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    show system processes health


    show system processes health<process-name name | pid pid>

    Release Information

    Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.5.


    Display the resource utilization (health), of all the Junos applications currently running. You can display health information about one specific process by specifying either the process name or the process ID (PID).


    process-name name

    (Optional) Display health information about the process identified by the process name.

    pid pid

    (Optional) Display health information about the process identified by the PID.

    Required Privilege Level


    List of Sample Output

    show system processes health
    show system processes health pid
    show system processes health process-name

    Output Fields

    For a description of the output fields, see Table 1. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

    Table 1: show system processes health Output Fields

    Field Name

    Field Description


    Process ID, a number that identifies the process.


    Provider prefix. A string that identifies the provider of the Junos application.

    Parent process

    Process ID of the process that spawned the process in question.

    Child processes

    Process ID of the process that is launched from the process in question:

    • Process ID for child process—A number that identifies the child process.
    • Name of child process—A string that identifies the child process.

    CPU accumulated

    Maximum amount of CPU time that can be accumulated.


    A regular signal sent from a router to indicate that the router is up and running:

    • Interval—Number of seconds between heartbeats.
    • Allowed misses—Number of missed heartbeats allowed before the application restarts.
    • Last seen—Time in seconds when the last heartbeat occurred.
    • Total misses—Number of heartbeats missed so far.

    Resource utilization

    How memory is divided:

    • Area—Segment of memory.
    • Current—Current size of memory segment.
    • Max. allowed—Maximum size allowed for memory segment.
    • data size—Current and maximum sizes of data segment.
    • open files—Number of currently open files and the maximum allowed.
    • resident set size—Current and maximum size of resident set segment.
    • shared memory size—The amount of shared memory the process is using.
    • stack size—Current and maximum sizes of stack segment.

    Sample Output

    show system processes health

    user@host> show system processes health
    PID: 10075 (jnx-flow-mgmt)
    Provider: jnx
    Parent process: 1 (init)
    CPU accumulated: 0 seconds
    Resource utilization:
      Area                 Current  Max. allowed
      data size                7KB          32MB
      open files                20            64
      resident set size       12KB          24MB
      shared memory size       4KB
      stack size               2KB           8MB
    PID: 420 (jnx-exampled)
     Provider: jnx
     Parent process: 1 (init)
     Child processes: 1
       PID   	Process name
       421  	jnx-exampled
    CPU accumulated: 21 seconds
       Interval:       1s
       Allowed misses: 5
       Last seen:      1s ago (0 missed)
       Total misses:   2
    Resource utilization:
      Area                 Current  Max. allowed
      data size               24KB          16MB
      open files              23           128
      resident set size     1532KB          24MB
      shared memory size      43KB
      stack size               8KB           8MB

    show system processes health pid

    The output for the show system processes health pid pid command is identical to that for the show system processes health command except that health information is displayed for only the process specified by the PID. For sample output, see show system processes health.

    show system processes health process-name

    The output for the show system processes health process-name name command is identical to that for the show system processes health command except that health information is displayed for only the process named. For sample output, see show system processes health.

    Published: 2013-08-16

    Supported Platforms

    Published: 2013-08-16