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partition partition-number oc-slice oc-slice-range interface-type type timeslots time-slot-range;

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces interface-name]

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


For IQ interfaces and J Series interfaces on the Dual-Port Channelized E1 and T1PIM, configure the channelized interface partition. The partition number is correlated with the channel number. Partition and channel numbering on IQ interfaces begins with :1, not :0.


If you omit this statement, the channelized PIC or PIM is not partitioned, and no data channels are configured.


partition-number—Sublevel interface partition index.


  • 1 through 4 for an OC3 interface on a channelized OC12 IQ interface.
  • 1 through 12 for a T3 interface on a channelized OC12 IQ interface.
  • 1 through 4 for a T3 interface on a channelized T3 IQ interface.
  • 1 through 28 for a T1 IQ interface on a channelized OC12 IQ or channelized T3 IQ interface.
  • 1 through 10 for an E1 interface on a channelized E1 IQ interface.
  • 1 through 30 on a channelized E1 interface.
  • 1 through 23 on a channelized T1 interface.
  • 1 through 24 for NxDS0 interfaces on either channelized OC12 IQ or channelized DS3 IQ interfaces.
  • 0 through 31(with 0 reserved for framing) for NxDS0 interfaces on channelized E1 IQ interfaces.

The remaining statements are explained separately.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-08-01