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show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration


show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration

Release Information

Command introduced in JUNOS Release 12.1.


Display the configuration of Ethernet ring protection group on a switch. This statement is not used with routers.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the command-name command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration Output Fields

Output Fields

Field Description

East Interface

One of the two switch interfaces that participates in a ring link.

West Interface

One of the two interfaces in a switch that participates in a ring link.

Restore Interval

Configured interval of wait time after a link is restored. When a link goes down, the RPL link activates. When the downed link comes back up, the RPL link receives notification, restores the link, and waits for the restore interval before issuing another block on the same link. The configured number of minutes can be 5 through 12. This configuration is a global configuration and applies to all Ethernet rings if the Ethernet ring doesn't have a more specific configuration for this value. If no parameter is configured at the protection group level, the global configuration of this parameter uses the default value.

Guard Interval

Configured number of milliseconds (in 10 millisecond intervals, 10 milliseconds through 2000 milliseconds) that the node does not process any Ethernet ring protection protocol data units (PDUs). This configuration is a global configuration and applies to all Ethernet rings if the Ethernet ring does not have a more specific configuration for this value. If no parameter is configured at the protection group level, the global configuration of this parameter uses the default value.

Node Id

Node ID for the switch assigned by default (not configurable)

Control Vlan

VLAN that transfers ERP PDUs from one node to another

Physical Ring

Physical ring if the east and west interfaces are non-trunk ports

Sample Output

show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration

user@switch> show protection-group ethernet-ring configuration
Ethernet ring configuration parameters for protection group erp1
East Interface   : ge-0/0/3.0
West Interface   : ge-0/0/9.0
Restore Interval : 5 minutes
Guard Interval   : 500 ms
Node Id          : 00:1F:12:30:B8:81
Control Vlan     : 101
Physical Ring    : yes

Published: 2014-04-23