPoE clients on all PPPoE underlying logical interfaces.


(Optional) Name of the PPPoE underlying logical interface.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show pppoe lockout underlying-interface-name

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pppoe lockout command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pppoe lockout Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Name of the PPPoE underlying logical interface.


Index number of the logical interface, which reflects its initialization sequence.

Lockout Time (seconds)

Displays the PPPoE lockout time range, the number of PPPoE clients in lockout condition, and the number of PPPoE clients in a lockout grace period:

  • Min—Minimum lockout time, in seconds, configured on the PPPoE underlying interface.
  • Max—Maximum lockout time, in seconds, configured on the PPPoE underlying interface.
  • Total clients in lockout—Number of PPPoE clients currently undergoing lockout.
  • Total clients in lockout grace period—Number of PPPoE clients currently in a lockout grace period. A lockout grace period occurs when the time between lockout events is greater than either 15 minutes or the maximum lockout time.

Client Address

MAC source address of the PPPoE client.


Current lockout time, in seconds; displays 0 (zero) if the PPPoE client is not undergoing lockout.


Time elapsed into the lockout period, in seconds; displays 0 (zero) if the PPPoE client is not undergoing lockout


Lockout time, in seconds, that the router uses for the next lockout event; displays a nonzero value if the PPPoE client is currently in a lockout grace period.

Sample Output

show pppoe lockout underlying-interface-name

user@host> show pppoe lockout xe-1/0/0.0
xe-1/0/0.0 Index 10305
  Lockout Time (seconds): Min: 1, Max: 300
    Total clients in lockout: 2
    Total clients in lockout grace period: 1

  Client Address               Current   Elapsed    Next
    02:01:00:00:00:05               16        10      32
    04:01:00:00:00:ab              256       168     300
    0b:cd:ef:00:00:23                0         0       8

Published: 2013-07-31