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Physical Part of an Interface Name

Interface Names for ACX Series Universal Access Routers

ACX Series routers do not have actual PIC devices. Instead they have built-in network ports on the front panel of the router. These ports are named using the same naming convention used for routers with PIC devices with the understanding that the FPC, PIC and port are pseudo devices. When you display information about one of these ports, you specify the interface type, the slot for the Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC), the slot on the FPC for the Physical Interface Card (PIC), and the configured port number.

In the physical part of the interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the FPC number, and a slash (/) separates the FPC, PIC, and port numbers:


J Series Interface Names

On J Series routers, when you display information about an interface, you specify the interface type, the slot in which the Physical Interface Module (PIM) is installed, 0, and the configured port number.

In the physical part of the interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the PIM number, and a slash (/) separates the PIM, 0, and port numbers:


Note: An exception to the type-pim/0/port physical description is the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) dialer interface, which uses the syntax dlnumber.

Interface Names for M Series and T Series Routers and PTX Series Packet Transport Routers

On M Series and T Series routers and PTX Series Packet Transport Routers, when you display information about an interface, you specify the interface type, the slot in which the Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) is installed, the slot on the FPC in which the Physical Interface Card (PIC) is located, and the configured port number.

In the physical part of the interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the FPC number, and a slash (/) separates the FPC, PIC, and port numbers:


Note: Exceptions to the type-fpc/pic/port physical description include the aggregated Ethernet and aggregated SONET/SDH interfaces, which use the syntax aenumber  and asnumber, respectively.

MX Series Router Interface Names

On MX Series routers when you display information about an interface, you specify the interface type, the Dense Port Concentrator (DPC), Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC), or Modular Port Concentrator (MPC) slot, the PIC or MIC slot, and the configured port number.

Note: Although the MX Series routers use DPCs, FPCs, MPCs, MICs, and PICs, command syntax in this book is shown as fpc/pic/port for simplicity.

In the physical part of the interface name, a hyphen (-) separates the media type from the FPC number, and a slash (/) separates the DPC, FPC or MPC, MIC or PIC, and port numbers:

  • fpc—Slot in which the DPC, FPC, or MPC is installed.
  • pic—Slot on the FPC in which the PIC is located.

    For DPCs, MICs, and the 16-port MPC, the PIC value is a logical grouping of ports and varies on different platforms.

  • port—Port number on the DPC, PIC, MPC, or MIC.

Published: 2013-07-23

Published: 2013-07-23