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Nonstop Bridging System Requirements

This topic contains the following sections:

Platform Support

Nonstop bridging is supported on MX Series 3D Universal Edge Routers. Your system must be running Junos OS Release 8.4 or later.

Nonstop bridging is supported on EX Series switches with redundant Routing Engines in a Virtual Chassis or in a Virtual Chassis Fabric.

Nonstop briding is supported on QFX Series switches in a Virtual Chassis or in a Virtual Chassis Fabric. Limited support for NSB is also provided on a QFX5100 standalone switch, but NSB is enabled only during an ISSU.

Note: If you are using a QFX5100 standalone switch and you want to use ISSU, configure Graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES), NSB and nonstop active routing (NSR). You must configure NSB, GRES, and NSR in order to run ISSU. However, GRES, NSB and NSR are enabled only during the upgrade. During an ISSU, the Junos OS runs in two separate virtual machines (VMs)—one VM is in the master role acting as the master Routing Engine, and the other VM is in the backup role acting as the backup Routing Engine. The Junos OS is upgraded on the backup VM. After a successful software upgrade, the backup VM then becomes the master VM, and the original master VM is no longer needed and is shut down.

For a list of the EX Series switches and Layer 2 protocols that support nonstop bridging, see EX Series Switch Software Features Overview.

Note: All Routing Engines configured for nonstop bridging must be running the same Junos OS release.

Protocol Support

Nonstop bridging is supported for the following Layer 2 control protocols:

  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
  • Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
  • Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)

Published: 2014-06-02