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    interface-set (Dynamic CoS)


    interface-set interface-set-name {interface interface-name {unit logical-unit-number;}}

    Hierarchy Level

    [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name interfaces]

    Release Information

    Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.


    For MX Series routers with enhanced queuing DPCs or MPC/MIC modules, configure an interface set for dynamic CoS.


    interface-set interface-set-name—Name of the scheduler to be configured or one of the following Junos OS predefined variables:

    • $junos-interface-set-name—Predefined variable that, when used, is replaced with the interface-set obtained from the RADIUS server when a subscriber authenticates over the interface to which the dynamic profile is attached.
    • $junos-svlan-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name for use by dual-tagged VLAN interfaces based on the outer tag of the dual-tagged VLAN. The format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag.
    • $junos-tagged-vlan-interface-set-name—Locally generated interface set name used for grouping logical interfaces stacked over logical stacked VLAN demux interfaces for either a 1:1 (dual-tagged; individual client) VLAN or N:1 (single tagged; service) VLAN. The format of the generated variable differs with VLAN type. For dual-tagged (client) VLANs, the format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - outer_VLAN_tag - inner_VLAN_tag. For single tagged (service) VLAN, the format of the generated variable is physical_interface_name - VLAN_tag.

    The remaining statements are explained separately.

    Required Privilege Level

    interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

    interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

    Published: 2013-07-31