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show snmp mib


show snmp mib (get | get-next | walk) (ascii | decimal) object-id

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

ascii and decimal options introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.

ascii and decimal options introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for EX Series switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Display local Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Information Base (MIB) object values.



Retrieve and display one or more SNMP object values.


Retrieve and display the next SNMP object values.


Retrieve and display the SNMP object values that are associated with the requested object identifier (OID). When you use this option, the Junos OS displays the objects below the subtree that you specify.


Display the SNMP object’s string indices as an ASCII-key representation.


Display the SNMP object values in the decimal (default) format. The decimal option is the default option for this command. Therefore, issuing the show snmp mib (get | get-next | walk) decimal object-id and the show snmp mib (get | get-next | walk) object-id commands display the same output.


The object can be represented by a sequence of dotted integers (such as or by its subtree name (such as interfaces). When entering multiple objects, enclose the objects in quotation marks.

Required Privilege Level


To view this statement in the configuration.

List of Sample Output

show snmp mib get
show snmp mib get (Multiple Objects)
show snmp mib get (Layer 2 Policer)
show snmp mib get-next
show snmp mib get-next (Specify an OID)
show snmp mib walk
show snmp mib walk (QFX Series)
show snmp mib walk decimal
show snmp mib walk (ASCII)
show snmp mib walk (Multiple Indices)
show snmp mib walk decimal (Multiple Indices)

Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show snmp mib command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show snmp mib Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Object name and numeric instance value.

object value

Object value. The Junos OS translates OIDs into the corresponding object names.

Sample Output

show snmp mib get

user@host> show snmp mib get sysObjectID.0
sysObjectID.0 = jnxProductNameM20

show snmp mib get (Multiple Objects)

user@host> show snmp mib get ?sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0?
sysObjectID.0 = jnxProductNameM20
sysUpTime.0 = 1640992

show snmp mib get (Layer 2 Policer)

user@host> show snmp mib get ifInOctets.25970
ifInOctets.25970 = 7545720

show snmp mib get-next

user@host> show snmp mib get-next jnxMibs
jnxBoxClass.0 = jnxProductLineM20.0

show snmp mib get-next (Specify an OID)

user@host> show snmp mib get-next
sysDescr.0    = Juniper Networks, Inc. m20 internet router, kernel 
Junos OS Release: 2004-1 Build date: build date UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Juniper Networks, Inc.

show snmp mib walk

user@host> show snmp mib walk system
sysDescr.0    = Juniper Networks, Inc. m20 internet router, kernel 
Junos OS Release #0: 2004-1 Build date: build date UTC Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Juniper Networks, Inc.
sysObjectID.0 = jnxProductNameM20
sysUpTime.0 = 1640992
sysContact.0 = Your contact
sysName.0 = my router
sysLocation.0 = building 1
sysServices.0 = 4

show snmp mib walk (QFX Series)

user@switch> show snmp mib walk system
sysDescr.0    = Juniper Networks, Inc. qfx3500s internet router, kernel JUNOS 11.1-20100926.0 #0: 2010-09-26 06:17:38 UTC Build date: 2010-09-26 06:00:10
sysObjectID.0 = jnxProductQFX3500
sysUpTime.0   = 138980301
sysContact.0  = System Contact
sysName.0     = LabQFX3500
sysLocation.0 = Lab
sysServices.0 = 4

show snmp mib walk decimal

user@host show snmp mib walk decimal jnxUtilData
jnxUtilCounter32Value. = 100

show snmp mib walk (ASCII)

show snmp mib walk ascii jnxUtilData
jnxUtilCounter32Value."fred" = 100

show snmp mib walk (Multiple Indices)

show snmp mib walk ascii jnxFWCounterByteCount
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_BE-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_CC-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_RT-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0

show snmp mib walk decimal (Multiple Indices)

show snmp mib walk ascii jnxFWCounterByteCount
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_BE-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_CC-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0
jnxFWCounterByteCount."fe-1/3/0.0-i"."CLASS_RT-fe-1/3/0.0-i".2 = 0

Published: 2014-07-23

Published: 2014-07-23