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show services rpm history-results


show services rpm history-results<brief | detail> <owner owner> <since time><test name>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2 for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers.


Display standard information about the results of the last 50 probes for each real-time performance monitoring (RPM) instance.



Display the results of the last 50 probes for all RPM instances.

brief | detail

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

owner owner

(Optional) Display information for the specified probe owner.

since time

(Optional) Display information from the specified time. Specify time as yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss.

test name

(Optional) Display information for the specified test.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show services rpm history-results
show services rpm history-results detail

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show services rpm history-results command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show services rpm history-results Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output


Probe owner.

All levels


Name of a test for a probe instance.

All levels

Probe received

Timestamp when the probe result was determined.

All levels

Round trip time

Average ping round-trip time (RTT), in microseconds.

All levels

Probe results

Result of a particular probe performed by a remote host. The following information is contained in the results:

  • Response received—Timestamp when the probe result was determined.
  • Rtt—Average ping round-trip time (RTT), in microseconds.


Results over current test

Displays the results for the current test by probe at the time each probe was completed, as well as the status of the current test at the time the probe was completed.


Probes sent

Number of probes sent with the current test.


Probes received

Number of probe responses received within the current test.


Loss percentage

Percentage of lost probes for the current test.



Increment of measurement. Possible values are round-trip time delay and, for the probe type icmp-pin-timestamp, the egress and ingress delay:

  • Minimum—Minimum RTT, ingress delay, or egress delay measured over the course of the current test.
  • Maximum—Maximum RTT, ingress delay, or egress delay measured over the course of the current test.
  • Average—Average RTT, ingress delay, or egress delay measured over the course of the current test.
  • Jitter—Difference, in microseconds, between the maximum and minimum RTT measured over the course of the current test.
  • Stddev—Standard deviation of the round-trip time, in microseconds, measured over the course of the current test.


Sample Output

show services rpm history-results

user@host> show services rpm history-results
     Owner, Test                 Probe received              Round trip time
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:35 2009              315 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:36 2009              266 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:37 2009              314 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:38 2009              388 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:39 2009              316 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:40 2009              271 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:41 2009              314 usec
    p1, t1                      Wed Aug 12 01:02:42 2009             1180 usec

show services rpm history-results detail

user@host> show services rpm history-results detail
    Owner: p1, Test: t1, Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp
    Probe results:
      Response received, Wed Aug 12 01:02:35 2009,
      Client and server hardware timestamps
      Rtt: 315 usec
    Results over current test:
      Probes sent: 1, Probes received: 1, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Samples: 1, Minimum: 315 usec, Maximum: 315 usec, Average: 315 usec,
        Peak to peak: 0 usec, Stddev: 0 usec, Sum: 315 usec

    Owner: p1, Test: t1, Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp
    Probe results:
      Response received, Wed Aug 12 01:02:36 2009,
      Client and server hardware timestamps
      Rtt: 266 usec, Round trip jitter: -50 usec,
      Round trip interarrival jitter: 3 usec
    Results over current test:
      Probes sent: 2, Probes received: 2, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Samples: 2, Minimum: 266 usec, Maximum: 315 usec, Average: 291 usec,
        Peak to peak: 49 usec, Stddev: 24 usec, Sum: 581 usec
      Measurement: Negative round trip jitter
        Samples: 1, Minimum: 50 usec, Maximum: 50 usec, Average: 50 usec,
        Peak to peak: 0 usec, Stddev: 0 usec, Sum: 50 usec

    Owner: p1, Test: t1, Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp
    Probe results:
      Response received, Wed Aug 12 01:02:37 2009,
      Client and server hardware timestamps
      Rtt: 314 usec, Round trip jitter: 49 usec,
      Round trip interarrival jitter: 6 usec
    Results over current test:
      Probes sent: 3, Probes received: 3, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Samples: 3, Minimum: 266 usec, Maximum: 315 usec, Average: 298 usec,
        Peak to peak: 49 usec, Stddev: 23 usec, Sum: 895 usec
      Measurement: Positive round trip jitter
        Samples: 1, Minimum: 49 usec, Maximum: 49 usec, Average: 49 usec,
        Peak to peak: 0 usec, Stddev: 0 usec, Sum: 49 usec
      Measurement: Negative round trip jitter
        Samples: 1, Minimum: 50 usec, Maximum: 50 usec, Average: 50 usec,
        Peak to peak: 0 usec, Stddev: 0 usec, Sum: 50 usec

    Owner: p1, Test: t1, Probe type: icmp-ping-timestamp
    Probe results:
      Response received, Wed Aug 12 01:02:38 2009,
      Client and server hardware timestamps
      Rtt: 388 usec, Round trip jitter: 74 usec,
      Round trip interarrival jitter: 10 usec
    Results over current test:
      Probes sent: 4, Probes received: 4, Loss percentage: 0
      Measurement: Round trip time
        Samples: 4, Minimum: 266 usec, Maximum: 388 usec, Average: 321 usec,
        Peak to peak: 122 usec, Stddev: 44 usec, Sum: 1283 usec
      Measurement: Positive round trip jitter
        Samples: 2, Minimum: 49 usec, Maximum: 74 usec, Average: 62 usec,
        Peak to peak: 25 usec, Stddev: 12 usec, Sum: 123 usec
      Measurement: Negative round trip jitter
        Samples: 1, Minimum: 50 usec, Maximum: 50 usec, Average: 50 usec,
        Peak to peak: 0 usec, Stddev: 0 usec, Sum: 50 usec

Published: 2014-04-24

Published: 2014-04-24