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snmp -T system:mm[x] <-cax community-type> <-cx community-name> <-cxin (ip-address | hostname)> <-cn contact-name> <-l location>

Release Information

Command supported by Junos OS Release 9.1 and later.


(JCS1200 platform only) Display or configure SNMP settings on the JCS management module.


-T system:mm[x]—Specify the JCS management module as the target of the command. Replace x with a value of 1 or 2.

-cax community-type—(Optional) Specify an SNMPv3 view type for the community. View types can be get, set, or trap. Replace x with a value of 1 through 3 to represent the community number.

-cx community-name—(Optional) Specify a descriptive name for the community. Replace x with a value of 1 through 3 to represent the community number.

-cxin (ip-address | hostname)—(Optional) Specify an IP address or hostname for the community. Replace x with a value of 1 through 3 to represent the community number. Replace n with a value of 1 through 3 to represent the host ranking (first, second, or third). You can specify up to three hosts for each community.

-cn contact-name—(Optional) Specify a contact name for the SNMP community host server.

-l location—(Optional) Specify a location for the SNMP community host server.

Required Privilege Level

operator (display)

supervisor (display or configure)

List of Sample Output

snmp (Display)
snmp (Configure)

Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the snmp command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: snmp Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Status of the SNMP agent (enabled or disabled)


Status of the SNMP traps (enabled or disabled)


Descriptive name for the community


IP address and ranking of the community host


Contact name for the SNMP community host server


Location of the SNMP community host server

Sample Output

snmp (Display)

system> snmp -T system:mm[1]
To be provided.

snmp (Configure)

system> snmp -T system:mm[1] -ca1 trap -c1 Traps -c3i1

Published: 2013-07-16

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-07-16