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show pppoe statistics


show pppoe statistics<logical-interface-name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

logical-interface-name option introduced in Junos OS Release 10.1.


(J Series Services Routers, M120 routers, M320 routers, and MX Series routers only) Display statistics information about PPPoE interfaces.



Display PPPoE statistics for all interfaces.


(Optional) Name of a PPPoE underlying logical interface. Supported for M120 routers, M320 routers, and MX Series routers only.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show pppoe statistics
show pppoe statistics (For the Specified Underlying Interface Only)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show pppoe statistics command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show pppoe statistics Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Active PPPoE sessions

Total number of active PPPoE sessions and the number of packets sent and received during the PPPoE session, categorized by packet type and packet errors:

  • PADI—PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation packets.
  • PADO—PPPoE Active Discovery Offer packets.
  • PADR—PPPoE Active Discovery Request packets.
  • PADS—PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation packets.
  • PADT—PPPoE Active Discovery Termination packets.
  • Service name error—Packets for which the Service-Name request could not be honored.
  • AC system error—Packets for which the access concentrator experienced an error in performing the host request. For example, the host had insufficient resources to create a virtual circuit.
  • Generic error—Packets that indicate an unrecoverable error occurred.
  • Malformed packets—Malformed or short packets that caused the packet handler to discard the frame as unreadable.
  • Unknown packets—Unrecognized packets.


Information about timeouts that occurred during the PPPoE session (not displayed for M120, M320, and MX Series routers):

  • PADI—No PADR packet has been received within the timeout period. (This value is always zero and is not supported.)
  • PADO—No PPPoE Active Discovery Offer packet has been received within the timeout period.
  • PADR—No PADS packet has been received within the timeout period.

Sample Output

show pppoe statistics

user@host> show pppoe statistics
Active PPPoE sessions: 1
  PacketType          Sent      Received 
  PADI                   0             0
  PADO                   0             0
  PADR                   0             0
  PADS                   0             0
  PADT                   0             0
  Service name error     0             0
  AC system error        0             0
  Generic error          0             0
  Malformed packets      0             0
  Unknown packets        0             0
  PADI                   0
  PADO                   0
  PADR                   0

show pppoe statistics (For the Specified Underlying Interface Only)

user@host> show pppoe statistics ge-4/0/3.2
Active PPPoE sessions: 4
  PacketType                       Sent         Received
    PADI                              0                5
    PADO                              5                0
    PADR                              0                5
    PADS                              4                0
    PADT                              0                1
    Service name error                0                0
    AC system error                   0                0
    Generic error                     0                0
    Malformed packets                 0                0
    Unknown packets                   0                0

Published: 2013-08-01

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-08-01